《Athanasia and the Fairy Tail Guild》Chapter 9- Athanasia and Nastu vs Bora Pt 2 of 3


*Later that day Athanasia was seen sitting at the bar drinking her juice with a serious look on her face*

"What was that just now why did Nastu can me lucy..... just who is she.....also what is this strange feeling in my heart" though Athanasia

"Athy is something wrong," asked a voice

*Athanasia looks up to see that it was Mirjana*

"Oh Mira I'm fine I just have a lot on my mind right," said Athy

"Oh I'm all ears maybe I can help," said Mirajane

"Mira who's lucy," said Athy

*the entire guild goes silence*

"Huh? Why did the whole guild go silence when I mentioned her name" though Athanasia

"Lucy was a friend of ours and a former member of our guild," said, Mira

"Oh I see Nastu accidentally called me by her name and I wondered why he called me that," said Athanasia

"I see," said Mirjana

"If you don't mind me asking what happened to her," said Athanasia

"That's something Nastu is going to have to tell you," said Mirajane

"Oh I see," said Athanasia

*Later that night Athanasia was seen wearing a short silver dress with black shoes and hair tied in a Bun*

"Ah, my lady, you made it," said Bora sweetly as he kissed Athanasia's hand

*Athanasia giggles*

"Thank you for having me," said Athanasia

*The two boarded the boat and for the rest of the night on it*

"Bora thank you again for having me I really had a good time," said Athanasia

"Ah, you're leaving so soon? Can you stay a little longer" said Bora

"Sorry but I can't I have plans with my teammate tomorrow," said Athanasia who tries to leave the boat but two guards were blocking


"Huh? Hey move aside" said Athanasia as she was trying to get through

"You're not going anywhere," said Bora with an evil smirk on his face

"Oh no I got to get out of her," said Athanasia

*The two guards grab a hold of Athanasia and search though her only to find golden keys in her pocket*

"Golden Keys? So you're a Celestial wizard then" said, Bora

"'So that what those keys are" though Athanasia

*Bora picks up the keys and puts them in his pocket*

"Take her to the back room where the other girls," said Bora

"Just what are you planning?" Said Athanasia

"Isn't it obvious my dear I'm going to sell you and the others to the highest b and make you my profit so you can kiss your gulid goodbye" said, Bora

*Athanasia looks Horrorized*

"Someone help," said Screamed Athanasia

*Bora slaps Athanasia*

"No one can't heard y-"said Bora

*Suddenly the roof on the boat breaks open and a strange person lands on Bora*

"Huh?" though Athanasia

"You idiot didn't I tell you this guy was trouble," said the man

"You Didn't tell me that this guy was trouble Nastu" yelled Athanasia

"Whatever I tried to keep you away from him," said Nastu

"That still not telling anyone ya jerk," said Athanasia

"Whatever," said Nastu as he playful role his eyes

"So if it isn't young salamander should that girlfriend of your what her name Lucy. Keep that lease around you" smirked Bora

*Athanasia looks shocked*

*Natsu looks angry*

"Keep Lucy name out of your mouth pal or you meet the end of my fist" said Nastu

"What I'm just stating the truth, after all, it was your fault that she died," said Bora


Said Athanasia confused but notices that the Golden keys that Bora had were laying right next to her


"I said shut your fit mouth," said Nastu

"Oh and just what are you are going to do kill me I've gotten stronger seen the last time you saw me," said, Bora

"Happy! Get Athy out of here" yelled Nastu

"Aye sir" yelled Happy as he Picks up Athanasia and flies off

"Wait! Natsu! You can't fight him by yourself!" Yelled Athanasia with tears in her eyes

*Natsu turns around and smiles*

"Don't worry I will be fine Athy" said Nastu

*Athanasia looks stunned*

"Natsu," said Athanasia softly

"Guards stop them! don't let them get away!" Yelled Bora

"I have to help nastu Happy drop me," said Athanasia

"I can't Nastu told me to keep you safe," said Happy

"Happy I want to safe Nastu as much as I do so please drop me," said Athanasia

"Aye sir," said Happy as he dropped Athanasia and lands right next to Nastu

"What the I told you to get to safety," said Nastu

"I don't need safety I'm helping you out no matter what," said Athanasia

"Oh, yea and just how are you-" said Nastu

*Bora kicks Nastu in the face*

*Athanasia quickly takes out the Golden keys and looks at them curiously*

"Just how in the hell do I used these I want to help Nastu" though Athanasia

*Suddenly a voice was heard in the back of Athanasia head*

to be continued....................................................................................................................................

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