《death's right hand: The Death Bringer》the sorting


Y/n pov:

I watch as the bleach blonde haired boy approaches Harry and starts talking to him. I lean against a wall bored already.

Y/n: tha e coltach ri balach athair.

I smirk as I see professor McGonagall come up behind Draco and taps him with a roll of parchment. We form two lines and walk toward a stool with an old hat on it and it sings. I look around in awe at the beauty of the great hall and spot something like water rippling next to Dumbledore's chair. I pay attention to the front as mcgonagall starts to unroll the parchment.

Professor McGonagall: Abbott, Hannah!

A light brown haired girl walks up nervous and gets placed in Hufflepuff. Next was a boy named seamus who got placed in gryffindor. After him was Hermione.

The sorting hat: mind like a ravenclaw but bravery of a gryffindor....hmmm......I know gryffindor!

Next was Neville and he got gryffindor but he was laughed at for forgetting to take off the hat. Ron went next.

The sorting hat: ha! Another weasley, I know just what to do with you. Gryffindor!

Professor McGonagall: Malfoy, Draco!

Draco walks up confidently and before the hat is on his head.

The sorting hat: Slytherin!

Professor McGonagall: Parvati patil!

A dark Indian skin toned girl walks up nervous and gets the hat placed on her head.

The sorting hat: gryffindor!

Professor McGonagall: padma patil!

Another dark Indian skin toned girl who looked like Parvati gets on the stool and has the hat placed on her head.

The sorting hat: ravenclaw!

After her a chubby boy gets sorted into Slytherin along with a second chubby boy.

Professor McGonagall: Justin flinch-fletchly!

The sorting hat: Hufflepuff!

Professor McGonagall: Susan bones!

The sorting hat: Hufflepuff!

After she was sorted into Hufflepuff three other girls got put in Hufflepuff.


Professor McGonagall: Pansy Parkinson!

A pug faced looking girl walked up.

The sorting hat: I know just where you go. Best be in Slytherin!

I watch as she runs towards Draco Malfoy and hugs onto his arm as he has a look of annoyance on his face. I chuckle at the sight.

Harry and Lily: what are you laughing at?

I point at Malfoy's face and lily giggles.

Professor McGonagall: Harry Potter!

I sigh and roll my eyes as everyone is whispering and trying to get a glimpse of harry potter as he approaches the stool and gets the hat placed on his head. Once the hat was on Harry's head everyone went silent and watched with hope of having him in their hogwarts house.

The sorting hat: ah, a potter been a while since I've had to sort one of you. Now, let's see hmmm.....not a bad mind but clearly your mind is not for ravenclaw no.

The ravenclaw table looks disappointed in not getting Harry Potter the boy who lived.

The sorting hat: hmmm, ah....you have some qualities of Hufflepuff in you but not strong enough or good enough to go in old Helga's house.

The Hufflepuff tables loses some hope.

The sorting hat: ah now you have a yearning and want to prove yourself, why Slytherin can help you there but....

The Slytherin table looks hopeful at their house being mentioned.

The sorting hat: but....you also have a bravery as strong as your father. You can also to well in gryffindor as well. Hmmm....

Harry: *not Slytherin, not Slytherin, not Slytherin...*

The sorting hat: not Slytherin aye why it's all in here in your head. No?

Harry: *not Slytherin, not Slytherin, anywhere but Slytherin,....*

The sorting hat: if you insist then it might as well be gryffindor!


The gryffindor table cheers loudly as I roll my eyes as he's just another kid in your house.

Professor McGonagall: Mal jolie!

A girl with purple hair and jade green eyes walks up with a nervous and confident smirk.

The sorting hat: Slytherin!

(Eh, thought to have someone who is a good Slytherin and think of her being 11 because that appearance is when she's a third year)

Professor McGonagall: Lily potter!

Lily walks up nervous and curious about where she will be placed.

The sorting hat: ah now this potter has a mind that is almost as mighty as old rowena's, so clearly your mind is showing that you are the smarter potter.

Harry: hey!

Everyone laughs at Harry's outburst.

The sorting hat: but your ambition and bravery are at the same strength as your mind. So which one of the three? Hmmm? Ah might as well be slythindorclaw!

Everyone except y/n: huh? What does the hat mean slythindorclaw? What?....

Professor Dumbledore: care to explain why you combined the name of three hogwarts houses.

The sorting hat: she has the qualities of Slytherin, gryffindor, and ravenclaw at the same strength equally and evenly and since they balance each other out i could not decide so lily potter belongs to all three.

Professor McGonagall: Blaise zabani!

The sorting hat: Slytherin!

Everyone looks at me ,since I'm the last first year, in hopes of getting me to be in their hogwarts house so that the feast can begin. Professor McGonagall looks at her parchment and picks up the sorting hat and opens her mouth to speak.



tha e coltach ri balach athair means he must be a daddy's boy

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