《Athanasia and the Fairy Tail Guild》Chapter 14 Athanasia First Mission part 3 of 8


the city of Rome home to the most promising wirzards and fairy that have ever lived

"we made to Rome! where the food i'm starving?" said Nastu

"Aye i need some fish right now" said Happy

*Athanasia sweatdroped at the two*

*Gray shakes his head*

"will you two losers lock it off we have to meet the princess at the tower really soon" said Gray

"we are but we're going to eat first" said Nastu as he runs to a near by restaurant

"Nastu wait for me" yelled happy as he flies after him

*Gray and Athanasia stared in disbelief*

"let's just pretend that we don't know them" said Gray

"i'm already am" said Athanasia annoyed


*in the castle of Rome a young girl with long pink hair and blue eyes was seen standing near her window with a sad look on here face*

"princess are you sure that you want to go though with this arrange marriage with the prince in the rust kingdom you don't have to do this you know" said the maid

*the girl sighs*

"i have no other choice but to do it lady Mariam my father adorable my older sister and two younger sisters than he does me i'm only doing it because i wanted my father to acknowledge me as he does my other siblings" said the Girl

"but princess Luna" said lady Mariam

"can we please not talk about this lady Mariam i just want to go over their and come straight back home" said Luna

"if that is you wish my lady then so be it" said lady Mariam sadly

"thank you" said Luna

*suddenly a royal guard comes into the room*

"your highness his majesty wishes to see you" said the royal guard


"awsome so this is what the throne room looks like man this place is huge" said Nastu


"aye! i can fit my whole fish supply in here" said Happy

"will you two knock it off" said Gray

*Athanasia was in deep though*

"this place is almost similar to Claude throne room even his majesty reminds me of Claude with the cold and dangerous glares that he gives to everyone why do i felt this way is it because i had a similar experience just like the princess? i don't like this one bit" though Athanasia

"announcing her highness princess Luna" said a royal guard

"you called me father?" said Luna

"yes these are the people who will be escorting you to the kingdom of rust for your marriage ceremory" said the king

"yes father i will do my very best to not embarrass you my name is princess Luna please take care of me as we travel to rust tomorrow" said Luna

"we will you highness let's set off tomorrow" said Gray

"right i should carry on to my room" said Luna as she leaves the throne room

*Athanasia was in deep though*

"i was right something is not right in this situation should i investigate it" said Athanasia

________________________________________________________________________________*meanwhile in Obelian Claude was sitting in his throne chair with a dangerous look on his face*

"what happened to the wrench" said Claude

"you majesty the maid fell into a deep coma so now all we are waiting for is for her to wake up" said the knight

"hmmmm don't even bother just kill her if she not going to say anything then she should be silent forever" said Claude

"but your majesty lady Lilian is princess Athanasia personal maid" said Felix

"i don't care she brought this to herself as soon as that wrench wakes up sent her to the execute chambers" said Claude

"yes your majesty" said the Knight

"Athanasia this is punishment for not coming home when you should have even if you are not home i still hope you are safe and sound and not getting into trouble" though Claude

to be continued......................................................................................................................................

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