《Hidden||Harry Potter various[YEAR 1-2]》ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ↣ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ sᴇᴠᴇɴ↢


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"Do we have to call you Professor Y/N?" I blinked many eyes that I don't even know how much.


I felt my face starting to heat up; I don't know what to say next.

"Wh...what? N...no, you don't have to call me Pr...professor, I'm just helping, I'm not teaching cl...class." I couldn't help but smile.

I don't know what's my goal; once I finished Hogwarts. But my only ambition is to find out about my family.

"Aww, look at this. Y/N Dumbledore is teaching, are you perhaps earning money by doing this Y/N?" We all twist our head to the owner of the voice.

And it was Pansy Parkinson, along with her little group.

"I don't know why Dracy and the others are here. Honestly, you boys could ask me or us instead of asking her." She added while eyeing at the boys along with her group.

"Well, no one wants to get educated by plug-ugly berk bitches. " Kayden slammed her book.

"Ken language," Easton spoke.

"No, no, Ken is saying the fact, but, instead, they went up to me and asked me to tutor them." I stood up from my chair and walked towards them.

"Why? Are you jealous?" I smirked as I stared at her.

"Y/N, don't start a fight. Everyone is looking at us now." I heard Percy whispered.

"Let them be, let them see these manky, minger, muppet girls know who they are dealing with." My smirk grew wider.

"How dare you call us that!!!" Pansy raised her hand and about to slap me, but my hand is faster than hers, I whack her face instead.

Hard, by the way.

She fell to the ground, and there was a loud gasp from everyone.

"Dracy! Kaydy! Help me! She slapped me!" She cried, but I only laughed.

I never felt this way; I feel happy seeing someone crying because I hit them.

"Quiet! This is a library! Out you girls!" We all turned around to aunt Irma, but I noticed someone was there too.

Auntie Minnie, Uncle Severus and grandpa. My eyes widened and took a step back.

"Five points from Slytherin for causing a scene in the library, Ms Parskinson, Bulstrode and Greengrass." Auntie Minnie glared.

The three of them whimpered and nodded then walked away, but before they walked away, Pansy glared at me.

"While for you, Y/N and Knight will be receiving detention for action and foul language." Uncle Severus spoke, but the tone was pure disappointment.

"Yes... Uncle..." I looked down.

"And please continue tutoring them, if you all need a classroom, feel free so that no-one will bother you all." Grandpa stroked my hair.

"By the way, Knight, have you went to the hospital wing yet? Have you drank your med-" grandpa said, but Kayden stood up.

"I'll be going now, thank you, sir." Kayden bowed at him politely and walked out of the library.

"Grandpa? Is Kayden sick?" I asked.

"I am not in the position to tell you that Y/N, let Knight be alone." I nodded and went back to my seat again.

"Y/N, the detention, will be held on Monday. Could you please tell that to Knight." Uncle Severus said.

"Yes, uncle- I mean, professor."

After that, they all left. I looked at the others, and they still have a shocked face.

"Merlin's beard, Y/N! You slapped her face!" Fred covered his mouth.


"She deserves it." I rolled my eye, and my friends nodded their head in agreement.

"By the way, how about your other friend? What was his name again?" Dean said.

"Kaydy Knight?" Seamus said, but then Henry, Ben, Easton and I burst out laughing but not too loud.

"Salazar, oh no, Ken would kill you if he heard you call him that," Ben said between his laugh.

"That's true; she will freak out, and her name is Kayden Knight," I said as I wipe my tears.

"What? Is Knight a girl or a boy?" Terence asked.

"Girl" "boy." We four said at the same time but the three of them said boy while I said girl.

"That person is genderless," Draco spoke while focusing on his homework.

"No, as you can see. Kayden is in fact, a girl, she looks like her mom and dad, but her dad genes are stronger so." I glared at him.

"Can we just all stick with him/his and Knight as a boy? And let's all wait until we get older if Knight change." Hermione crossed her arms.

We all nodded at her, and I continue tutoring them.

"Um, Y/N?" I heard Adrian called my name; I walked towards him.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Um, what's Vampiric vegetation? I wasn't paying attention to the class." He scratched back of his neck and laughing awkwardly.

"Oh, Vampiric vegetation are a group of magical plants characterised by their vampire-like teeth. Because of their sharp teeth, they are presumably quite dangerous to handle and cultivate." I noticed how Neville is taking notes to what I said.

"Hold on; we learned that in the third year, how did you know about that?" Percy said as he stared at me.

"Duh, I am Y/N Dumbledore, and I know my stuff." I playfully rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Thanks for that N/N!" The twins said as they began writing.

"No problem." I smiled.


More days passed, everyone is stressed about the exams and how they got more homework and essay.

"Mails here!!"

Our owls flew to us and seemed like I got another letter. I am sure it's from those anonymous people again.

Also, I haven't been dreaming of Tom; I wonder how he is doing now. I am worried because I haven't seen him in my dream.

Red landed in front of me and dropped the letter, "thanks Red, " I patted him.

I opened the letter, and I was right. It is from them again.

ear darling sweetheart

It will be full moon again tonight again, and it seems like you didn't play the violin we gave you

Don't worry, we know you had detention last time but please play it, so the animals in the forest will sleep peacefully.

And happy late birthday, darling



"Again? Full Moon? Later tonight?" I mumbled as I re-read the letter again.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Marcus sat beside me.

"Huh? Nothing." I smiled and put the letter in my pocket.

"Marcus, you should start studying, the exams are near." He stopped munching his sweets.

"I can always take another year; Quidditch is more important." He crossed his arms.

"As far as I know education is more important, I get it. You love Quidditch, and I do love Quidditch too, but you should likewise pay attention to studying also." I raised my eyebrows, he sighed and raised his both hands to the air.


"Yes, yes, I got it. I'll do that, but you've got to help me. Okay?" He smiled. I nodded and smiled back.

"Thanks, princess." He ruffles my hair.


Finally, it's midnight! I sat down to my bed and checked if Kayden was there and she is in fact sleeping.

I quickly but quietly took my violin. I grabbed a green hood and wrapped it around me, especially my head so no one can know it was me.

I took Red from his cage, and he was just looking at me, "alright Red, let's make a deal. I'll give you extra snacks just don't make any loud OR noises, "

"You got that?" I whispered, he nodded. We sure do understand each other so much.

"Alright, let's go," I said both of us creeped out from our dorm. I silently went down to the common room.

"Let's go to the secret passageway," I mumbled as I gently touch the bookshelf and it moves away.

Red made a hooting noise, "I know I am smart to make this passageway, but please sshh."

Both of us got out of the castle; we are at the back of the castle. I ran but quietly to the Whomping Willow.

"Hello there Willow, I am here for a mission, and that is to play some songs for the animals here at the forest. Wanna hear it?" I smiled as I gently cherish the tree. The tree surprise nodded or moved.

I took the violin out of the case, and I place my chin to the chinrest. Then I started playing(the song up there), and let myself play, creating a tune (just pretend).

While I was playing the violin, my eyes were close for a second, but then once I opened my eyes, there was a werewolf in front of me, sitting on the ground while watching me.

Not going to lie, I'm scared right now. I don't know what will the werewolf would to do me after I finish the tune.

It is not the wolf I saw before but intact an actual werewolf.

In the end, I did finish the music. I closed my eyes and sighed. Waiting for the werewolf to attack me, but then I felt something lick my cheek.

I opened my eyes and saw the werewolf relaxing on the soil, his tongue out and making those dog noise.

I placed my hand to my chest, "Oh, Merlin, I thought you were going to attack me." I sighed in relief.

I checked the clock to my watch; it's twelve-thirty am.

"Oh shoot, I have to go now. I'll be back next full moon, okay?" I smiled at the werewolf, and surprisingly it nodded.

I placed my hand to the tree, "Willow, I'll be back next time and play a tune again. Alright?" The tree branch slowly went to my cheek and cherished my cheek.

I giggled, "I'll be going now. Goodbye." I patted the tree, and the werewolf seems like I got a new friend.


I quickly and silently went to my dorm as Red was flying quietly.

But then I heard a cough behind me, I froze on my spot and slowly turned around, and didn't notice how close they were already. I hit my face to his chest.

I slowly looked up and saw Percy looked down at me while his left eyebrows lifted, "hi." I awkwardly smile.

"It's a lovely night, eh? Look at the moon. Ha, haha." I looked away from his face and pointed at the moon.

Then I looked at my watch, "oh look at that time, I'm late for my bed. This won't be nice; I have to go now." I was about to start walking away, but he yanked my back collar.

I turn around to face him again, "Yes, Gryffindor Prefect? Is there something wrong?" I gave him an awkward smile but not meeting his eyes.

Then he smiled at me, that wasn't even a happy smile. It was an angry smile. I screwed up.

"Well, greeting to you too, Ms Little Dumbledore. It is pleasant seeing you, LATE.AT.NIGHT even though you are not allowed to be out late because it is not safe for you." He said sarcastically.

"We...well, what are you d..doing late at night! You are also out of bed!" I crossed my arm as I huff.

"I happen to be a PREFECT, and it is my duty to check if some students are out of bed." I sighed and gave up.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'm that I'm out of bed." I looked down.

I heard him sigh as well, "where we're you?" He asked.

"I can't tell you..."

"And why is that?"

"Because I cant." I bit my lower lip, "tell me."

"Percy, I can't. Can you just let me go this time? I won't do this again." I pout as I gave him puppy eyes.

Yes, I won't let myself get caught by you again, bloody hell.

"Godric... Alright." He mumbled, I smiled at him widely and hugged him.

"Thank you! You're the best!" I kissed his cheek, but then I froze.

My eyes widen as I slowly look to him, his eyes widened too.

"I...I... Gotta go..." I ran away and went to my dorm.

I should have took the secret way from my common room to go back instead.

I said the password and ran to my share room. I flopped to my bed and buried my face to my pillow, thinking of what I did a while ago.

"What was I even thinking..." I whispered through the pillow.

I sighed and sat up; I changed my clothes to my nightwear and went to sleep.


"Is that you Y/N? You finally change your appearance!" I turned around and saw Tom.

I noticed my hair has changed to white, long white hair. I accio a mirror.

My hair is pure white, and my eyes... My eyes are red...

"Wha...what are you talk- how did you know?" I asked.

He sat next to me as both of us are currently at the astronomy tower, "well, I saw a book saying that once an angel is soon coming of age, their appearance will change."

Weird... This appearance, it looks familiar; the lady from the mirror she has pure white hair.

"Where is the book?" I asked, but then he leans closer to me.

Both us stared at each other, looking at each other eyes. "You know... I missed you a lot..."

I smiled at him and placed my hand to his cheek, "I missed you too, sorry I couldn't visit you. I got busy... Um... In heaven."

"It's alright, as long you are here. I can feel what they call love." He smiled.

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