《My Sons Tutor || Jayceon Taylor & Amber Riley》Chapter 22
"Come on guys you got a few minutes left to eat, then we have to head out or you're going to be late for school!" I shout towards the stairs and then head back to the kitchen.
I washed my hands and started fixing their plates along with Jayceon's. This morning I decided to make eggs, grits and bacon. I had a little time so I threw something together. Today was one of my late days and the kids had been telling me they miss my cooking.
A few moments later they all came rushing down the stairs. Including Jayce, he was still having a hard time fixing tie. Shaking my head, I walked over to him. We kissed each other passionately before I fixed his tie and handed him his plate.
"Good morning mommy happy Valentines Day, I made this for you," California says smiling real wide as she hands me the envelope.
I open it up seeing the cute handmade card and a twenty dollar bill. I grabbed it looking it over.
"Aww thank you princess I'm going to put it on the refrigerator, and I'll be framing this twenty my stingy baby," I say grabbing a magnet and kissing her forehead. She giggles once I pinch her cheeks.
"Hey mom can you fix this?" Harlem asks referring to his tie.
"Come here," I fix it for him and grab a paper towel.
"Boy you look like you been frying chicken all this damn baby oil," I say and he laughs.
"I got you a chocolate bunny mama, it's in the freezer," he smiles.
I open it seeing the big chocolate snickers bunny.
"Thank you son," I brush my hand through his hair and he smiles going back to eat.
"Happy Valentine's Day momma," King says handing me a new bracelet he made me before he sit downs and starts eating.
"Thanks baby it's gorgeous, here's some orange juice, I'm going upstairs to check on the twins and I'll be back," I say to them before heading to my bedroom.
Once upstairs I see the twins are still sleeping in their cribs. I kiss Zoe, and Zach before taking the baby monitor. I had already laid out their pampers and diaper bag downstairs so Kendrick and Ashley wouldn't have any problems.
Jayce came in the room eating on a piece of bacon. "Breakfast was good bae, I'm gonna be coming in a lil late tonight I got a few meetings and I gotta take care of something important," he says before grabbing his Apple Watch Series 5 from off the dresser.
I instantly got upset. "How late is late babe, and what's more important then Valentines Day Jayceon we always go to dinner," I say before fixing up the bed.
"Damn, fuck it is Valentines Day," he says running his fingers through his head.
"Jayce you did not forget what today was," I say laughing
"I actually did, I'm sorry babe I got caught up in work and a whole lot of other stuff...but I promise I'm gonna take care of everything in enough time for dinner," he replies.
"Ok," I say sighing.
"Come on babe I'm serious, I'm gone take care of everything in time for tonight and we'll go out where ever you wanna go," he promises.
"Ok I believe you babe," I said but I honestly didn't know. It wasn't like Jayceon to forget special occasions, and what type of business was so important?
I told myself to calm down and trust him, he's hasn't done anything for me not too. I made the bed and went back downstairs.
Jayceon -
After finishing breakfast, I started packing my work bag. I was looking for my notebook when I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in," I say and Callie opens the door and comes running in.
"Did it work daddy?" She asks smiling wide.
"Yeah but I think she's upset for real,"
"Then we have to really carry it out," she says back.
"Don't worry about it I got a plan, you guys done eating?"
"Alright I'll be down in a few,"
She left out and I finished grabbing my things and made my way downstairs.
"Alright baby.. damn wassup bro, sis I didn't know y'all was here," I say to Kendrick and Ashley.
"Yeah we got here a few minutes ago," Ashley says.
"Aye K I'm finna text you," I say to him.
"Iight bruh"
"See y'all bye bae,"I say before kissing Amber's cheek and then on the lips.
"See you tonight babe,"
"See you,"
Amber -
"I can't believe him, Jayce has never forgotten Valentines Day, my birthday, the anniversary of when we first got together, the day when he proposed, he's always been on point like what made him forget? Am I not doing my job right? Omg he's having second thoughts," I say sadly.
"Come on sis don't start thinking like that, you know damn well you're doing your job right alright, maybe something came up for real, give him the benefit of the doubt, now normally I'd be saying put his ass in check cause somebody over here always forgets but this is Jayceon we talking about the man never forgets," she says turning and looks at Kendrick.
"Aye don't be putting me on blast and I ain't forget I was just uhm...caught up in some stuff," he's says laughing.
"You so full of shit Kendrick," she says back and I laugh.
"Ugh I gotta head out y'all call me if you need me," I say before leaving.
"Jacoby we've gone over this already where are your notes from class?" I ask him as I stop typing on my computer.
"I have them Ms A, but I don't understand it, trigonometry is really hard," he says as he starts slamming his head down on the book.
"Hey hey come on, read the problem out,"
"It says find the lengths of all sides of the right triangle below if it's area is 400,"
"Okay so solve for x, and you use what theorem?"
"Right so use the examples from your notes from class, which do you do first?"
"Write out the area and solve for x,"
"Good, see you got this,"
He picks up his pencil and begins writing, my phone vibrates with a few Facebook messages.
I tap on them and scrolled through Facebook. I was jealous of all the women posting pics of their gifts from their man, and I just kept thinking to myself how could He forget about Valentines Day? He never does this.
"Ms A, I think I solved it," he says interrupting my thoughts.
"Okay let's take a look," I grab my pen check over it everything seems right. When he applied himself, Jacoby was very intelligent but he'd rather be the class clown.
"Alright, everything looks good let's solve the next problem,"
" I have two more of the one we just did,"
"What other homework do you have?" I ask.
"I have to read To kill a mocking bird do a book report, and I also have two science pages to complete in my workbook," he says.
"Okay, well what do you want to do first?" I ask.
"The science, it isn't that hard, the reading is going to take along time I gotta catch up I haven't been reading," he said.
"Boy get to it," I say hitting him on his head playfully. He laughed before getting back to his work.
He reminded me a lot of Harlem, he was very funny and smart but he tried to be a hood rat acting like he didn't know nothing. He's really improved, he was failing in almost every class until his mother brought him to the center. He's worked hard, paid more attention in class, and turned his work in on time. I was very proud of him.
My phone started ringing and when I looked down I saw an incoming call from My Hubby.
"Jacoby I'll be right back," I say before getting up going into the hall and answering the phone.
"Hey bab-
"Hey baby look I know I promised you dinner tonight but Im gonna have to reschedule, I can't make it tonight I gotta meeting that's gonna be kinda long," he says into the phone
"Hell no Jayceon what do you mean you can't make dinner? I had everything planned for tonight," I say into the phone.
"I know baby I know but like I said I don't know how long this meeting is going to last," .
"Ugh so just fuck Valentine's Day!" I yell stamping my feet down, and feeling myself getting angry.
"Baby look I'll make it up to you, stop tripping,"
"What the fuck do you mean stop tripping? You know what, do whatever you want I don't care," I say hanging up as I slapped a tear away. I was so mad, I was furious, my face was getting hot.
I finished tutoring my other students and then I went on my lunch break.
After the last child left I locked the front entrance and went to my office to pack up my things. I wished I was rushing home to get dressed instead I was going home to dinner and bed.
Hey Amber, you rushing off to go have dinner with that handsome fiancé of yours?" Brenda asks as we walk towards the side door. She was another one of our tutors who I hired right on the spot.
She worked very well with kids.
"Girl hopefully," I say with much frustration.
"Hopefully?" She says with a confused look on her face.
"Girl this morning he acted like he forgot, it's not like him to forget anything significant, he's normally on it before me, going above and beyond so I'm a little taken a back by him forgetting and then for him to be working late," I say as we get on the elevator and press the down button.
"That's not like Jayceon at all," she says.
"You know I'm over here thinking maybe I'm blowing this way out of proportion, but then I start thinking, Jayceon is a romantic he loves doing things for the holidays and he would never forget anything,"
"I don't know girl hopefully it's a prank or something,"
"Girl for his sake it better be," I say and we laugh before we said our goodbyes. I began walking to my car. I was digging in my purse looking for my keys when I looked up and saw Jayceon and the kids standing in front of my car holding flowers, and candies.
"I knew it I knew you didn't forget I knew it," I say about to cry. Dropping everything and running over to Jayce.
"You know I'd never forget baby," he says smiling that sexy smile and I can't help but blush and cry harder. We kiss, and I grab his face playing with his beard, he reaches inside my coat gripping my waist not once did we break our lip lock.
"I love you so much," I say to him poking out my lips.
"I love you too, with all my heart and soul, I was thinking it's time we seal this deal and become husband and wife but you gotta promise me something," he says.
"What is it baby I'll do anything," I say truthfully.
"Get your ass in this car and on the plane to Italy with me and the kids," he says pulling out plane tickets from his jacket.
"Italy?" I ask tears falling from my eyes.
"Yes baby Italy, what better place to make you my wife?" He asks smiling.
"Jayceon," I say breathlessly with tears falling down my eyes. I grab his chin pulling him down for a long lingering kiss. He squeezes my butt and I giggle.
"Mama, daddy come on before we miss our flight!" California yells.
"You ready baby?" He asks smiling.
"Yes baby, I've been waiting for this day," I say smiling.
We got in the car and Kendrick and Ashley were waiting for us at the airport with the twins me, Jayceon, and our babies boarded the plane to Italy.
"Yo Rich! What's up man," Jayceon greets a guy once we make it out of baggage claim.
"Uncle Rich!" The kids yell.
"What's up bro, hey kids," he says picking up Cali swinging her around. She laughed as he put her back down. He played with the boys and looked up at me.
"You must be Amber it's so nice to finally meet the woman who has swept my boy off his feet, I'm Rich," he says extending out his hand.
"Hi it's nice to meet you," I say to him.
"Y'all can follow me, don't judge my van now it's a family treasure I ain't giving it up," he laughs. Once we get in the car he drives us to this beautiful chapel.
"Alright Amber, Jayceon your dress and your suit is in your dressing rooms. Pastor Clark is waiting on you at the alter," he smiles once we get out the car.
Me and Cali go off to the dressing room. I help her get ready and then I get ready.
I stood in front of the mirror sighing. "You look beautiful mommy," California says smiling wide.
"You look beautiful too princess," I reply.
"Are you okay mommy?" She asks. One thing about Cali she knew whenever something was bothering me.
"I'm nervous, I know I've been in you guys lives now for a short time, I just hope I be a good wife to daddy,"
"You will be you're already the best mommy a girl good ever ask for. I told daddy I wanted us to hang out more because I didn't want you to forget me,"
" I would never forget you Cali, you're my little princess and mommy's sorry I know we haven't been doing our mother daughter dates, I've been so busy with work and your brother and sister, but I promise I'm going to do better,"
"Okay mommy, because I miss hanging out with you,"
"I miss hanging out with you too," I say back. We hug and kiss her on the forehead.
"Lets get married," California says smiling wide. I laughed.
"Let's get married,"
I was putting on tie, while Harlem and King were supposed to be putting on their shoes. I looked over seeing Harlem sitting in the chair holding the rings smiling.
"What's up man what you over there smiling about?" I ask laughing.
"I'm just really happy daddy, today Amber officially becomes my mommy, she's always been my mommy but today it's official," he says smiling wide while jumping out of the seat.
"Yeah, I'm happy too dad. I hate that we had to loose mommy, in order to be this happy again. But Amber's special and I don't play bout ha!" Harlem chimed in. Hearing them say these things about Amber really warmed my heart.
"God has really blessed us boys," I say before pausing. "You guys gone on I'll be out there," I say to them.
"Okay daddy hurry up we can't keep mommy waiting!" King yelled excitedly.
"I promise I'll be out in a minute lil man," I say assuring him. They run out and I finish fixing my tie and stand in front the mirror.
"Vic, if you can hear me. I just want to say the years we spent together, were amazing. You gave me three little angels, when you died I was so torn but God sent his Holy Spirit, and then after that he sent me another one of his angels. Who I am starting a new chapter with on today, I just want you to know that I will always love you and hold a special place for you, in my heart. But I love Amber and...I'm not really asking for your approval or anything I just want you to know I'll never forget you, even though my attention is on a new focus," I took off the ring that I wore while married to Victoria and placed it in a ring box burying it in my pocket.
"I love you Vic, continue to rest peacefully sweetheart," I touched the desk and a wave of happiness came over me. I knew Victoria had heard me and she was happy for me. Smiling I walked out of the dressing room walking down to the chapel, and down the aisle. Kendrick patted his chest and I patted mine.
A few moments later the doors of the chapel opened and Cali began walking down with her flower basket. My baby girl looked so beautiful as she smiled at everyone while throwing down her flowers.
As I watched Amber behind her my knees grew weak. I hadn't been this nervous in forever. When Amber walked up to me I removed her veil and broke down crying. Kendrick had to come and lift me up, because my God she was so beautiful, and that smile was so radiant.
I tried to get myself together as we held hands. "You look so good baby," I say to her with tears falling down.
"You look good too," she says back with a wide grin before wiping my tears away. We laugh and I nod for the Reverend to start.
"Family and friends we are gathered here today to join these two beautiful souls, Jayceon Terrell Taylor, and Amber Patrice Riley, in holy matrimony amen," The Reverend said.
"Amen," everyone replied.
"First of all, who gives this women to this man?" He asks.
"We do!" Ashley and Ariel shouted.
"Alright then let us pray..."
"Heavenly Father we thank you on today, for this beautiful couple who has decided to join hands and honor you. We ask that you bless this union father, strengthen them and let them not forgot that no union is perfect, but if they allow you to enter things will fall into place, I ask you to keep them and hold them together father in your heavenly name amen,"
"Amen," everyone says.
"Now before you all say your vows Mr. King Taylor has a video clip he wasn't to show.
Me and Amber looked at each other curiously before turning to the video projector.
Callie, King show up on the screen.
"Is it recording?" Callie asks
"Yeah it is," Harlem says back.
"Hi Momma!" King shouts
"Hi youtube! Today on my channel we just wanted to say how happy we are, our parents is finally getting married!" Callie shouts.
"Yes And Amber is going to officially be our mom today!" King shouts
"I remember when uncle Kenny first introduced us and the way her and daddy looked at each other we knew right away we had to get them together,"
"All the calls about dad burning the house down was me I really deserve an Oscar cause mama came over right away," Harlem says laughing. They all start laughing.
"So we just wanna let y'all know if you need the hook up service we the ones to call," King says making all of us laugh.
"We love you mama and daddy!"
"And I'm so happy that we get to have a mom again!" King shouts and the video goes off.
I look at Amber and she crying her ass off. She mouths to the kids that she loves them and they say it back.
"Well if there's nothing else, the vows," Reverend chimes in.
"Everyone in here knows that me and the kids had it rough after Vic died. It hurt me to my core. I didn't know how to do Cali's hair or help Harlem with his homework and King had shut down my babies took losing their mom harder than I did. But then baby you came along and changed all that, not only did you build a bond with me but you built one with my babies and they love you, Not only that but you gave me two new ones, I'm going to love, and protect and cherish you until they put me six feet under baby, you can bet that," I say to her.
"I love you so much Jayceon you made me believe in love again and I love our babies and the life we've built together, I promise to love and cherish you, and to respect you and our vows, I'll continue to stand beside you and be your partner, and know that no one will come between us ever baby,"
"The rings please,"
Harlem gets up handing me the rings. We put them on.
"Jayceon you may kiss your bride," The Reverend says. I grab Amber and give her a long lingering kiss. Everybody claimed and cheered and we laughed as we kept kissing until we jumped the broom and walked down the aisle hand in hand.
"I can't wait to make love to you baby all night long,"
" I can't wait baby, tonight I get to ride you all night long as my husband.
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Saga of the Jewels VOLUME ONE COMPLETE
Prefer to listen to rather than read Saga of the Jewels? I'm also releasing it as a free audibook serial podcast on iTunes here! Epic YA JRPG-influenced GameLit progression ensemble-cast steampunk romance fantasy! When Ryn’s hometown is destroyed, will he be able to gather together the twelve Primeval Jewels in order to defeat the evil Emperor and save the world of Mid? A fan novelization of an amazing Final Fantasy game that doesn’t actually exist, that currently releases at least one chapter a month. Epic in that this will be very long. “It’s a marathon, not a sprint!” (-Kandaj) YA in that this should be enjoyable to~13-year-olds and upwards. Some gore, some swearing, some sex, but nothing more than PG-13. JRPG-influenced / GameLit in that it uses lots of JRPG tropes, particularly from Final Fantasy. I’ve read a lot of fan Final Fantasy novelisations and you can basically think of this as a fan novelisation of its own Final Fantasy game that doesn’t actually exist as a game... Progression in that the characters level up over time (though not with visible litrpg stat boxes). They grow in ability through training and experience, gain new skills, individually and as a party (think Chrono Trigger) and spend time discussing and stratgeising about how to defeat their opponents. Main protagonist from book three would definitely be able to defeat himself from book one! Ensemble-cast because we've got quite the roster of misfits here. The first volume is all from the main protagonist's POV, but it starts dancing between his and different POVs thereafter. Steampunk in that we’ve also got airships, steam trains, pistols and ambiguous ‘amber bars’ that function a bit like artificial lights… Romance in that there is lots of shipping here, a few love triangles, and you may be kept guessing as to who will actually end up together... Fantasy in that we’re in a vaguely pre-modern setting. We’ve got swords, magic, dragons, dungeons, monsters, all that good stuff. * "This story captures that Final Fantasy quality perfectly. Kiddy but also grim. The characters are great... Severely underrated and needs more favorites/follows. I look forward to seeing how this story will unfold." -Gilgamesh9999 "Starting at the end and jumping backwards is not a writing style seen every day. I'll admit, I was a bit skeptical at first, but you've executed a fairly crazy idea very skillfully so far. Overall, a strong start to what could be a very strong story." -RandomFF.netUser "You definitely have my interest piqued. It'll be interesting to see where the story goes... It definitely has an 'old school Final Fantasy' type feel to it, which I appreciate...Good job! I am glad you are going into more details about the story you laid out in the prologue...of course the big burning question is 'You know they lose in the the first chapter, so how will they end up winning?' That of course, is the story you're writing...so we'll see how it goes! #Following." -KyleQuicksilver (quotes are from reviews on other sites) * If you enjoy it, don’t forget to boost Saga of the Jewels on topwebfiction.com! [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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