《Alpha Human》Answers


"What the hell did you do to me?" I asked him violently. He allowed me in, stepping out of the way, then closing the doors.

"I didn't do anything to you" he said. "The artifact, did that to you" he told me as if it were any different than what he had previously said.

I wanted to be angrier at him, though I was distracted by the lavishness, and beauty of his house. "What the hell were you doing carrying around something that powerful?!" I yelled as I observed the golden arms of the large chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

He laughed. "I conclude that you're experiencing some side effects from your survival?" he asked.

"can you fix me?" I asked.

"So you're displeased with your new found abilities?" he asked. "Ask me any questions that you'd like to know about what happened."

He proceeded to call for someone with a loud obnoxious yell. A man walked through the doors very quickly, with his head lowered, and his back straight. His tailored suit, and obedient demeanor suggested that he was a butler. "Lock all of the windows and the doors, and make sure no one hears our conversation." He said rudely. The butler nodded then left.

"What happened to my body?" I asked.

He answered quickly, "I don't know. It is foreign technology after all"

"Foreign as in Australia?"

"So far research has condemned it to be extraterrestrial"

"Like aliens?" I asked. "Has my body been poisoned, am I going to die?"

"Not necessarily" he answered. "It was like you adapted to the emissions, and used them to make your adaptation accommodate yourself."

I wasnt aware that it was even possible for adaptations to even occur in the human body so quickly. "What do you mean, like I mutated?" I asked.


"Yeah, sort of." He answered.

"Then what happened to you?" I asked. "Why are you still alive?"

He hesitated at first as if he were trying to hide something from me. "I was lucky enough to survive the accident, and heal quickly" he said to me. "I've had some minor developments of regeneration, but nothing too serious compared to your condition" he said to me.

"Though I suspect that you're experiencing instability along with your emotions"

My body went into slight panic as I heard the word unstable. "yes actually" I said.

"Well I can't say for sure, unless I do an internal check on the way your body's working." he said as he stood up. He walked up to me, and pulled out a watch looking device. It was golden on the outsides, and a nice metallic black on the inside. "Put this on" he commanded. I hesitated as I took it. The watch looked more dangerous than it looked helpful. "It's not going to kill you" he said. I wrapped the wristband around my wrist. It began to activate, and flash blue lights on the edges of the band. A projection of words went up into the air.

"Wow" I said. "Did you make this?"

"Well, yes of course. I only trust and manufacture my own devices." he answered.

During the accident when he was nearing the light of death, he was much more kind. Though now his attitude has been overrun by arrogance, and selfishness. "So what is it supposed to be?" I asked.

"It's a neurotransmitter." He answered.

"It connects to the nerves in your body to read the molecular functioning of your cells" I finished.

He smiled. "So you know a bit about micro neurology?" he asked.


"Just a bit" I answered. "When I was young, my father used to read these science books to me." I spoke.

"Your father?" he asked.

"Yes my father" I said, "How are my vitals looking?" I said changing the subject to a less personal one.

"Well, there's good news, and bad news" he told me. "Which one would you like to hear first?" he asked me.

"The good news" I answered to him.

"You're body has the ability to manipulate the movement of your cells, and morph to adapt to its surroundings. This means that you may be able to contain many types of unknown abilities such as speed, or something as complex as teleportation."

"that doesn't sound so bad"

"The bad news is that your body has not yet learned to control said abilities."

"So all I have to do, is not use my abilities, and I won't catch on fire?" I asked.

"Well yeah, but it's not that easy. Your body is unstable. Though there are methods of training that will settle your cells to a more dormant state."

I nodded. "Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" I asked him.

"Because, it will take long hours, and you seem lazy"

"As long as your methods are effective, I don't think that I'd have a problem with gaining a few bruises, and scratches to save my life."

He crossed his arms. "Alright" he said. "I hope you're ready"

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