《Hurt The Same 2 || Amber Riley & Jayceon Taylor》The Outcome
Amber -
I didn't know why I was here. I didn't need this shit, I wasn't crazy and I wasn't going crazy. I was perfectly fucking fine. But nooo they wouldn't listen, instead they went against my wishes and signed me up for this stupid shit anyway, and now, now I'm here just sitting looking around. Because there is nothing to say.
I have nothing to say. I can't sit here for two hours talking to a stranger about how I feel when I feel absolutely nothing. I mean do I have to write I'm fine on my forehead? I'm okay, I honestly am, I just want to be alone. Is that too much to ask for?
"Okay this is pointless Amber, and it's getting us no where, Just like you I value my time, and if you don't want to be here I'm not going to force you to be here, however, you're going to have to open up soon and talk to someone, even if it's not me, your friends and your family they're worried about you," Dr. Montgomery said as she put down her legal pad and pen.
I sighed rolling my eyes. I didn't need therapy nothing was wrong with me. I told JT and Mark to mind theirs and stay out of my business. I was fine. There was nothing wrong with me.
I mean I wouldn't be in this predicament if it weren't for him. For Jayceon, if he had of been faithful none of this would be happening to me, to us, to our family.
If it weren't for him, that bitch, that trifling bitch would of never..... I slapped the tear away and looked at her. I was furious, anger and hatred consumed me. All I wanted to see was blood shed.
All I wanted was to get revenge. I wanted was for the ones who did me wrong, to feel the same way I felt.
"You're right about one thing, this is pointless and I don't need this, I don't know how many times I have to tell you people that there's nothing wrong with me, I'm completely fine!" I yelled angrily.
"Amber -
"Stop! Just stop acting like you give a fuck about what I'm thinking or how I'm feeling, because the past few months nobody has given a shit about how I've felt. I've been dealing with this shit all on my own! I don't need you or your sympathy!" I yelled out as I stormed out the room.
Once I got in the car I lit my blunt. Yes my blunt. I had been smoking heavily these few months. It seemed like my life had been turned upside down. I went from being happy and healthy, to now I was having health problems, and I didn't do anything to fix them but turn a bottle up to my lips and light a blunt. I laid my head back after inhaling, I just wanted this pain that I was feeling to go away.
Once I finished smoking I rolled another blunt, I grabbed the bottle of vodka I had in my back seat. Twisting the cap, I turned the bottle up to my mouth downing it like it was juice. A man walked by looking like Jayceon and all I could do was laugh.
I rolled down the windows and shouted out to him. "You, You look like my husband!" I laughed. He looked at me sideways before walking away. I laughed before gulping the drink down a few more times.
"Jayceon if only you..." I mumbled before starting the car. My mind was racing all over the place. My heart began to race, I went from being a little tipsy to being full blown drunk. I didn't even remember driving home.
All I knew was the next morning I woke up with a headache out of this world, at least I was in bed. I heard my baby crying, and I instantly jumped up, but my headache slowed me down. My phone began to ring and went looking for it. Once I saw who it was calling me I threw my phone down on the bed. I didn't have time to talk that bastard. I ran out of my room going to check up on my baby boy. He was the only thing on my mind.
- Flashback -
Jayceon -
After dinner me and Amber went to go see It Chapter Two. The movie was good but Amber ass was scared. She always wanted to go see something scary knowing she was a scaredy cat. I passed on teasing her, I just let her burry her head in my shirt. I loved being close to her, I didn't want the moment to end.
On the way home it was quiet. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say and I didn't want to say the wrong thing. I didn't have to say anything else because Amber finally broke the silence.
"Baby I had a really good time tonight and I appreciate you for taking me out," She said as she grabbed my hand and held it.
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself baby doll, I had a good time too," I said back smiling. She took her hand loose and ran her fingers through my hair.
"I love you so much Jayceon, my pride wouldn't let me ask you, but baby can you please come back home, we can't work on things if we're separated, my girls would trip if they knew I took you back but fuck them.
Everyday My love for you grows deeper and deeper. I can't stay mad at you for long, and you know that, I think that's why you be doing what you be doing cause you know I'm not going no where," she said and I laughed.
"Lord knows I miss being home babe, I can't take another on my old mattress," I said honestly before laughing. I pulled into our driveway and cut the engine. I grabbed my weed out the glove compartment, and my blunt out the arm rest. I rolled up and She laughed grabbing my chin playing with my beard.
"What's so funny?" I asked as I started breaking down my wood.
"You still getting high and still getting on my nerves I see," She said as we laughed.
"Girl shut up," I laughed as I licked the wood. I put the weed in and rolled it up.
"Baby don't take long okay, once I shower I wanna cuddle okay,"
"Okay soon as I finish smoking I'll be right up," I said back.
"Okay," She replied. I leaned in for a kiss and she kissed me back. Our pecks soon turned into a make out session. I reached over and grabbed her breast and she moaned and laughed.
"Baby hurry up and smoke your blunt so you can fuck me," she said in that cute sexy pout.
"Iight don't be rushing me girl," I smirked.
"Forget you," she laughed opening the door and getting out. I rolled the window down.
"I love you," she shouted before going to the door.
"I love you too," I shouted back. Once she was in the house. I sparked the blunt. I turned on the car radio and I got in tune. As inhaled and exhaled, I looked in the mirror. I had seen a red impala drive down the block. My high ass didn't pay it much attention. I just leaned back and continued smoking my dope.
Tupac's California Love came on and I turned it up. I was so into the song and into the blunt that I ain't even see the red impala spend the block again it was until I heard a car screech that I saw the driver roll the window down.
They did the same sending shot after shot. I was in so much pain I couldn't find cover. The person came up closer. My heart beating fast, I swear I saw my life flash before me. She took off her mask and smirked.
I looked up at Krista aiming her gun. I let off a few shots but she ducked and sent shots back my way. She got my chest, and my shoulder. Pain rippled through my body as I tried to get up.
"You know way too much information, I don't trust you enough to let you live with this information. I can't risk you having the upper hand and threatening to end my career, I've worked way too hard for you to try and take away from me the only thing I have, say your last prayers," she smirked. That was all she said before she let off shots, Jayceon tried his hardest to call out for Amber but she was in the shower, with her speakers blasting she couldn't hear anything.
As she continued to wash her body and sing along to the song that was playing, Jayceon took one more bullet to the chest killing him instantly. After sending off the last shot Krista dipped off into the night, with the sounds of ambulance sirens approaching.
Jayceon -
When I woke up, I instantly grabbed my gun jumping out the car. I started looking around but the only person there was Amber. When I looked at her I already knew what the look on her face meant. I had fallen asleep in the car again.
"You okay?" She asked me.
"Yeah yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I snapped while feeling a little nervous.
"Baby because you've been sleep for two hours, and the first thing you do when you get up is grab your gun and go searching," she said back.
I ran my fingers through my hair, before I started laughing. "I'm sorry baby, I- I just had the craziest dream, I'm not smoking weed for a while," I said laughing as I tucked my piece in my waist. I walked over to her grabbing her and giving her a kiss on the cheek and lips. She ran her fingers through my hair as I smacked her ass and gripped it.
"It's late, let's go in the house, bae," I said as I locked the car. We went in the house and after undressing, I hopped in the shower. Once the hot water hit my back I felt much relief. As I started scrubbing my body, I started thinking about that dream I had.
That shit was too real, I had gotten shot right in the driveway, Amber found me. I saw her breaking down as she viewed my body, I saw how she broke down when they lowered me in the ground. My baby was born without me. I left Harlem, and my mother behind grieving.
I had to fix this shit and get my shit together, but before I could do all that. I had to get rid of Her. She was the one thing ruining my life right now. Krista. I saw vividly in my dream that she was the one who ended my life. Even after we cut ties and I swore I'd walk away, and she swore she'd walk away, she was still going to be a problem a problem that I had to make sure went away.
I was not going to let that dream come true. I wasn't going to leave my family behind. I was going to be there for my babies birth, right by Amber's side. I was going to sign the birth certificate and watch Harlem graduate and go to college and marry some chick and have kids.
I was gonna be around for a long time. These niggas and bitches was gonna have to get used to that.
Once I got done, I dried off and put on some deodorant and boxers. I put my clothes in the dirty clothes bin and climbed in bed behind Amber.
I grabbed her in my arms and started sucking and kissing on her neck and back. I loved when she slept naked. I grabbed her both her breasts in my hands and started playing with her nipples. She moaned as I kissed her cheek.
"Baby is everything okay? Are we okay?" She asked as she turned around facing me. I kissed and sucked on both her nipples.
"Yeah why wouldn't we be?" I asked as I looked at her. She grabbed my chin and started playing with my beard.
"I just wanna make sure we're good, I-I want us to be good, I don't want you sleeping at the crappy motel or at your moms, I want you back home, I want us to be happy again, but I'm scared Jayceon I trusted you, and yes I forgive you honey I swear I do, but I don't want to get hurt again I don't want any more surprises anymore women popping up out of nowhere, we can't move forward if you're going to be unfaithful," she said
"Bae I promise you, we good, I promise you I'm ready to come back home and leave these hoes alone. Since we been married I swear to you I ain't touch no other woman. Those women are from my past. I'm a changed man. A happily married man.
I mean I just...I just had this crazy ass dream, that I died and you you were left alone to take care of the kids and you wanted revenge for my death, it scared me a little. I didn't mean to cause all this shit bae.
I didn't mean for us to be going through this. To be honest I should of been up front with you back in the day, you have always been the love of my life. I knew when we first met we were going to get married and have a big ass house and kids running around, but I was also in love with the streets.
The women, the money, the respect, the cars and clothes when you let all that shit get to you you lose sight of what's most important. I mean I dropped out of school didn't get my diploma so college wasn't an option for me, so in a way I was jealous of you, but I also wanted the best for you, I didn't want you to be no two dollar hoe in the streets selling your body, I wanted you to have the best," I said honestly.
"Bae you can get your GED, you can go to a community college and if you struggle I will help you, But in order for me to help you Jayce you have to be honest with yourself," she said to me.
"What you mean?" I asked.
"Baby you were such an amazing artist, and I can't believe that you turned down that internship back in the day, I remember when that scout came out to the house for you, inviting you to go to the publishing company for the summer," she said raising a brow.
I sighed. She was right I should of never turned that internship down, but it wasn't a paid internship and mama was struggling with the bills we were about to lose the house and I couldn't have that.
So instead of going to the internship during the summer, I went to the streets. Pushing coke, and selling weed was all I knew.
"I remember on our first date you drew the cartoon picture of me and I still have it," she said getting out of bed. She went into the closet and came back with a frame. She gave me the picture and I laughed.
"I remember this definitely, I didn't know you kept it," I said smiling wide. I placed the picture on the night stand under my phone.
"Babe I've kept everything you've given me," she replied.
"I love you so much Amber Patrice," I smiled.
"I love you so much Jayceon Terrell," she smiled. We kissed and turned our lights off.
"Come over here why you way over there," I said lowly before slapping her ass cheek. She giggled and backed up closer to me.
While wrapping my arms around her waist I kissed and licked on her neck and ears. "Baby stop that's my spot," she giggled as I sucked on her neck. I rubbed her thigh pushing her legs open. She didn't have no underwear on so I slid my fingers in her pussy with ease.
"I am so in love with you Jayce, I can't picture myself with anyone else," she moaned. I climbed on top of her not once taking my fingers out of her.
"I'm in love with you too, I can't see myself being with nobody else either, that's why them hoes was one night stands that shit didn't last long because I was going to come running right back to you and this tight ass pussy," I said while sliding inside of her.
She grabbed the pillow covering her mouth as I rammed my dick in and out of her. I loved making love to this woman. She was my half and she brought out the best in me. I may have made my mistakes in the past but I swore on everything that I wasn't going to make the same mistakes in the future.
I wanted to grow old with Amber, with no worries. I wanted our house to be paid off and our kids to be successful and have a great life so when we take our last breath they wouldn't have to want for anything. First things first I was going to sell the club. I was going to use that money to get back in school.
I would take a few art classes and maybe get a job at an art gallery. Until then I had to set some shit in motion.
I fucked the shit out of Amber, we went from the bed to now in the bathroom. I had her bent over on the sink as I was hitting her shit from the back. I didn't want this shit to end. She felt so good if she wasn't already pregnant I'd tried to get her pregnant again.
"Baby you fucked the shit out of me," she laughed as she handed me the bread. I was making us a turkey sandwich. We were downstairs in the kitchen now. After our little session I rolled a blunt and got the munchies.
"I did didn't I," I smirked.
"It felt so good, we might as well enjoy it now because once the baby is born, and Harlem starts school we won't have any time for anymore late night sessions," she pouted.
"We just gonna have to make time," I said as I grabbed her waist and pecked her lips.
"Gone upstairs I'll bring the food up," I said before turning off the stove.
"Okay daddy, don't take long," she said and then she winked. I walked over to the sink smirking.
I knew once everything came to light the trust that we once had would be gone. I was just going to have to show Amber that she could trust me again. No matter how long that was going to take.
"Alright I'm off to the club bae Imma see you later," I said before kissing Amber.
"What time will you be home?" She asked before pulling the cover over Harlem. He had got in the bed with her while I was getting dressed.
"Probably a little after three, but I'll try to leave earlier," I replied before putting on my Jesus piece.
"Okay well call me when you're free,"
"Alright I'll see you later, love you,"
"I love you too,"
I grabbed my phone and my charger and turned off the light before walking out. I hopped in my truck and back out the driveway heading down the street.
I pulled up to the club. It was packed as usual. Cars were everywhere and there was a line of people waiting to get in. I walked in and all eyes were on me. I had on all black. A black champion sweatsuit, with a pair of black timberland boots, and Gucci shades. Only jewelry I had on was my Jesus piece and wedding ring.
I spent an hour in the office handling paperwork. I had a shipment of pills coming in tonight but I made sure I played it safe. I had a new system going on. Only way you got a pill was if you was in VIP, and if I approved of it. Just to make sure there was no funny business going on I was the one selling them.
After grabbing me a drink, I mingled with everybody in the VIP section. I couldn't stop thinking about that fucking dream, on top of that Amber was blowing my phone up like crazy. She went from sending me nudes to asking me if I was okay to asking me when I was coming home. I put my phone on do not disturb and grabbed me a bottle of dusse.
After taking a few sips I put the blunt to my lips and reached in my pocket for a lighter. Instead I pulled out a bag of the pills.
"Man why not," I said putting a pill in my drink. I took a few sips as I walked back to the VIP section. Niggas was buying bottles and pills like crazy. They was damn near going broke trying to impress the women that walked bye.
I chuckled shaking my head at house reckless they was being. I kept searching my pockets for a lighter but I couldn't find one. "Here use mine," this chick said as she walked up holding a red BIC lighter.
"Thanks," I said as I took it lighting my blunt. As I handed it to her I looked her up and down. I couldn't lie she had my full attention. She wore a black strapless dress with a pair of black heels. She had tattoos all over her body. The ones on her breasts turned me on the most.
"You got a name ma?" I asked handing her the blunt.
"Diamond, you?" She asked.
"Jayceon, you come here often?" I asked.
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