《Setter Ace of Shiratorizawa》1: The First Day
"You sure you have everything?" My mom asked me, and I nodded with a smile as I put my backpack on my back and lifted my other two duffle bags.
"Yes, I don't need that much. I'm not that high maintenance, mom." I joked, "but I should go now, thanks for helping me pack Tobio."
"Yeah whatever." My twin brother, Tobio Kageyama, rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms in annoyance.
"Oh just admit it, you'll miss me~" I cooed, pecking his cheek as he gave me a disgusted look.
"Shut up and go already!" He scowled as he looked away from me, causing me to laugh. Hugging my mother one last time, I put my bags into the car and got into the passenger seat next to my dad.
"Ready to go Kazane?" He asked, and I nodded.
With that, he backed the car out of the driveway and started towards my new school: Shiratorizawa.
We arrived fairly soon as our house wasn't far from the school, parking outside the administration. "Afternoon!" The receptionist smiled, "what can I do for you?"
"I'm here to receive my dorm assignment." I explained, handing her my ID. She looked through her papers until she placed her finger on my name.
"Ah, found you. It looks like you'll be in the C Dorms, here's a map of the campus and here," She drew a few lines until she circled a building. "Is your dorm. If you have a request to change roommates you can apply at Student Resources, which is here." She circled another building before handing the map to meme along with a key to my dorm which had the dorm number on it. "Have a good day now!"
"We will, thank you." I bowed, then dragged my dad out of the building. That was kind of awkward, I thought as we got back in the car.
"Can I see the map?" Dad asked, so I handed it to him. Starting the car, he followed the directions and ended up at the C building.
"Wow, so this is it." This is where I'll be staying for the rest of my high school career, I thought to myself with a smile. It looked nice enough, and as I told my mom before, I'm not high maintenance. Literally give me a roof over my head, some food, and maybe a blanket and I'm good to go.
"Alright, I got it from here." I smiled as I took my thing from my dad, who frowned.
"You sure? I can take some of-"
"Yes I'm sure. I got this." I said confidently, so he relented with a sigh. Kissing my forehead and giving me a hug, he bid farewell and left.
I headed into the building, looking at my key. My room was 106, and apparently it was on the second level since 1-99 was on the first level. They had an elevator, but I decided to take the stairs because exercise.
Arriving at my room, I inserted my key and opened the door. The person inside looked up from putting his clothes in the dressor, and nodded at me. "Hello."
"Hi roomie!" I smiled as I closed the door behind me and held out my hand. "I'm Kazane Kageyama, please call me Kaz, or Kazane, or Zane, whatever you prefer." I waited for him to extend his name and hand.
"Tsutomu Goshiki, nice to meet you Kaz." He shook my hand, nodding again. After dropping our hands, we went back to putting all of our stuff away. "Is that all you brought?" Goshiki asked as he noticed how little I had.
"Yeah, I don't need much." I told him with a shrug. He pursed his lips but left it at that. "So, you want top or bottom bunk?" I asked.
"Either is fine with me. I was waiting for you to let you choose." He explained, so I claimed the top bunk.
"Hey Goshiki, can I have your number?"
"Sure." He handed my his phone, where I input my digits and texted myself, handing it back to him.
"Thanks man." I gave him a closed eye grin from my spot on the bed, to which he chuckled. "These dorms sure aren't very spacious."
"I think that's because they're trying to encourage us to go out into the commons or outside so we aren't cooped up in our rooms all day." Goshiki elaborated, and I could see where he was coming from so I nodded.
"Yeah I guess. Well anyway, we should probably go get some food before the cafeteria closes." I suggested, and so the two of us went to our dorm cafeteria. "So, you doing a sport?"
"Yes, I play volleyball." Goshiki answered, making me grin.
"Dude, me too!" I exclaimed, and his eyes widened.
"Really?! What position do you play? I'm a left side!"
"I play whatever my coach needed me to! Two years ago I was a left side, last year I was the setter, so I'm open to whatever my coach this year needs me as." I explained.
"Wow, that's cool." He said. The rest of our meal was spent talking about volleyball and boundaries between us as roommates.
Changing in the girl's locker room, I headed to the gym where I had been told the team practices. Apparently I had been given wrong information, because as soon as I entered, all I could see were males. I even saw Goshiki, and he saw me as well.
"Uh, hey Kaz what are you doing here?" He asked, jogging over to me.
"Someone told me this was the girl's gym but apparently it isn't." I pursed my lips in frustration.
"Oh heyyyyyyy, who are youuuu?" A red haired boy asked as soon as he spotted me and Goshiki, skipping over.
"Hi, I'm Kazane Kageyama! I'm looking for the girls volleyball gym, but it looks like I was misled." I explained, and the redhead laughed.
"Oh man, I'm jealous that they found such a looker! And a tall one too! I'm Satori Tendō, nice to meet you Kageyama!"
"Oh, please don't call me that, it makes me want to look around for my brother. You can call me Kazane, or Kaz, or Zane." I grinned, and Satori laughed, slapping my shoulder.
"Man, you're a cool one aren't cha? Well, if you're looking to play some volleyball, why not stick around and play with us guys?"
"Tendō, Goshiki, what are you doing?" A male asked, walking over to us. "Practice is starting, why are you wasting time?"
"Oh come on Ushiwaka, no need to be so uptight! This girl here is lost so I invited her to play with us."
"So you're Ushiwaka." I grinned, my eyes sparkling as I gazed at the tall volleyball ace in front of me. He turned his attention to me, nodding.
"Yes. I assume you're looking for the girls volleyball gym?" He got straight to the point, and I nodded. "First years are often misled here, even though we are across campus from each other." He explained. Meanwhile, Satori had snuck off to find the coach.
"Hey Tanji~ a first year wandered in here, can she play with us? It looks like she's got raw potential, and she's tall for a girl." Satori asked, to which the coach look at him in annoyance.
"Why would I let some first year girl practice with us? Even if one of our players is sick."
"See, it's perfect! Just for today, plus it will take her a while to go all the way across campus to the girl's gym. Don't you want the girls to be strong too, not just us?" Satori played his cards perfectly, causing both coaches to sigh.
"Alright. Ushiwaka!"
"Yes sir?" Said male turned away from me at hearing his name.
"Being her over here, she's going to be practicing with us since we have a player gone today."
"Yes sir," He then turned back to me as I smirked. "Looks like Tendō convinced coach to let you practice with us today."
"Yep, this will be fun. Wonder what position I'll be playing." I stocked my imaginary beard as Ushiwaka and I headed over to the coaches. "Hello sir, my name is Kazane Kageyama, thank you for letting me join your practice!" I bowed politely, to which he waved off.
"You're welcome. Now, what position do you play?" He demanded, to which I straightened and responded.
"Any position you need, coach."
"I need a setter."
"Then I'm a setter."
"Good. Now then," He yelled for all of the boys to come in after their warm up, "Since Shirabu is ill, we're going to have this first year join us for 6 on 6. Start with 100 serves, and once you're done go on a jog around the campus. Then we'll get started with 6 on 6."
"Yes sir!" The team responded, jogging to either side of the court to begin serving. I was extremely excited for this, not only because it was my first practice at Shiratorizawa, but because I was playing with a volleyball legend.
It didn't take long for everyone to complete their serves, and soon we were all jogging. I was in the lead with Ushiwaka, both of us jogging silently.
"Ya know, I didn't think you'd be this nice when I first met you." I started, to which he glanced at me.
"I'm not being nice."
"You sure?"
"Well then, I kinda wanna know what your definition of not nice is, then." I snickered. Ushiwaka just kept his gaze forward, not saying anything.
"Are you really a setter?" He suddenly asked.
"Yep, like I said before, I can be whatever coach needs me to be." I replied. It wasn't a cocky statement, i was just stating facts.
"Alright." Ushiwaka said, and the two of us returned to silence. It didn't take us long to get back to the gym, where the coaches were waiting.
"Back again so soon? I should send you on another lap." He glanced at Ushiwaka, then at me. "I'm surprised you managed to keep up with him, first year."
"All in a day's work, coach!" I grinned happily at him, saluting him playfully. After getting some water and waiting, the rest of the team trickled back into the gym.
"Alright! Now it's time for 6 on 6, then we'll rap it up with some hitting and more serving." The coach explained, so we were split into two teams of six.
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Kazane, you can call me that or Kaz or Zane, whatever works for you." I introduced myself to my teammates, who all in turn introduced themselves as well.
"I'm Reon Ohira, nice to meet you too. I'll be your left side."
"Yu Shibata, I'll be your opposite."
"Hayato Yamagata, I'm the libero."
"Jin Soekawa, middle blocker."
"And you already know me!" Satori grinned, slinging his arm around my neck. "I'm a middle blocker also. What kinda sets do you do?"
"It's not what I do, it's what you guys do." I corrected, "just let me know what kind of set you want, and you'll get it."
"Wow, confident aren't cha?" Satori laughed, "you know all the signals?"
"Of course." I flashed through them, so he nodded.
"For now, let's form out."
"Alrighty, we got this." I smirked, running a hand over my hair. "This is gonna be so much fun."
No one expected me to mesh so well with the boys I had been placed with. However, because of my leadership and volleyball IQ, we managed to be neck in neck with Ushiwaka's team.
"Listen up guys, we've gotten this far, might as well shut them down. It's 29 to 30, they're only one point in the lead. I'll bet that they're gonna go to Ushiwaka, so make sure to keep on them. However, I may be wrong, so be ready for anything, cool?" I did my little pep talk, and the team nodded.
"Whohoooooooo let's go Kazzy!" Me and Satori high fived, nodding to each other. Even though they had it all planned out, and all the angles were covered, Ushiwaka managed to slam it down and won the game for his team.
31 to 29.
"Awww mannnnnn! We were so clooooossseeee!" I pouted as I leaned on Satori, who once again had his arm draped over my shoulders.
"Yeah, you were amazing out there. I knew I was right about you." He grinned at me, to which I smiled back.
"Thanks man, you're really talented yourself mister guess blocker."
"Aw geez, you're gonna make me blush!"
"Nice job. You surprised me." Ushiwaka suddenly appeared, causing my eyes to widen.
"Thanks Ushiwaka! You're a beast though, I'm no where near as awesome as you!"
"Maybe not, but not just anyone can do so well with a team they just met." He shrugged, picking up his water bottle.
"Ahhhh, the praise is too much!" I dramatically sighed, causing the redhead to laugh.
"Let's go you idiots! We don't have time for your loligaging!" The coach yelled, so the three of us quickly put our water bottles down and jogged out to start hitting lines.
Soon enough, practice was over.
"Hey, how bout before you head out, I show you where the girl's gym is?" Satori offered, so I agreed as I grabbed my stuff. The two left together as the coaches watched me go.
"She's really talented, wonder what she's like in the other positions." One mumbled, the other nodding in agreement.
"Too bad she's not a boy, I would have snatched her before anyone else could." The old coach laughed slightly. "Oh well, she'll be a good addition to the girl's team."
"This is the girl's gym, so now you know, even though I would love it if you kept dropping by practice." Satori winked, and I laughed.
"I'll think about it, anyway I should be on my way now, good ni-"
"I'll walk you to your dorm, it's pretty late for a girl to be out by her lonesome!" Satori grinned at me, to which I returned.
"Tendō, let's go." Ushiwaka suddenly intervened, causing the redhead to pout.
"Aw come on, I was gonna walk Kazzy back to her-"
"Hey Kazane! I was looking for you, ready to go back?" Goshiki asked enthusiastically, coming out of the gym before pausing at the sight of me between his teammates.
"Yep! Definitely, let's go." I quickly bowed to the two third years before heading off with Goshiki. "That was weird..."
"Yeah, what were you guys talking about?" He asked as we walked.
"Tendō wanted to walk me back to my room but Ushiwaka came out of nowhere and told Tendō to go with him. Not really sure what that was about but I'm glad you showed up when you did." I sent him a smile, causing him to blush and look away.
"Y-yeah no problem. We should probably put our stuff back in the room before grabbing something to eat."
"Sounds good," I agreed. "You did really well today."
"You think so?" Goshiki's eyes lit up, and I nodded.
"Yeah, I know so." I grinned as he started looking more confident, chuckling slightly when he accidentally tripped on a rock.
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My Pixie Familiar
Pixies are real. Not only are they real, but are considered pests due to their mischievous nature and love of pranks. Some people think they are magical and making a potion or powder from their wings will transfer that magic to a person. Any good alchemist will tell you that is not true. Most will gladly take your money and make you a "magic potion" though. My name is Jase Fisher and I thought I would follow in the steps of my mother and become an alchemist since I didn't enjoy fishing, hunting, or any of the other trades offered in Beau Ferry, my village. Not only have I been looking forward to being an alchemist, I was looking forward to bonding with a familiar. My biggest fear is not bonding with one of the exciting familiars such as a dragonet. If I can just make it through the bonding process, my life is set. Oh, and not run afoul of any pixie pranks.
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Nero Zero
Monsters plagued the lands for too long. No matter if one had fangs, beak, teeth, skin, fur, or feather, or was tall, stout, or diminutive, the people suffered. Until the Gadgeteers came with a device that could allow people to fight back. Powered by one's own magical power, feeding off of monster Essence, the Arbitrium bracer turned the tables. It also changed society. Strength of one's level cap was all that mattered. The strongest were Kings and Emperors. The weak or those too poor to afford the marvelous device, destitute. And so it has been for millennia. All that mattered was one's level cap. High, low, a fate decided the moment the strange contraption came alive. Too high and you were a threat to those interested in keeping the status quo, a weed to be nipped before it could grow and take root. Too low and you were nobody, fated to be a bit more than a simple farmer. What if someone, somewhere, came up with a zero for their level cap? Unable to use Essence, unable to level up. On all of recorded history, it never happened. Until it did. In a small village of fur-less and tail-less ape-beastkin, a boy found out he was uniquely handicapped. Nero's level cap was Zero. But he'd never let that stop him from reaching his goals. ------------------------------------------------ All stories have already been told. We merely reuse elements from them. From Joseph Campbell's Monomith to Stephen King's advice, and that encyclopedia of tropes you've visited, fiction has been dissected and reassembled countless times. One will surely find elements inspired on other works here. Just like cooking from basic ingredients, the recipe and presentation is what really matter. This is a fantasy adventure, of someone that goes from a zero to a slightly bigger zero. It will have romance but no harem. Cruelty but with hope dimly shining ahead. Lightweight where it can be, heavy where it must. Thanks for reading. Cover Credits (The cover is CC-BY-NC-SA): Steampunk Spider Bracer, by Daniel Proulx. CC-BY-NC-SA Picture Frame, @anaterate, Pixabay license. Some odds and bits from here and there.
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***** (EDITING IN PROGRESS)*******Highest Ratings:#1 in Fantasy#2 in AdventureShort Overview:Yan Mei Ling, the impulsive daughter of the highest ranked military official of Imperial Chixian Shenzhou, longs for a life beyond the noble trappings of her home. To experience it, she joins the annual Imperial tournament as a foreign ninja to maintain anonymity although two people know her secret: her maidservant and the Emperor's daughter, her bestfriend, Princess Li Lei Shuang.When the news spreads that the warlord Hsien Mao Dong threatens to attack the Empire if the Emperor will not give his daughter in marriage to him, Yan Mei Ling decides to do everything to protect Li Lei Shuang. Even if it means sacrificing her very own life.She strips of herself of her mask and joins the Imperial army as Tang Lao Fang, an orphaned boy.Life begins to unfold for Yan Mei Ling as perils, betrayals and surprises lead her to the realization of the most important things in life.-------------------------------------------WARNING:You need to be open-minded before reading this story. If you can take lurid violence, gore and other gruesome deaths, then by all means, read. This is a Historical fiction, fantasy-action, adventure story and Shoujo Ai (anime and manga lovers know what this is). New Cover Designed by: Jairus Arnie TabaneraPlease contact him for cover design. He will draw your concept. Note: Please respect my work by not copying it or proclaim it that you own my story or ideas. I don't want my story translated. Copy Right ©. All rights reserved EXCEPT for the pictures and other images used in this storyAddendum: This story is undergoing a major name/chapter revision. You may notice some names are changed. Editing in progress
8 86