《Alpha Human》The Obsidian Storm


The storm didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. The winds were still blowing pretty hard, and the air was still pretty thick. A lot of people were definitely going to die. Unless maybe. "Is there any way I could help?" I asked.

"This isn't a movie, and you are no hero" he said to me.

"And yet I have these abilities." I said. "If I can help, why shouldn't I?"

"because we don't know the extent of your abilities, what if you're only partially indestructible."

"I have to try" I said looking at the TV again. "or they'll all die"

he stood and gave me a look as if he were concerned. "Do you believe in destiny" the doctor asked curiously.

I chuckled. "I believe in duty" I answered.

"Then I can't stop you" he said. "but I can help"

He walked towards the window, and pulled the curtain. The window began to move, and rotated. On the other side was a separate room, revealing a hoodie and a pair of jeans that looked my size. "This is a custom fire retardant outfit." he said.

I walked up to it. "Does it have quarters so I can call the police just in case I'm in trouble?" I asked sarcastically.

"You are the only one that can save New York now, so hurry up and change" he demanded.

I nodded, then stepped into the walk in closet. After I changed, we got into one of Grant's many expensive cars. This car was more expensive than every car I've been in combined.

He took it upon himself to drive me as close as he could get. The wind was getting stronger, and specs of dust clouded our vision.

Suddenly Grant pulled up next to a pharmacy. "I can't take you any further than this, the storm is too strong" he said. He pulled out a black cap. with holes in the mouth and eyes. "Just in case the news reporters see you"


"As if I have a reputation to protect" I said sarcastically, then slipped the mask on then got out of the car. I could see the large mass of dust picking up, and destroying more of the city. I took off, and ran towards channeling that super speed id worked so hard to develop.

Something weird happened when I did. The storm looked like it was turning towards me as I came towards it. I was slowed down quickly, as the gusts became stronger.

Pieces of rock flew towards me. Maybe Grant was right, maybe it was alive. I ran towards the buildings for cover. How was I going to get to the eye of the storm without being ripped to shreds? If the storm was a person, then it could be weakened, just like a human. I pulled out my safety gun, aimed, then fired. Rounds flew at the storm, tearing through the wind.

The storm began to calm more. If it was a person then it would be easily destroyed by fire. Before I could attack the storm again, a large piece of rock flew at me. I tried to run, but the edge of the stone caught me on the arm, and slashed my flesh. It burned like it had poison in it. With anger I ran closer, and closer to the storm until I had visual of the center of it. I ran up the side of a building, next to it then leaped off, while igniting my hands. I fired the large torches of my hands into the eye of the storm.

I fell to the ground roughly on my back. The storm disappeared into a mist. As I forced myself to stand, I noticed a young kid just about fifteen feet from me. Had that been the person controlling the storm?


I walked to him, pulling the knife out of my boot. He began to get up. "Stay right there, or I'll kill you" I told him. He looked up at me with his innocent eyes. The kid was only about eight years old.

"Where's my mom?" he said, then began crying. "I'm scared"

I felt I was in very awkward position. Was he faking it, or was he genuinely scared? I dropped the knife. I took out my hand, then lifted him up. "Who are you?" I asked. "What happened?"

"My name is John" He began. "I was going home from school, when a man grabbed me." He explained. He was trapped inside of the storm? This doesn't make sense. Why did he take the kid, and trap him inside.

Before I could get my questions answered, police rushed in, and threw us both to the ground. "You're under arrest!" they yelled. I looked at the boy's worried face. With my strength I resisted, then raced out of the area, with the boy. I hid us in the alley of a flower store.

"Go and find your family." I told him. He nodded, then ran away. I watched him go safely.

"Nice work" a voice from the alley said frightening me. I turned around to find Grant standing behind me.

"You almost scared me to death" I said to him.

"You just fought a giant dust monster, and you're scared of that?" he asked.

"You were right, it was a person." I said to him. "Apparently he took the kid, and placed him in the center of the storm as if he was some sort of vessel."

"Why would he need a human body as a power source for an inanimate storm?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "At least we know what powers his storms" he said.

"God this thing is sweaty." I said as I took off my mask, then threw it at Grant. "You can get that dry cleaned right?" I asked.

He cringed, then dropped it onto the ground. I laughed, then put my hand on his shoulder as we walked away.

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