
❝ how are things? ❞

❝ things? ❞

❝ how are things between you and yoongi? ❞

❝ it's- ❞

jimin wanted to say things were fine, but he honestly didn't know.

❝ it's okay, i think ❞

❝ you think? ❞

❝ i don't know, jin-hyung. i... i don't know ❞

jin is silent.

❝ wait hyung, where are you going? ❞

❝ giving yoongi a piece of my mind for hurting my baby. ❞

❝ no. no, no! don't! we're fine! ❞

❝ you guys don't look fine! you hesitated, jimin! ❞

❝ because i don't know what he wants us to be, hyung! ❞

❝ ... ❞

❝ we're... we're talking. but he's avoiding the subject. ❞

❝ ... ❞

❝ just please don't go to yoongi-hyung. i want to work this out myself. ❞

❝... fine but if he dares to do anything, you better call me. ❞

❝ okay. ❞

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