
January 3rd, 2017

Kelsey let out a shaky breath as she stood staring at Matthew's door. Two days ago she was anxious to find out what Matthew wanted to talk about, however now she was more worried about having the actual conversation.

Everyone lately was bugging the both of them about being a couple, however Kelsey never thought much about it. She simply brushed it off her shoulders; in one ear, and out the other.

However, since last night, when drunk Matthew revealed that he loved Kelsey, she couldn't sleep. She hadn't said anything, because she couldn't bring herself to. Up until then, she never saw her best friend like that, as more than a friend.

But she read that text, and her heart fluttered at his words. Her fingers freely and naturally typed I love you too, however she quickly deleted it. Then the rest of the night, she was tossing and turning, unable to find sleep. She couldn't make up her mind. If Kelsey really did love Matthew, she would've hit send, but she didn't. So does that mean she doesn't love him? Kelsey couldn't answer that question, and she blamed that all on the fact that he was drunk. Did he really mean what he said? She was going to find out.

Kelsey walked through the unlocked door. Making a mental note, she reminded herself to scold him later about that, but for now she wanted to find out what was going on with their relationship.

Closing the door, Kelsey walked deeper into his apartment, immediately going to the living room, where he most likely would be.

"Hey," Kelsey said softly, walking over and plopping down on the couch next to Matthew.

Turning the T.V. off, he turned his body towards Kelsey's. "Hey."

He said those words weakly, as if already nervous about the conversation. Kelsey wasn't any better, she was uncomfortable as soon as the T.V. clicked off, nerves flooding her body.


"Um, we need to talk." He said, scratching the back of his neck, casting a quick glance out the window that was by the T.V.

Kelsey smiled weakly, she had no idea how this was going to end, "Yeah..."

There was awkward silence for a few minutes, before he decided to get right to it. "Um, about the text last night-"

"Is it true? Did you mean what you said?" She blurted out, Kelsey needed answers, now.

Matthew's eyebrows quirked as he tried to search her face for an answer. When he couldn't find one, he decided to ask for one. "Do you want it to be true?"

Kelsey couldn't answer, so she repeated her question again, this time more forced. "Is it true?" She stood up, Matthew doing the same.

He let out a big breath before starting. He didn't give her direct answer, however it was still a pretty damn good reply.

"A bottle of vodka later and all I remember is wanting you. It was never suppose to come this far, I was never suppose to fall this hard. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, but it did. So now I want you, but I don't know if you want me. And this was all just fun and games, until all the lines are blurred and I can't remember the rules, and suddenly I don't even know how to play the fucking game."

Kelsey took that all in and when she didn't reply, he continued. "So yeah, I damn right meant it. I love you. I love you so much and everyone can see that but you."

"I-I-," Kelsey searched for the words, her heart fluttered, her heartbeat picked up, and they looked at each other a little too long to be just friends. So thats when she knew; she was in love with her best friend. "I want this, I want you, I-I love you too."


Matthews lips were pulling into a smile, however before it could fully form, Kelsey pressed her lips against his. It was sweet and loving and filled with passion and love.

Kelsey felt complete for the first time in a very long time. She didn't know she was missing something, however with Matthews lips on hers, she knew she just repaired the piece that was broken.

They pulled away, a little out of breath, but a smile on both of their faces. Matthew rested his forehead against Kelsey's as they stared at each other.

"So all that soulmate crap you were talking about, who were you talking about?"

He snorted, a smile dancing on his lips. "First off its not crap, that came straight from Pinterest. And second, it was obviously about you, babe."

Kelsey rolled her eyes slightly before she pecked his lips, pulling back, resting her forehead on his once again.

"Hey, after all, soulmates always end up together."


andddd that's the end !!

I hope you all enjoyed this, I had so much fun writing this!

thank you for all the support and comments, it means so much to me!

I'm writing a new book, called "Better Together" and it stars Colton Parayko!

It will hopefully be out in the next week or so, however it's an actual written book so it might take a little longer!

But please watch out for that!!

thank you & I love you

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