《Fell For You》12. " Dramatics"



"Yes mama. The twins are a boy and girl Amara and Amari age 6, and the older girl Whitney is 18. I'm going to take them shopping for school clothes and shoes. I wanted to see if you and Mama Nadine still had Mason and zacoroni old clothes in boxes?"

" yea we still got them. We still have some of you and Chelles old clothes if you want those too. It would probably fit Whitney if Michael wants to come down here and get them.... Actually never mind I'm going to get yo lazy ass father to do it so I have an excuse to see them... we be there later today... and you already know if I'm coming Nikki and Mason coming and if Mason coming Zay and Nadine on the way. So get them kids prepared to meet the family"

"Lord momma ion think they ready for that. I don't know their story but if you all do come don't be so loud or how we are cause these kids seem to scare easily or flinch by the slightest movement. So I don't want to trigger anything okay."

"Alright baby. Best behavior me and Nadine will make sure of that."

"Thankyou momma I'll see y'all soon"

"Mrs. Wright?"

I looked up seeing Whitney come into my office . I looked at the time seeing it read 6:23 a.m.

It's Saturday.....

What teenager is up this early on a Saturday

"Whitney you can call me Meg please"

"Alright Mrs. Meg do you need me to help with anything?"

I guess that'll have to work for now "help?"

"Yea like household chores vacuuming, washing the dishes, cleaning rooms, doing laundry"

"Oh no sweetie I'm okay I usually do it but since I'm pregnant Mikey won't let me lift even a sock up so he is more than capable of doing most of that until our housekeeper comes at the end of the week. So you are free to do whatever you would like until we go shopping"

"Shopping?" She stared at me confused " shopping for?"

"School clothes of course... the twins can go to a school near by my little brothers go there and they'll keep an eye on them if you are worried at all"


"Um no that's fine"

"If you're under this roof Whitney you going to school also. Your senior year actually right?"

She nodded holding a look of disgust hearing the word high school

" you all start on Wednesday. We have to get you situated and everything transferred here and sorted out."

"Baby!" Mikey yelled from the kitchen. I knew he was cooking breakfast cause my fat ass smelled the heavenly sent off buttermilk pancakes from my home office.

I saw Whit stiffen up as she heard Mikey's voice "I'm going to go check on the twins"

I nodded watching her leave my office . Whoever hurt them three little babies really on my bad list cause once this baby pop out imma be back to my olds ways and gonna wanna fight.


Oh yeah "In the office Mikey!"

I hurriedly did what I had to do for work and preparations for the kids transfer papers before he came barging in "don't make me choke you out Megan"

Here his over dramatic self go

"Now don't threaten me with a good time Michael Giovanni"

"Babe the baby is due any day now and you over here being a busy body... sit down forreal"

"I'm almost done I swear" I straightened up around the office when the door bell rang

"That's yo mama I'm snitching" he ran out the office so quick before I could even say a word. So my penguin looking ass had to waddle to the guest room downstairs and lay in bed where we were currently sleeping in cause he didn't want me climbing up the stairs to the master bedroom.

I relaxed in my rocking chair covering my hands over my stomach with a blanket over me listening to music

" you ain't fooling me one bit Megan Pasliee. Yo ass really in here listening to wind blowing please" my momma said walking into the room

"She think she Pocahontas. Watch out before she break out into color of the winds baby" my dad had his arm slinged around my momma walking in with her

"Hi momma, hi daddy"

They came towards me kissing me on the cheek "hi my baby. You got your husband stressing cause you won't just stay still"


I shrugged my shoulder " I gotta keep him on his toes ... watch this..... AHHHHH"

In less then 10 seconds Mikey was in here with the baby bag looking frantic " it's time ?the baby is coming? Um baby bag, blanket, makeup bag.. check check ok that's everything " he ran out yelling

" The baby's coming!"

My parents shook their heads as I heard mama Nadine " boy if the baby coming where the hell is the baby and mother?!"

" and Megan's fake ass yell and he fell for it again. She gon give the man a heart attack I swear"

"The girl sounded more like she was taking a mean shit" my daddy said

"Are you ok miss Megan?" Whitney poppped her head in and I saw Amari and Amara watching me worried. Oh I forgot for a minute they were here. They are so quiet I'm not use to that. I gotta stop the jokes I don't I want to scare them or trigger them.

" I'm okay love bug I was just playing a little jokey joke on my husband. I'm sorry for worrying you three"

" Megan why do you insist on killing me so young?" Mikey asked as he came in after putting everything back where they belonged

I shrugged my shoulder as everyone came into my room. I motioned for Whitney, Amari, and Amara to come in also so I can introduce them to the family.

"Everyone this is Whitney and her brother and sister Amari and Amara. They will be staying with us for"

Mason and Zay zoned in on Amari and Amara with a smile and I'm already knowing the two little sneaks are about to be four little sneaks " Amari and Amara I'm Zay and this is my best friend and brother Mason. you wanna play among us?"

Amari looked to Whitney to see if it was ok and Whitney looked to me and I nodded. The two of them started their walk to the family room to play as Amara and Amari never let go of each other and followed behind them

"So Whitney you can call me mama Nadine and that fast one right there is Megans' mom mama Mary. Come on we got some clothes for you and the kids" they both waited patiently for her

"Oh and this is my husband Arthur. Don't let his light bright self scare you he a punk"

" Now Mary.... Who was the one last night talking bout no more .... I can't take anymore over there punking out

I choked on my saliva "y'all are nasty don't nobody wanna hear that daddy!"

"Girl hear what? Get yo mind out the gutter that's why you in that rocking chair now. We was having a eating contest. Yo mama thought she could beat me on who could eat Four FoForFos'. Her ass ain't even finish the first batch of nuggets.... Embarrassing if you ask me"

"Who asked?"

"Your upper lip"

Whitney already had her defense up the minute she came into the room and seen everyone. " Thank you very much for the clothes... y'all didn't have to. Miss Wright— I mean Megan has done so much for us already"

"You family baby.. and we always take care of family. Come on" Mama Nadine didn't leave no room for debate with her smile. Whitney walked with them to the living room to look through the boxes.


"My baby!!"

" Mikey help me up! help me up!" I frantically grabbed on him

"You better sit down before she bite you a new one cause you know how she is" I thought about it... and sat myself down as suggested.

Cause one thing about her she don't play about me

"Bestfrienddddd!" Chelle came running in skipping past her twin to come hug me. Wrapping me in her arms I just savored the moment

"I've missed you Chelly and I'm happy you'll be here for the birth

"Girl you know I wouldn't miss it for nothing please"

"Yea I missed you too.. it's okay stop crying.... Alright... aht you doing too much now" I looked up to see Nasir patting Mikey's back

"But but but Nas she ran pass me like I was nothing.. like we ain't twins..."

" the dramatics.... Hi twinnn"

"Nah ever since I knocked Meg up I've been pushed to number three in your life"

He looked and Nas for awhile then started glaring "damn imma be number four soon"

"So dramatic"

it's good to have my family home


Cute family fun times 💕


Sorry for any grammatical errors

Fran 💕

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