《TITANS 2: The Monsters Kingdom (Moana / Kong - Disney Moana / Monsterverse)》Chapter 2 - The Meeting
The ship left the kingdom of Corona for seven months now, and all the while, had skirted the African coast, then crossed the Indian Ocean, and passed north of Australia. The trip was very long and tiring for many, but eventually they managed to reach the islands of Polynesia. On board, the atmosphere seemed to be back to solid and the men of the crew began to regain confidence and were eager to finally set foot on land after those long months on the boat. Rapunzel and Flynn were also happy to finally be able to leave the ship, and watched the crew prepare the rowboat that would take a small group to the island to replenish fresh water. However, one man in particular did not show a cheerful face, Captain Wagner, with his dark eyes, left his cabin to see where the preparations were. He glanced sideways at Rapunzel, who pretended nothing and made an innocent face and a rather satisfied smile.
- "Really, I can not believe that I agreed to take you without the permission of your father the king ..... Do you know what I risk, princess?!" the captain said on the verge of nervous breakdown. Flynn tried to calm him down, but the captain was clearly not in a position to do so. Rapunzel was angry gainst herself at putting him in this situation, but she could not resist this call of adventure. She nevertheless decided to try to reassure Wagner.
- "Captain, believe me, I'm really sorry. I swear to you that when we get back to Corona, I will take full responsibility and make sure you keep your job."
The captain gave a heavy sigh and leaned on the railing.
- "It's easy for you to say that .... You are the princess, his only daughter, he will never do you any harm .... But me, I am the perfect scapegoat. At the moment I would be back at the docks, he will have me thrown into prison for the rest of my life!"
- "The king will never do that ..." Flynn assured him by patting him on the shoulder "...We will talk to him and make him understand that I and Rapunzel are the only ones responsible."
The young princess of Corona nodded in reply to her husband. The captain looked at them both, then, sighing again, agreed to trust them, not without showing the doubts engraved on his face. Rapunzel then turned her attention to this island closer and closer. This natural beauty, surrounded by this water so pure, so crystalline ... It was like discovering paradise .... Rapunzel watched with shining eyes, but suddenly, saw smokes rose from behind the thick layer of trees bordering the beach. The crew noticed it too and the captain stepped forward.
- "It seems that there is already someone on this island." Rapunzel told him.
- "Native people, probably...." Wagner answered, without showing the slightest concern "... Nothing to fear, and if they are violent, we have something to calm them down." he pointed and patted the pistol and saber on his belt. Rapunzel did not seem very convinced. the idea of coming to an island and killing the inhabitants made her shudder with horror. Was Wagner really ready to go at this point? Some of his most loyal men seemed to be pistol and knife specialists too. Rapunzel knew that in the past Wagner had been a great military leader of the kingdom and had fought against pirates many times, but that he had also been a slave trader in his youth, and that he had wanted to repent in engaging himself in the Royal Navy...
- "Captain ..." Flynn remarked "... we are here to discover a new land, not to kill innocent natives."
The captain chuckled amusedly.
- "Of course, of course ..." he said, patting Flynn's shoulder "... But as captain of this ship, I'm also responsible for your safety. We will stay calm, if the natives do the same, otherwise we will have to act ... But I obviously pray that we do not have to do it ..."
Wagner was reassuring and went to his men to talk to them. Flynn felt unconvinced, suspicious of Wagner. Rapunzel had her hands leaning against the rail and was still watching the fires from the forest. Although she was a little scared, the idea of meeting natives fascinated her as much.
The rowboat was finally launched, with Wagner as expedition leader, Rapunzel and Flynn as royal dignitaries to talk with the natives of the island, and five crewmen, with some weapons, just for the case and hiding them under their jackets.
In the village of Motunui, the atmosphere was much more tense and the news of the approach of this foreign ship worried many people. Many had gathered in groups in the huts under the protection of men armed with spears and wooden shields. As chief of the tribe, Moana proposed to go and talk to these strangers, not wanting to start a conflict without first trying to talk. At first reluctant, Tui finally accepted, on the condition of coming with her, and with two armed men. Moana agreed, but made her father promise not to be too hostile to them. Hidden in the shade of the trees, Moana watched, to see the little boat approaching the shore, gently raised by the waves. On board were several white men in uniforms that Moana had never seen before. She also saw this young and beautiful young white woman, with short brown hair, and dressed in that big pink dress, and who gazed at the island with an admiring and dreamy air. Moana found her very beautiful.
Arming with her courage, Moana took a deep breath and stepped out of the shadows to the beach, followed by her father and the two warriors assigned to protect them. Wearing her headdress, wearing red feathers, Moana stood upright and confident, although deep inside her, she remained very suspicious. Her father, Tui, by her side, crossed his arms and looked at the strangers with a neutral air, at least in appearance.
When the rowboat rubbed against the sand of the beach, Captain Wagner was the first to land, while the other sailors did the same and take care to pull the boat out of the water, out of reach of the current waves. Flynn got out of the rowboat and as a true gentleman, helped his wife Rapunzel to go down, taking her hand. Rapunzel felt the soft sand under her boots and smiled. But the attention of all fell on the four natives, three men and a woman, who stood a hundred yards away and seemed to be waiting for them. Wagner said nothing and just adjusted his jacket and captain's hat. Rapunzel walked to his side, watching them too.
- "They do not look dangerous ..." she said a little unsuspecting ... "the young woman is very very beautiful ..." she added, looking at Moana.
- "Let's still be careful, princess, we never know." Wagner warned in a low voice. With Flynn and Rapunzel, the captain advanced, without any hostile sign, towards the natives. The hundred meters that separated them was quickly reduced, and finally, the two groups were now facing, separated by only two meters away. Rapunzel looked at them with interest, especially the young woman with the face and the magnificent hair, wearing this red feather headdress, who seemed to be the leader. Nobody said a word in the first seconds, and Captain Wagner took the first step, saluting to the natives while pulling his hat.
"Greetings, noble people of this island. I am Captain Wagner, of the Royal Navy of Corona, and here are my distinguished passengers: Prince Flynn Rider, and Princess Rapunzel."
Wagner had spoken politely and without any superior tone. Moana and Tui exchanged a rather puzzled look at the start, then, the young woman lighted her throat and made the first step, hand on heart as a strong and proud sign.
- "I am Moana of Motunui, leader and guide of the people of Motunui, and here is my father, chief Tui."
She had spoken also without showing hostility. Tui also put his hand on his heart. Visibly it was a sign of greeting. For the moment, everything was fine. Rapunzel and Flynn admired the way in which this young woman named Moana spoke with a force that was felt in her voice, and could be seen in her eyes. Rapunzel was very admiring. Wagner stepped forward again and in good faith, reached for Moana to greet her. Moana looked at this outstretched hand with some perplexity, not understanding what the stranger wanted to do. Wagner found himself a little embarrassed. Moana turned her gaze to the young princess named Rapunzel, who showed her how to do it by signs. Moana seemed to understand, and after some hesitation shook the captain's hand. The first contact between two peoples never having met before. Rapunzel looked relieved and blew.
- "What are you doing on our island, Captain Wag ... Wagner, is that right?" Moana asked.
- "Well ...." replied Wagner "... We have undertaken a very long journey from our homeland, and being short of fresh water, we wanted to restock on your island, even if initially we didn't know it was inhabited, of course."
Until then, the captain was doing pretty well, much to the relief of Flynn and Rapunzel. Moana seemed to show understanding and looked at her father. Tui looked very suspicious, but sighed, agreeing to his daughter. Moana smiled.
- "It will not be said that the people of Motunui do not come to the aid of those who need it. Captain. Prince. Princess. As leader of this island, I authorize you to restock at the fountain. Our men will show you the way, and as a pledge of my good will, I invite you, if you wish, to dine with us in our village, to reassure our people about your intentions, which I hope are peaceful."
Wagner moved slightly to make room for Rapunzel, who bowed respectfully to Moana and made him a big, friendly smile.
- "Chef Moana, as Princess of Corona, I thank you for your trust and hospitality that we accept with great pleasure."
Moana found her very friendly and returned her smile, but soon became more serious.
- "But nevertheless, your weapons remain on this boat. No foreign weapon is allowed in the enclosure of our village. This is my only condition."
Rapunzel fully understood the caution of the young chief woman and accepted the condition. Flynn also submitted to it and put his sword in the rowboat. Captain Wagner seemed less inclined to give up his weapons, but after an insistent look from the princess, reluctantly left them. Three of the sailors would come with them while the other two would stay on the beach and keep the boat. Moana assured them that no harm would be done to them during their absence. After leaving their weapons, Rapunzel's group followed Moana and Tui towards the edge of the forest, towards the village which was not far away. Wagner approached Tui a little to talk to him.
- "My brave man, I wanted to tell you that your daughter seems to be a woman with a strong character."
Tui forced himself a little to smile, visibly uncomfortable with these strangers that his daughter had welcomed a little too easily, to his taste. Further ahead, Rapunzel had approached Moana, and the two young women were now walking side by side under the shadows of the coconut trees. Rapunzel looked around her with admiration at the beauty of this nature. A couple of parrots flew from a tree and flew over them.
- "It's really beautiful ..." says Rapunzel. Moana appreciated this remark, and for a few seconds had been watching the princess's dress.
- "I don't know how you do to get all this on you, but I have to tell you, that I find it rather pretty to look at."
Rapunzel almost blushes. She allowed Moana to touch the fabric of her dress, which she did, and seemed to appreciate the texture of the fabric. Walking a few feet behind, Flynn was watching the two young women with a certain feeling of amusement, almost believing seeing two friends that had not seen each other for a very long time.
As agreed, the men of the tribe showed their "guests", the small stream snaking not far from the village, and constantly fed by a small waterfall flowing from a rocky massif and covered with vegetation. While Wagner and Flynn were busy filling the water flasks, Rapunzel admired the new nature around her with such fascination. Flynn, however, did not seem to have the same enthusiasm.
- "It may be wise to leave immediately after taking the water, the natives do not look so happy to see us."
- "Bah ..." answered Wagner with the same assurance "... At the slightest signal of distress, the rest of our men will come in force on the island and save us from these savages."
Flynn motioned him to speak lower, and to avoid saying that kind of word. Fortunately, no native seemed to have heard. Rapunzel glared badly at the captain, seeing his way of seeing the people of this tribe. The young woman chief, Moana, came towards them, and did not seem to have heard the conversation.
- "Did you finish?" she asked always so friendly.
- "Yes, and again, thank you for your help." Rapunzel told him in all sincerity. Moana's expression changed then and she folded her arms.
- "Well, in that case, you can tell me the true purpose of your presence in our archipelago."
The tone of her voice was less friendly, they felt it, and they saw in her eyes that she was suspicious. Wagner, Flynn, and Rapunzel exchanged wary glances.
- "Chief Moana, I do not see what you want to talk about." coughed the captain in a vain attempt. Moana was not fooled and looked at Rapunzel's dress, especially at this little satchel.
- "Me and my fellows have a gift to see the motivations of people simply by seeing their faces .... And I see that you seem to hold particularly to this parchment in this little bag."
Rapunzel, Flynn, and Wagner did not know how she could have guessed for this parchment, but continuing to hide it seemed useless now. Resigned, the princess took him out of the satchel, much to the chagrin of the captain who wanted to stop him in her gesture.
- "Princess, no!" said Wagner, raising his voice, but quickly stopped by the spear of a man of the tribe telling him to back off. Wagner took it as a provocation and rebelled, showing himself as friendly month as before. Flynn felt the current rise and did not like that.
- "How dare you threaten me with your weapon?!"
Moana gestured to the guard to lower his spear.
- "We are not threatening you, Captain, but please let Princess Rapunzel show me this parchment." Moana clearly says. Holding the parchment rolled between her hands, Rapunzel advanced to Moana, looking at her with a confused look. She took the parchment and handed it to her.
- "We will tell you, Chief Moana, I promise you."
Moana accepted to trust her.... for now.
Later, at the beginning of the evening, as the night was covered with the dark veil and the first stars shining their relfets in the blue of the ocean, the inhabitants of the village had gathered for dinner on the central square. Sitting on the carpets of ossiers, the inhabitants ate the fruits and the freshly caught fish, in the light of large torches placed around them, and in the center, a big fire was burning, on which the women came to deposit the meat to cook. Moana had donned her tribal chief outfit, colored red and white, and her red feathered cap, and dined alongside her father and mother, but also with Princess Rapunzel, Prince Flynn, and Captain Wagner that she had invited. The atmosphere was a little quiet due to these strangers present among the villagers.
_"Chief Moana, let me say that this meal is delicious." Flynn said honestly after finishing his fish. Rapunzel also seemed to think so, savoring particularly the good fruits of the island. Wagner was more reserved and did not say anything. Moana thanked her guests with a nod. But, however, the reason for this invitation was not simply due to the generosity of the young woman chief.
_"Without wishing to hurry you, Princess Rapunzel, but could I see the parchment you promised me?" Moana asked.
_"Of course." replied the Princess de Corona, holding up the parchment. Wagner did not seem happy to see that but chose not to say anything. Moana unrolled the old paper worn by time, and finally discovered with her eyes the map of this strange island, as well as the strange symbols drawn around .... Her parents also looked, as intrigued as she .... A odd foreboding invaded Moana, especially seeing this roaring gorilla skull symbol.
_ "Where did you find that?" she asked without being able to stop looking at the parchment.
_"He was found on a sailor who seemed to be drifting for weeks off the coast of Africa. He was delusional and unfortunately died before he could tell anything..." Flynn explained. But as he explained, a strong and sudden wind seemed to rise on the island, shaking trees and tall grass, and all were intrigued by it. The children appeared frightened and took refuge with their parents. Moana still held the parchment in her hands, but this strange feeling was invading her more and more. Her gaze then turned to the great central fire, where she perceived the silhouette of the face of a huge gorilla roaring powerfully out of the flames and staring at her with terrifying eyes. Moana jumped of fear at the gaze of everyone.
_ "Moana? Are you okay?" asked her father, worried. The young woman looked back to the fire, but there was nothing left. Feeling her heart pounding in her chest, she took a deep breath and looked at her father.
_ "I .... I think, yes."
Maui had never been so scared, and had never run so much for his life. He may have been a demi-god, but the situation he was in was critical even for him. No longer having his magic hook, wounded on one side and carrying a bloody slash, he ran, panting and spreading branches and thick foliage in his path, his face dripping with drops and his eyes showing a deep fear. Behind him, approaching more and more, enormous steps and shaking the ground, accompanied by bestial rumblings. As he ran, Maui suddenly stopped, realizing that he had just reached the edge of a dizzying cliff overlooking this seemingly endless jungle. Without his hook, Maui could not turn into a bird and leaping from that height would be assured death. He was trapped. Behind him, the trees were shaking and cracking as the rumblings drew closer to him. Maui thought his end was coming and resigned himself to it.
But suddenly, a gigantic, hairy arm appeared and a huge hand clutched the edge. Then a second. Surprised, Maui stepped back, and bewildered, contemplated a dark and humanoid form rose before him, measuring several tens of meters high. The huge form showed two almost human eyes, showing great strength but also anger, not at Maui, but at what came from the jungle behind him.
- "Te Fiti ..... Protect me ....." Maui murmured without being able to stop looking at the huge hairy creature that had just appeared, that uttered a loud roar that echoed through the jungle, making fleeing thousands of birds and other animals.
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