《BNHA - Tokoyami Fumikage(One-Shots): You Are The Apple In My Eye》Tokoyami x (Experiment)Reader



That's all I can think about is to keep running. I'm free, I'M FREE!! I have finally escaped from All for One grasp!! All those years trapped and experimented on! I mustn't stop! I need to keep moving! He's got people after me I need to, I want to BE FREE!!


Tokoyami POV

I was on my way back to the dorms, I decided to take a walk in town on my own as I took the turn someone collided on top of me as I opened my eyes I see a beautiful long/short haired girl "O-Oh my, I-I am so sorry," I got off and offered her my hand "It's alright," she flinched a bit I was wondering why though "It's okay, I just want to help you," I smiled our hands touched and I pulled her up before I could say anything we heard yelling she gasped the way once she heard those voices her eyes were filled with fear as her skin turned pale she grabbed my hand and we ran "W-Wait where are we going!?" I questioned "Please trust me just keep running before they catch us!!" I knew something wasn't right I can tell by the sound of her voice she was scared but yet determined, we kept running until we were at an area where there was many people, we gasped for air since we ran non-stop before I was about to ask her what had happen "Please, you have to help me!" she says holding both my shoulders I was taken aback she was so close it made me nervous not because she was pretty I mean she is beautiful but at the same time I was worried I then nodded until *Gur Gur* the petite girl then blushed "S-sorry, I am a bit hungry.." I smiled thought it was quite cute she felt embarrassed I didn't realized we were holding hands I blushed but then hid my face as I guided her to a fast food place "I'll buy you something to eat, what would you like?" I ask "O-Oh you don't have to-" "On second thought I'll order something for you I am a bit hungry as well, now sit here and I will be back" before I leave she grabs the bottom of my jacket "P-Please don't leave me.." I faced her then bent on my knees so we can meet eye to eye I held her hand I don't know what has gotten to me but this girl has been through something "I promise I won't leave you, I will come back you're safe we are in a public area and no body can hurt you okay? Once I come back you can tell me everything that has happened alright?" She nodded "You can take your time to tell me everything, there is no need to rush alright?" she nodded I then pat her head and went to get food for us.


I come back with our food I see her fidgeting with her gown as I put the tray down I can see she was shaking a bit, she must be cold I take off my jacket and wrapped it around her as I was doing that I took a good look at her I see she has scratches and bruises mostly many bruises on her arms and it seems like a scar on her forehead as if she had brain surgery. "T-Thank you very much.." I smiled "No worries, now eat you must be hungry" I gestured as I watch her eat her food it seemed like the way she ate was like she hasn't eaten for days. As soon as she was half way finishing her food she then stops and looks at me "T-Thank you so much, you have been nothing but kind to me, it has been a long time since I have someone care for me." she faces down fidgeting her hands "No need to thank me, I can see something has happened and I am glad I ran into you to help, now please tell me what happened, who has done this to you?" I ask gesturing about her arms, she looks down as tears formed she explained to me how a man known as 'All for One' has kidnapped her and killed her family and the most heartbreaking thing she told me how he and others were using her for experiments and how one of them had assaulted her.. I was filled with anger but that anger soon turned to sadness as I watch her weeping and crying as she puts her face on her hands, I reached for them as I held them "I'm so sorry you've been through that, I cannot imagine all the pain and suffering you have been through" I get up and sat close to her which seemed she didn't mind "Then after you finally somehow escaped correct?" she nodded I wiped the tears from her eyes and before I could speak once more she hugged me I hugged her back she was so warm I didn't want to let go we stayed like this for awhile she was looking for help then found me, now she feels safe with me, I did not mind though it made me feel warm inside.


We left the restaurant as I guided her towards the police station to report what had happened "Do you want to hold my hand?" I asked, what has gotten into me!? she looked at me she flustered then again she nodded as her hand touches mine "Sorry, but, I haven't gotten your name." she spoke I then freaked out a bit how rude am I "I-I'm sorry how rude am I for not introducing myself, well my name is Tokoyami" I smiled nervously "It's alright, my name is (Y/N)" she smiled I then couldn't help but feel my heart beating fast, her smile made me happy, I just met her and yet I will admit I have fallen for her. When we entered I met the same man the detective who helped me and my classmates at the USJ after the villain attack as I was explaining what had happened (Y/N) was hiding behind me clinging onto my shirt, she must really fear others. "Hello, my name is Naomasa Tsukauchi, I am a detective here at the police force," he says as he reaches out his hand for her to shake, but, she was to afraid as she clanged onto me more "There is no need to be afraid (Y/N), he helped me and my classmates the other time, which I will tell you some other day." I smiled she looked at me then slowly pops up out from behind me "Don't worry I promise there is no one here to harm you, I promise you are safe here, we will take care of you." (Y/N) looks up at me I smiled and nodded as if saying its okay she smiled and introduced herself to the detective she was still afraid of him but it seems that she trusts me "Thank you again for bringing her here safe we will question her and seek her for medical attention immediately, Sansa can you please take her to a room please and keep her company?" "Yes sir!" before she was going to walk away she walked towards me and hugged me "Once again Thank you! Thank you for being so kind to me," I held her tight "Your most welcome," "I-I don't want you to leave.. I know I just met you but please.. stay." I held her tight I wish I could but then my classmates would worry for me and Mr. Aizawa as well. "I wish I could, but I have been out long enough my friends and Sensei will be worried," "I see, well here thank you for your jacket." I stopped her "No please take it, just think of it as me I hope you would think of me as comforting you." I blushed she then smiled "Thank you," "Is it alright I can stop by to visit her," I asked the detective "Yes, but if she needs to be hospitalized then I will inform your teachers" I faced (Y/N) as her smile grew wider, before she left she gave me a peck on my beak she smiled and waved at me.



It was the next day class was over, and I decided to get back to my dorm quickly as possible so I can change to go visit (Y/N), I was informed she was staying in the hospital I was worried for her but I really want to visit her. After I came back last night everyone was worried for me as well Mr. Aizawa who was mostly a bit furious at me until the detective who happened to escort me to the dorms explained to him what had happened and I was off the hook.

As I head to the hospital flowers in hand I went looking for her room and then I saw her once again, but she was different.. as she faced away from the window I saw her left eye was a pinkish reddish color and what shocked me the most was her legs.. her legs you can see as if her veins were ready to pop any second the popped up so much much it is very visible I dropped the flowers she then looked away from me "I-IM SORRY, I know I look terrible, I will be like this for a whole month.." I went up tp her and hugged her tightly as if she were going to disappear "Sorry, I was just shocked is all. I don't think you look terrible." I then faced her our faces were so close I can almost see her true eye color "I think you are beautiful, it isn't your fault you are this way" I say but she turned away "You're just saying that to make me feel better Tokoyami, it's okay no need to lie to me." I held both her hands "NO, please look at me, ever since I met you I thought you were an angel who was supposed to be sent to me from heaven and its true. You have the face of a goddess, ever since last night I couldn't help but think of you the whole night and while I was in class." she blushed a bright red color "I feel so warm inside being with you and thinking of you." she smiled softly and leaned on me "I-I feel the same way, you were my savior, you are my hero."



"Toko-kun.. I'm scared, what if they get disgusted by the way I look?" (Y/N) says as she hides by using her hair. "No need to be shy (Y/N), my comrades are very nice and they won't judge you they understand what you have been through, I promise." she nodded as he opens the door and pushes your wheelchair "My friends, this is the girl I have told you about and seeing." She fidgeted her hair and looks up at me I smiled at her showing her that everything is okay she then looked at everyone "H-Hello, m-my name is (Y-Y/N)," she waved Everyone greeted her as girls compliment her eyes and looks as some guys try to flirt with her and the others greet her "Welcome to UA!" they all say. (Y/N) smiled softly as I held her hand her smile grew wider. "I feel, happy," she says "I am glad, you will have fun here, and I promise I will be by your side for as long as I live!" I say kissing her hand "My love."


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