《Engagement [Book 3: SEKTOR V Trilogy]》Chapter 7: Trader's Rigel


Wintean Chiroid looked on in disbelief at the number of Humans that surrounded and outnumbered him. Many times, the margins would approach 1000:1. Like most Alpha Centaurians, he was in awe of the incredibly idyllic world that was almost spontaneously created, seemingly from nothing. And yet, somehow, he noticed that the Humans didn't seem to value, or perhaps more unfathomably, appreciate the ecological wonderland that was all around them. For Wintean, and the handful of other Triughan merchants and traders who lived on Rigel, this wasn't just perplexing but it was also unacceptable.

He didn't mind that most Human Colonists on Rigel lived a very comfortable, isolated existence. Outside of the occasional AC business transaction with traders like himself, nearly all of their day-to-day dealings were intra-Human. This insular lifestyle was by choice and something that, for the most part, most Triughans were more than happy to perpetuate for decades. All of that changed however once Terra Forming successfully took hold of Rigel nearly 30 years ago. At that point, the narrative began to shift for most Alpha Centaurians who resided on a much less temperate, largely ice-covered world. Today, Rigel is looked on enviously by much of its citizenry, Wintean Chiroid included. Oddly, the Human population has chosen to blissfully ignore this tectonic shift in AC sentiment that has repeatedly been vocalized by the Rigel Legislature and Triughan general populace over the past two decades.

"Hello Mr. Chiroid, how is the installation coming?" Mr. Higgins asked. "As I mentioned to you yesterday, my wife and I will be leaving the main populous later this afternoon and we were hoping that you might be finished by then?"

Wintean glanced up from the transformer installation he had been immersed in and responded.

"No, I'm sorry Mr. Higgins, we will need a few additional days to install and integrate the solar and geothermal networks into the Colonial subsystem power grid. Wik and I will need a bit more time I'm afraid."


Wintean looked over at Wik Zylyn who had not stopped working but happened to look up just as the question was asked. He looked confused but given the clear visible queues from his colleague, he awkwardly shook his head in agreement.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but I understand," responded Mr. Higgins. "Perhaps you will be finished once we return."

"Hopefully, we shall see..." Wintean replied.

This seemed to satisfy Mr. Higgins who smiled before turning and walking away.

After he had cleared the area, Wintean spoke.

"Is this species for real?" he asked, semi-rhetorically. "They are completely oblivious! Do they realize what they have in front of them?"

Wintean noticed that Wik, who continued to work, clearly didn't share his concern or passion for the Human condition he had just raised.

After waiting for several seconds for some sort of reply from his friend, Wintean emphatically added, "Well, do they??"

Finally, Wik glanced up from the work he was engrossed in.

"What's the big deal?" he asked casually. "They're going on a trip."

Wintean looked at the ground and shook his head.

"Wik, how can you be so blind?" he asked.

"This species comes here, finds a rock, adds some pixie dust, and manages to create paradise in a mere geological instant. Admittedly no one, and I do mean no one, expected this little experiment to take hold. AC had failed three times previously. But what we have here on Rigel now is simply a miracle."

Wik seemed unimpressed.

"Have you seen the planet they came from? ...Earth I think they call it?"

That place was spectacular. Well, technically I guess it still is, assuming the Zetas haven't blown the place up for some reason."

Wintean didn't often agree with Wik on topics related to politics or philosophy but in this case, he had to admit that he had a point. This species was spoiled. Their entire existence was on a planet that, by Triughan standards, was indeed paradise. And even then, the Humans didn't truly appreciate what they had. The work they were performing today really drove that point home. After living 100 Earth years on an artificially-resuscitated satellite that required a complex mix of technology and continuous resource management, it was inconceivable that any Rigel domicile would be separated from the global renewable network. And for Wintean, it was also unforgivable.


"Well, beautiful or not, the point remains," Wintean replied to his friend. "Triughans, do not share Human history. For the past one hundred solar cycles, we have lead a very difficult existence. Our people have had no choice but to be careful and very resourceful. To us, Rigel is an incredible gift. It is a gift that we not only need but also deserve. We cannot stand by and let ungrateful aliens take what is rightfully ours. We have limited land, natural resources, and a climate that is harsh in most places. The 'understanding' we have had with this species is now over 100 years old. It is time for them to move on. We have done our part."

"Be careful what you wish for Wintean," Wik said as he continued the install. "I have a strong feeling the S5 Council may see things differently. We have seen what they can do. Trade is our lifeblood. I for one do not like tinkering with my meal ticket."

"Ah yes, trade...", responded Wintean.

"I presume you are aware of the commerce that once existed with the Zetas? Politics aside, that relationship was a huge benefit to our marginally sustainable world. Their genetically optimized seed lots were unparalleled in the sektor and were often the difference between struggle and sustenance for many of our people. It is no coincidence that life has gotten much more difficult since the Zeta trade embargo took hold. And do not fool yourself...many on Triugha hold the same sentiments that I do."

After a brief pause and no reply from his friend, Wintean continued.

"The other truism in all this is that it is not beyond the realm of possibility that the Zetas somehow discover, on their own, the existence of this burgeoning Human Colony. That outcome would truly be unfortunate for the Humans. It would also produce obvious complications for Alpha Centauri. As such, avoiding accidental discovery is in everyone's best interest. Of course, should it happen that the Zetas somehow find out the existence of the Humans in a more, shall we say, 'deliberate fashion', the benefits to our people could be quite substantial...

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