《TITANS 2: The Monsters Kingdom (Moana / Kong - Disney Moana / Monsterverse)》Chapter 13 - Battle for Skull Island part 1


A pale sun had risen on this new day on Skull Island. A morning imbued with the sign of fear. All the fauna of the island seemed to have felt inside them. The herds of herbivores fled, the flocks of birds flew into the air, abandoning their nests ..... the balance of the island began to dangerously collapse.

Moana, Maui, Rapunzel, Flynn, and Tim had been running for the rest of the night, fleeing through the thick, damp jungle, still hearing in the distance the awful and fierce roars of the giant Skull Crawler, coming closer more and more. He tracked them down. Moana felt her heart racing as she ran, not only because of the intense fear she felt about the monster chasing them, but also because of the sadness she felt ..... through Wagner's fault and his men, Kong had been seriously injured and could not do the weight against the Skull Crawler .... now, Kong was most likely dead, which devastated the young woman of Motunui .... without him, nothing could not stop the devil of the island from ruling as an absolute master.

The group had finally emerged from the jungle and was now running through wide swampy plains surrounded by cliffs and small granite mountains covered with climbing vegetation. The wet and muddy terrain made progress very difficult. Flynn helped Rapunzel, taking her by the hand. But as she ran, Moana suddenly decided to stop, right in the middle of the bog, and face determined, turned to face the edge of the jungle that was now several hundred meters.

Seeing her doing, the others also stopped running.

_ "Moana, what are you doing?!" Rapunzel asked, raising her eyebrows, worried.

_ "Keep going, I'll get his attention on me!!" she replied firmly, her eyes focused, although she was trembling with certain fear. The rest of the group wondered if she had lost her mind.

_"Are you crazy or what?" Maui retorted, strongly opposing this idea. "You come with us!"

_ "Hurry up, he'll be here!!" Flynn screamed, panicked. Maui stepped forward to grab Moana by the wrist and force her to come, but with a simple, steady look over her shoulder towards her demigod friend, Moana gave an order to the water around her, a wall of water forming between her and Maui, separating them.

_ "Moana! No!!" Maui screamed, trying to pass through the wall of water, which oddly enough, was as hard as a stone wall. Rapunzel, Flynn and Tim, seeing this, tried to pass as well, but without success.

_ "Moana, don't do this!!" begged Tim.

_ "You don't have to sacrifice yourself for us!!" added Rapunzel, on the verge of tears. Seeing the troubled reflections of her friends behind the wall of water, striking and pleading for her to come back, Moana felt her throat knot, and tears born on the corners of her eyes.

_ "I'm sorry ....." she sighed, before continuing to face the jungle armed with her simple spear. She knew full well that she had no chance of defeating that monster, but at least she could give her friends enough time to escape from that hell. Moana was standing upright, feeling her hand tremble, her heart pounding hard and the sweat forming on her forehead.


The earth shook in a steady rhythm of heavy and fast footsteps, then, the trees of the edge of the jungle were suddenly crushed or spread, by the arrival of the imposing Skull Crawler, whose disguting jaw covered with scars left escape a furious grunt. The monster sniffed profusely around him, only to finally see this young human woman, alone, several hundred meters away from him, facing him as if she were waiting for him. Moana was very scared, but tried not to show it.

_ "Do you claim to be master of this island?!" she exclaimed provocatively, dismissing her arms forcefully "But know that you will never be the king!"

Hearing this, the Skull Crawler roared with fury and rushed towards this insolent little prey, which he was going to be happy to crush like the insect she is. On the other side of the water wall, the rest of the group had also heard the roar, only accentuating their fears.

_ "MOANA! RUN AWAY! SAVE YOUR LIFE!!" screamed Maui, desesperate.

Faced with this gigantic nightmarish creature that came upon her, Moana had to admit to being terrified, but did that to help her friends. She thought for a last time about her island, her parents, her tribe, knowing that she would never see them again ..... closing her eyes, she seemed to accept her fate.

But as the Skull Crawler was no more than a hundred meters from her, a different yet familiar roar echoed through the area, opening Moana's eyes and disrupting the Skull Crawler who wanted to look over his shoulder. But as soon as he watched, Kong appeared, jumping into the air from a cliff and violently crushed a huge rock in the head of the Skull Crawler. More than stupefied, Moana retreated very quickly, as the rock burst into pieces on the head of the Skull Crawler who growled in pain, fell heavily backwards, making the ground shaking and lifting tons of water and dirt in his fall.

The wall of water eventually falls, allowing Maui and the others to join Moana. They too were both surprised and reassured to see Kong, standing on his feet, facing the Skull Crawler, who, stunned by the shock, was rising in the mud and water. Moana remained silent, her eyes round and a tear of joy running down her cheek. Kong .... he is alive! Hope resurfaced in her heart.

Kong looked at her briefly, as if to make sure she was fine, before concentrating her furious glance at her enemy .... Ramarak, the alpha of the Skull Crawlers ..... he had killed all his family, and had also killed Tehela during the attack of the lair, a long time ago ..... this monster had taken everything to Kong .... but not this time!

Kong and Ramarak were now facing each other, in the middle of the big bog and cliffs, for their ultimate face to face. This time, one of them would lose his life. The finale clash of kings was about to begin.

_ "Go, go, we must no stay here!" Maui ordered as the two titans faced each other, throwing their loud roars as a means of intimidation. The rest of the group began to follow him without hesitation, although Moana had a moment's hesitation in leaving Kong alone against this enemy.


_ "Kong .... you must win .... I believe in you ..." Moana prayed, before starting to run with her friends, towards the nearest cliffs. From the corner of his eye, seeing Motunui's young woman and her friends move away, Kong was able to focus fully on his fight.

After a furious roar, it was Ramarak who acts first, leaping forward with surprising agility despite his great size. Kong stood ready and with his hand, blocked Ramarak's jaw that had tried to bite him and pushed the Skull Crawler to the side. Ramarak, in his tracks, quickly got back on his feet and jumped again, this time blocking Kong, back against a granite cliff. Without respite, Ramarak closed his powerful jaws on Kong's throat, making him roar in pain. With his head and back violently hitting the shaking cliff, Kong struggled with all his strength, with one hand trying to remove the jaw from his enemy, and with his other hand, struck several violent punches in the ribs of Ramarak, but ths one did not let go.

As she ran, Moana stared and gasped at seeing Kong in bad situation. No, this time she would not let him die! Gathering her courage, she moved away from the group's path and began to run, alone, towards the cliffs close to the fight of the titans.

_ "MOANA!!" Rapunzel shouted as she saw her.

_"I'm going to take her!!" Maui told them, running after her and urging others to continue without stopping.

Still strangling by Ramarak, Kong managed to grab the jaws with his hands, and with all his physical strength, managed to remove them from his throat, catching his breath. Blocked and struggling, Ramarak let out shrill whistles as Kong continued to hold him as firmly as possible.

Annoyed, Kong grabbed Ramarak by the neck and hit the head against the wall of the cliff. Eager to finish it as soon as possible, Kong gained momentum and tried to crush the head of the giant reptile with a violent elbow blow. Unfortunately, Ramarak in a reflex, moved in time, the elbow of the giant monkey coming suddenly hit the cliff and making it tremble even more.

Like a snake, Ramarak leaped forward, biting fiercely at one of Kong's wrists, which roared with pain, and jumped at full weight. The two titans began a violent scrum, raising clouds of water, dirt and mud in their wake and shaking the ground. Ramarak used his tail like a snake to surround Kong's body and block him, while biting and scratching him. Kong used his physical strength and hands to hit as hard as possible, and to deflect the Skull Crawler's bites as much as possible. A veritable torrent of violence, roars and blows.

Meanwhile, Moana had climbed with all her strength and as fast as she could, finally reaching the top of one of the cliffs and now having a bird's eye view of the bog and the fight, with the two great creatures in the center of this natural arena. Maui ends up joining her.

_ "Moana, damn it, but what are you doing?!" asked the demigod more worried than really angry. Moana immediately put her hand away from his wrist.

_ "I can't leave Kong, Maui, I have to help him!" she retorted firmly.

Maui seemed circumspect with this answer.

_ "But what do you want to do, exactly? Kong is the only one who can defeat Ramarak!"

_ "That's wrong, remember the prophecy, in the temple !!" said Moana. Maui could see the despair in her eyes. "... you know just like me that alone, Kong will be defeated in the last fight against the great Skull Crawler, but that the girl from the ocean can help him to win the victory!"

_ "But, I thought you did not believe that prophecy, that you were not that girl!" Maui said, remembering very well the young woman's reaction.

Moana sighed, remembering very well too.

_ "It was you who was right!" she answered, recognizing her mistake. "I was selfish to think only of my own survival ..... but I have to help Kong ..... I can't let him die ..... I don't have the right .... "

Maui had listened to Moana's tone, and really felt the affection and concern she felt for the great King of Skull Island. Maui recognized the young woman with whom he had crossed the ocean, and put his hand on her shoulder.

_ "In this case, let me help you." he said with his determined gaze. Moana smiled, thanking him and nodded with pleasure.

Meanwhile, the fight continued to rage. Standing in the bog, Kong struggled furiously, Ramarak having managed to climb on his shoulders and was trying to bite his head. Kong struck him on the chin with a violent setback, managing to free himself from the grip of Ramarak who fell heavily into the water, stunned by the blow he received.

Taking advantage of his freedom of movement, Kong grabbed the trunk of a moss-covered tree in his hands and pulled it off the ground effortlessly, while Ramarak stood up, grunting and hissing. The dark gaze fixed on his enemy, Kong, with one of his hands, got rid of all the branches along the trunk, transforming it into a real club ready for use.

Paying no attention to this, Ramarak rushed again, all teeth outside. Kong, grunting ferociously, also launched the attack, the trunk in hand. Once near, Kong used all his strength to strike a side blow. The trunk exploded into pieces, striking Ramarak's head, which, as a result of the shock, fell and rolled to the side for several meters. In shock, Maui noticed something that was ejected from Ramarak's mouth and fell into the mud in the middle of the bog. His fish hook!!

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