《Athanasia and the Fairy Tail Guild》Chapter 7- Getting to know Nastu PT 3 of 3


* Su

ddenly a scream was heard outside the d


* E

veryone looked taken back by the scream*

Happy let's go said Nastu running out the door

Aye! said Happy flying after him


Athanasia look s


Nastu! Happy! Wait for me! Yelled Athanasia as she slams the money on the table and runs after them

* O

utside a bunch on girl were surrounded by a tall man that seems to smirking at the attention*


Nastu and Happy looked annoyed*

All this over a gecko you have to be kidding me! Yelled Nastu


All the girls turned around and glared at Nastu*

Hey don't talk bad about bora said girl 1

Yea he much more attractive than you are said girl 2


Athanasia rolled her eyes and turns around only to see an old lady staring at her*

* Suddenly t

he old lady walks up to Athanasia and gives her golden keys to her*

Huh? What the heck are these asked Athanasia

Their my celestial spirit keys I know you will take really good care of them my child said the older woman as she disappears into thin air


Athanasia blinks and then tilts her head to the side*


Well that was weird though Athanasia as she puts the keys in her pocket*

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