
November 12th, 2016

"Come on boys, less standing around, get your lazy asses off the bench or I'll make sure thats your permanent spot!" Kelsey yelled as she walked around the boards, towards the bench.

She landed in Arizona and came straight to the rink to surprise the boys before practice. Kelsey pulled a whistle out of her pocket and blew it loudly to tell the boys who's boss.

"Yes sir!" Lawson saluted her, earning a few chuckles from the guys as they comprehended what was going on.

Kelsey finally made her way to the bench, going straight to Lawson who was leaning up against the boards on the ice. She slapped his arm playfully, "Hey, it's captain Kelsey to you."

The boy rubbed his arm where she had hit him, "Yes sir... I mean captain Kelsey." He teased.

Kelsey rolled her eyes, looking around at all the boys. Her eyes were searching for Dylan, however they didn't find him. "Hey, wheres Dyl-" Her eyes found him skating around, fooling around with the puck over on the ice. "- At least someone is working hard! Hey don't mind me Stromer, keep it up!" She yelled, causing his head to snap up at the sound of her voice.

Dylan's eyes met Kelsey's, a big grin making its way onto his face. He immediately stopped what he was doing and skated as fast as he could over to her. He pushed past everyone and hopped onto the bench, engulfing his long time best friend into a hug.

"I missed you too Stromer." Kelsey laughed as Dylan buried his head into her neck.

Dylan pulled away, "What are you doing here?! I thought you were going to Detroit?"

"Detour? Nah, I missed my Arizona boys, had to come see you children; make sure everything is still going good." Kelsey explained smiling, as her gaze travelled over all the boys she'd gotten to know.


Knowing Auston and Matthew growing up, Kelsey was able to meet all of their friends, and their friends, friends. It was safe to say that she's made a lot of friends through them.

"Your probably just here to see your parents," Christian muttered jokingly, making her turn to look at him challengingly.

"Actually, my moms in Vancouver with my stepdad and my dad actually lives in St. Louis now. As for my siblings, they're all off playing hockey somewhere. So yeah, I'm here to see you boys." Kelsey retorted, she knew he was joking, however with her family scattered all over the place, it isn't something she really likes to talk or joke about.

The boys were silent for a moment, not knowing what to say. Dylan was the first to break the silence and ease the tension. "Thats great! Ken's actually flying in tomorrow! How long are you staying for?"

"Four days, I'm flying to Detroit on the sixteenth." The boys nodded in understanding. A few minutes of silence hung in the air as the boys caught their breath and drank some water. "Okay boys, get back to work!" Kelsey clapped her hands together. "I say suicides until someone pukes," She continued casually, pulling out her whistle and blowing it twice.

The boys groaned, "I'm glad your not our coach," Max complained.

Kelsey waved him off, "I do know people, you never know." All of the boys eyes widened, a few of the boys muttered things doubting her, however none of them spoke up. "Okay boys, work your asses off," she yelled, turning to walk away.

"Hey are you leaving?" Jakob yelled.

Kelsey replied without looking back, "Nope, gotta make sure you lazy little shits are working hard,"she let her voice soften, "See you after practice, boys!"



whats rain ??

water that falls from the sky

actually, Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapor and then precipitated—that is, become heavy enough to fall under gravity. Rain is a major component of the water cycle and is responsible for depositing most of the fresh water on the Earth. It provides suitable conditions for many types of ecosystems, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation.

ik you just copied and pasted that from google ^

how dare you accuse me of such a thing

im truly offended

do you even know what half of that means

i thought you said if i said big words they wouldnt question my intelligence

you asked too many stupid questions already, we already know you arent the sharpest crayon in the box

^^ you asked me how to spell "aw" once

to be fair, there is different ways

yeah theres aw, awe, aww, awh, and awwwwwww

yeah but theres like 3 letters in each of them, you should be able to remember that

ohhh rookies vs vets, whos gonna win ?

its a scrap !!

fight fight !

let me just grab my bee- i mean popcorn !!

say hi to doms for meeee



* drops bags, runs dramatically over to you and jumps into your arms*

*sighs* I MISS YOU

hi my names curtis and i was also on the team


^ hi my names lawson and i was on the team too and im still on max's team

yeah i think you're forgetting that the team was more than just the two of you

well we were the only important ones

hi 👋🏼 *cough* number 1 *cough* draft pick *cough*

woahhh bestie pulling out the big guns

pew pew🔫🔫

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