《Family Issues》12


Mafia ~

an organized international body of criminals, operating originally in Sicily and now especially in Italy and the US and having a complex and ruthless behavioural code.

Amelia's P.O.V

"Ur in the what?!" I yelled standing up

"We are in the Italian Mafia" Jason spoke up

"And I'm the leader" Adam said standing up to his full 6'6 height

I choked on air

"Ur-ur the leader? OF A FUCKING ITALIAN MAFIA?!" I shouted

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to control myself, once I had regained my composure I questioned him

"When?" I said opening my eyes to look him in the eye

"From the age of 18" he said

"18?! When mum and dad died?!" I said

"Why? To get enough money for us?! You could have got a normal job plus mum and dad already saved a lot of money for us U didn't need to become a fucking gang leader!" I shouted

"I don't understand why would the cousins need to be involved?!" I said

"That's the thing, u don't understand" Elliot said standing up too

"Sit down" he said to which I nodded and sat back down at my seat

"Do u know why mum and dad died?" Danny said

"Yes they went on a vacation and a drunk driver hit them" I said looking down

"No" Chris said

"What?" I said snapping my head up to meet his

"That's what u guys told me" I said

"Amelia they were part of the mafia more or less dad was the leader" Chris continued


That's not possible why would they be the leaders?

They were kind people

They couldn't have murdered

"Wait if a drunk driver didn't hit them what happened" I said

"They were out on a duty abroad and whilst they were on there way back here the were murdered by the russian mafia" Jason said

My eyes widened


Jason stood up and sat next to me

He pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me

I was shocked

"Let me explain everything to u from the start" Adam said holding my hands when Jason let go of me


I nodded my head and embraced myself for everything

"I never knew about any of this until the day i turned 16 mum explained everything to me and told me how if anything was to happen to them that I would have to become the leader and explain everything to the boys and make them join. It's the family's legacy. When I asked what to do about u mum told me to tell u when ur old enough and train u to make u stronger because she knew u would be amazing in the mafia but dad was always hesitant on telling u because he knew that u were the weakness of all of us boys so if our rivals found out about u then they would use u to hurt us" Adam said stopping to see if I was catching on

I nodded my head urging him to continue

"The day I found out about our parents death I told all the boys about it with the help of Elliot and Brandon as they already knew and they had to include Noah too. We decided to keep it a secret from u because we didn't want u to get pulled into the darker side of the family but I guess fate had his its own way of working out" he finished

I took a deep breath sinking everything in

"I've got a question" I said

"Why is our last name Gonzalez if we are in an Italian Mafia aren't we supposed to have an Italian type name instead of a Spanish one?" I said

The boys chuckled and shook their head

"My real name is Lorenzo Alfonso russi" Adam said

I blinked twice

"What the fuck" I said

"I'm just kidding" he said laughing

I rolled my eyes and punched him playfully

"U haven't answered my question" I said

"Gonzalez is our cover name our real last name is Valentino" Adam said

"Amelia Valentino Damn that sounds sexy" I said causing the boys to look at me with weird glances

"U think that sounds sexy Noah Valentino sounds the sexiest out of all our names" Noah said flipping his imaginary hair


"True" I said nodding my head in agreement

"So baby are u okay with it?" Adam said holding my hands to his chest

"Have u guys ever murdered anyone innocent?" I asked

"Never it's one of our biggest rules non dobbiamo mai ferire qualcuno innocente" (we are never to hurt anyone innocent)

My eyes widened

"U speak Italian?" I questioned

"facciamo tutti il ​​mio amore"(we all do my love) Dean said

"So u all got to learn Italian and I don't what type of bullshit is this" I said putting my hands on my hips

"Oi I thought I already said no potty mouthing in my home" Elliot said pointing a finger at me

"I just found out my family is part of the Italian Mafia and my brother is the leader I think I could get a pass on swearing" I said

"Okay just this one time" Elliot mumbled

"I'll teach u Italian Tesoro" (treasure) Adam said

"So do u accept it? Ur not scared" Brandon said

Mum and dad were part of it

I need to do this

For them

"I'm fine it's quite exciting really OMG DO I GET A GUN" I said jumping up and down squeeling

Everyone's eyes widened

"No u are not allowed to" Adam said shaking his head

"Ha Ha" Dean said putting his middle finger up at me

"Shut up its not like u guys get one either" I said sticking my tongue out at the others

Each and everyone of them brought a gun out from their waist and pointed it at me

"U sure bout that principessa" Dean said smirking at me as my jaw was left open

"So u just carry a gun around on u at all times that not normal" I said

"Who said we were normal" Chris said shrugging

"Yall are sexist" I said crossing my arms and huffing

"Your very young that's why we aren't giving u one" Danny said

"Jason gets one and he's a year older than me what type of sick fuckery is that" I said

"I only gave u one pass on swearing young lady" Elliot said pointing his finger at me

I rolled my eyes at him and sat back down

All of a sudden a thought came to my mind

"Oh shit" I said

"What's wrong" Jackson said

"Liam I totally forgot liam saw u guys murder the guy too" I said looking at them with wide eyes

"About that what the fuck were u doing with him" Chris said

"Don't play the overprotective brother card on me right now" I said

"We will just kill him" Dean said shrugging his shoulders

"What happened to wé döntè kill ze innocente" I said using a stupid Italian pizza guy voice

The guys looked at me half of them face palmed whilst the others shakes their heads

"How the fuck are we related" dean said

"Shut up I didn't get private Italian lessons like u guys" I said crossing my arms

"We are self taught dumbass we've been learning it since we were young" Jackson said

"No wonder u guys have an Italian accent when u speak it" I mumbled

"But Liam what about Liam??!" I shouted

"Chill we will speak to him about it" Jason said

I nodded my head hesitantly

"Uh guys u know the guy Adam kinda hurt yesterday" I said

They all nodded their heads in response

"U guys were asking "where is he" who are u trying to find?" I said

"Mum and dads murderers" Chris said

My eyes widened for about the 20th time today

"Can I help?" I said

A sudden choruses of absolutely not, no, heck to the no, nope came much to my disappointment

I rolled my eyes and said

"U guys know the Russians killed them so just go find them"

"It's not that easy the leader of the russian mafia killed mum and dad but now we are trying to get to him through his son who we have absolutely no idea who he is" Danny said

"Except one thing" Brandon said

"His Fake last name that he uses is Ryder"

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