《Athanasia and the Fairy Tail Guild》Chapter 11- Lucy Heartfilia


*Natsu, Athanasia, and Happy were walking towards the guild when Athanasia realizes something*

"Hey, Natsu we're walking in the wrong direction the guild is in the other way?" said Athanasia

"I know that Athy but I want to do something first before we go to the guild" said Natsu

"Ummm ok" said Athanasia

"Natsu is acting a bit strangely could something be wrong?" though Athanasia

*after five minutes of walking the gang needs up at a cemetery*

"wait a sec this is a cemetery why are we here?" said Athanasia

"do you always have to ask question geez your dumb" said Happy

"shut up cat! but still why are we here" said Athanasia

"because i want to pay my respect" said Nastu

Nastu, Athanasia, and Happy walked though the cemetery until they see a huge headstone that said:

Luxy Heartifia

x784- x805

Friend, Teammate and Loving Girlfriend

"so this is Lucy's grave I'm glad that they actually have a grave for her not that i think about my father never did a grave for my mother" though Athanasia

"so is this the lucy that everyone has been talking about" said Athanasia

"yes this is her do you mine if i can have a mintinuwes with her" said Nastu

"sure" said Athanasia as she grabs Happy and walks away from Nastu

*Later that night Athanasia was seen getting ready for bed*

"I hope Nastu is okay he hasn't said a word after the visit to the gravesite hmmm maybe so good night see can help and might i can cheer him up tomorrow" said Athanasia

in Athanasia Dream....................

"huh? where am i" said Athanasia

"good your awake" said a voice

"huh? who said that " said Athanasia as she looks around only to see a blonde hair brown eyed girl smiling at her


*the girl giggled*

*Athanasia looked confused*

"huh? who are you and how did you get into my dream" said Athanasia

"oh I'm sorry allow me to introduce myself my name is Lucy" said Lucy

"wait are you the girl that the guild was talking about" said Athanasia

"that would be me be i must say there still rowdy as ever " laughed lucy

*Athanasia laughs*

*the two girls sat on the bench talking about their dreams and goals*

"so your dad is an emperor and he through you away for some nobody" said Lucy

"yea that's right i doubt he even realizes that I'm even gone" said Athanasia sadly

*Lucy puts her hand on Athanasia shoulder*

"even if he doesn't notices you have a new family now the one that love and supposes you no matter what" said Lucy

"thanks, Lucy it means a lot if you won't don't mind me asking how exactly did you die" said Athanasia

"i was murdered by a dark mage" said Lucy

*Athanasia looked shocked*

"do you remember his name or at least what he looked like?" said Athanasia

"Athanasia do not go after him he is far too strong for you even i couldn't stop him but i must say my soul can not rest in peace until my killer is dead" said Lucy

"if you cant rest in piece where are you live at?" said Athanasia

"well for starter I'm living inside of your body" said Lucy

"what! a ghost is passing my body!' yelled Athanasia

"don't think of it as of that think of it as renting a place until my killer is dead" said Lucy

"so were you the one that gave me your keys" said Athanasia

yes i did i possessed an eldery lady's body so that i can hand my gate keys off to you" said Lucy


"but why" said Athanasia

"because i can tell by just looking at you that you are a good person and i know that your going to take good care my keys" said Lucy

"Lucy! wait! your disappearing" said Athanasia

*Lucy giggles*

"don't worry athanasia is not at peace yet I'm just returning back into your body that is all.......also if you ever need me just think of me and i will appear" said Lucy

"but the guild will see you said Athanasia

"actually no one will see me only you can oh and Athanasia" said Lucy

"yes?" said Athanasia

"Please take care of Natsu and Happy for me those two are really important to me" said Lucy

*Athanasia smiles*

"you don't have to worry about that I'll watch over them" said Athanasia

*Lucy huggles Athanasia*

"Thank you" said Lucy as she cries tears of joy and disappearing back into Athanasia's body

*outside of Athanasia's Dream Athanasia wakes up with a sad smile on her face*

"don't worry Lucy i will bring peace to you" though Athanasia

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