《Alpha Human》Robbery Gone Wrong


After school I had gone outside too late, and missed the bus. I didn't want Jacob to pick me up, so I decided that my only choice was to walk.

The streets in New York are kind of like the streets in Ohio if New York was covered in corn, and wheat. The tall buildings and loud traffic gave me a headache. A headache I happily exchanged for the desolate roads in Ohio.

On the way, I wanted to pick up a snack, so I stopped by some random convenience store.

I looked around as I was deciding on either Frito's or honey buns. The store didn't have many costumers. There were only about several people, three of which were in the back. They were walking back and forth with suspiciously large jackets on. There were only two explanations to that. They were either back round dancers at a pop concert, or they were robbers.

Sensing the danger I tried to exit the store. I was rushing so much that I failed to realize that a faulty wire hanging on the handle of the door. When I tried to pull open the handle, bolts were sent through my body, causing paralysis, and pain. I collapsed onto the floor. I could thankfully still see, and breathe, but I was completely immobile.

A kind Samaritan, quickly kneeled down to help me. Though we were both caught off guard when a rain of bullets lit up the store. The three men disguised in black clothing stepped up, revealing their previously hidden weapons. Great a robbery, and I was electrocuted. I was not having a good day.

"Listen up!" the one in the middle commanded. "I want everything everyone has got. Money, gold, watches. Everything. No one leaves the store unless I have what I want!"


I barely felt like I could breathe, how was I supposed to hand him my watch. The man kneeling next to me clutched onto his side bag. It didn't look like an average purse. It was very small, but I could see the logo for the Pentagon on it.

I lifted myself feet, trying to stand again, but the pain shot me back down in agony. The guy kneeling down next to me pushed his hand on my shoulder, preventing me from trying to stand up anymore. "You need to stay down. The electrocides in your tissues are still very active, and will kill you".

I had no Idea who this man was. Being as stubborn as I always was, I debated. "And who are you to diagnose me?" I asked.

He pulled out a name tag "Im Dr. Grant Keeley Phd in medicine, neurology, nano science, and radiology"

I Guess I could trust this guy after all.

One of the gunmen heard us speaking, and took interest in our conversation. "You" He said to Dr. Keeley. "What's in the bag?" he asked pointing to the satchel on the side of Dr. Keeley's arm.

Dr. Keeley clutched the bag even tighter. "Nothing, just an old scrapbook" he said. All signs indicated he was lyng.

The gunman grabbed Dr. Keeley up by his shirt. "Do you think I'm stupid?" He asked. Seeing as he had left his armed gun on the floor, when he picked Grant up, that question was rhetorical. I was right next to it. I could feel how close the object was, but my body was still in a state of immobility.

I reached as hard as I could, straining, and forcing the pain down. The weapon was just two inches away from me. I could've had it, but then a piercing bullet went through the palm of my hand. I screamed in pain unable to move any longer. "Do you really think that I wouldn't see you, boy?" the gunman said dropping Mr. Keeley on the ground. "I am getting sick, and tired of these games." The gunman grabbed the doctors bag, and went through it. Out he pulled a large sphere made of rock.


Dr. Keeley stood up. "Sir, that is government property. If you take that you'll be stealing from our country, a federal offense" he protested.

"Good, then I know it's worth a-lot for ransom" he said. The object definitely wasn't a scrapbook.

The gunman then began tampering with it. He observed every inch of it, as if he was looking for an on switch.

"Don't do that!" Dr. Keeley yelled. "That machine is dangerous, your going to kill us all!" Was it some sort of grenade?

It was already too late to stop anything. The gunman had hit some switch activating its power source. The container began to glow blue all around. Frightened by the device, the gunman dropped it onto the floor. Everyone in the store watched, as the container starting spewing through blue light. Wind began to pick up, but there was no open door or window.

"What the hell is that thing" The gunman said beginning to worry.

Dr. Keeley began to explain, "It's an ancient artifact you idiot."

"What is it going to do?" The gunman asked terrified.

"We're all going to die in this store!" Dr. Keeley answered. The winds became stronger, and stronger reaching high speeds.

As soon as possible, the other gunmen grabbed what money they could, and ran out of the store. The third gunman tried to go after them, but I grabbed one of their legs preventing him from going anywhere. It took lots of willpower to endure the pain of my arm. "Let go of me" He said.

"If I die, you die with me." I told him.

He eventually pulled away, but when he tried to open the door, he was faced with an inoperable door. "Whats happening" The gunman screamed.

"I don't know" Keeley said.

"No!" The gunman yelled banging his hands loudly against the windows.

Instead of acting as a crazy maniac like he did. I laid on my back, as I faced my last moments in life. I closed my eyes. It couldn't be over, my life couldn't be ending so soon. I couldn't even breathe or think of everything going away. There would be no more tomorrow for me. Any moment now I would be carried away by the nature of death.

Clutching onto my arm, I waited For what would happen next. Not a moment too soon and it was already beginning. Before I knew it, a surge of power shot through my body. It was excruciatingly painful. After the unbearable pain ended, everything went dark, and I was no longer awake.

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