
October 30th, 2016

road trips with ma babes ❤️

caption stealer


thanks man 🙃

i was talkin about the dog but ok...

ooohh ^ things just got awkwardddd

seans dog is adorableee


oh sorry, ur cute too 😉



guys shut up

le doge is cute

okay okay enough about the dog, more about me 💁🏼

damnnn diva much?

^^ drama queen

the sass is real 💯👋🏼

*flips hair, turns around and sashays away*


"So, do you think there will be a costume contest?" Dougie asked excitedly, breaking the comfortable silence that started after Sean got mad at Johnny for singing too loudly in his ear.

"I don't know, but if there is, our group costume will definitely win," Johnny nudged Sean who was staring out the window.

Sean snapped his head to look at Johnny, "What? Oh yeah." He mumbled, clearly focused on other things.

Matthew turned to look back at the two boys in the backseat, "Whats the matter Sean, thinking about Becca?" He teased, Sean rolled his eyes, turning to look back out the window. "But I mean we will win." Matthew added, turning back around, shifting slightly to rest his head on the headrest.

"Wait, dude, you like Becca?" Curtis turned to look at Sean dumbfounded.

Before Sean replied, Matthew jumped in. "Oh yes, he really likes her," He paused, turning back around from the passenger seat to look at Sean, "And I think its so cute how you're going as Chandler and she's going as Monica." Matthew smirked as he stared at Sean who's face was now red.

"Whatever, we're just friends." He reassured as he looked away to hide his blushing face.

"Well that is how Chandler and Monica started out..." Sam added quietly from the very back of the van.

"Thats very true Sam," Freddie added from beside him.

"Yeah well, Matthew and Kels are Ross and Rachel so..." Sean retaliated, trying to change the subject.

Johnny's eyes widened, "You're right Sean, I forgot about that. And thats not something we should forget."

Curtis picked at his fingers casually, pretending to fake yawn. "Yeah but Ross and Rachel were on and off for like a million years, and last time I checked theres been no romantic interactions between Chuky and Kels."

The van was silent for a minute, only the quiet sound of the music playing in the background. "Thats true, Ross and Rachel kissed like every episode and then they'd be over, and-and yeah." Freddie added.

Johnny frowned, "And Chuky and Kels were never together to begin with, jeez, he can't even get a kiss."

Matthew felt like he was getting cornered. He felt like the boys were almost making fun of him, even if they weren't intentionally trying to. The truth is, Matthew and Kelsey have kept some secrets, and Matthew was trying to decide if he should spill the secrets or not.


Before he could process anything, he said the words that would probably create a few problems, probably. "We have kissed."

Matthew said those words with confidence, however once he processed what he said, and all the guys stared blankly at him, his confidence drained immediately.

"You-you what?" Johnny asked, leaning forward in his seat to get a better look at Matthew.

Matthew shifted uncomfortably, "We-we uh kissed."

The boys eyes all widened in surprise, "Bro, you gotta explain more."

Matthew once again shifted uncomfortably, turning to stare out the window. He knew there was no dodging this. "Well, uh not recently, of course," everyone let out a breath of relief. "Um well we've kissed three times, the-"

"Oh yay, story time!" Johnny exclaimed shifting to get comfortable. Propping his chin in his hands, he looked at Matthew contently. "You may proceed."

"Oh uh okay... Well the first time it happened, we were fourteen, and it was at a 'party'. We were all playing truth or dare, and of course being fourteen, everyone who picked dare, had to kiss someone. At the time, everyone thought Auston and Kelsey had a thing, however Auston liked someone else, Kelsey and him were just best friends. When it was Auston's turn, he was dared to kiss the prettiest girl in the room, which everyone thought would be Kelsey. Which she was, but nope, he picked another girl and kissed her instead. When I asked him about it he said he didn't kiss Kelsey because he knew I liked her, but I don't believe it... Anyways, so next it was Kelsey's turn, she picked dare, so she had to kiss me. Everyone knew Auston Kelsey and I all were best friends, so sense Auston kissed someone else, that meant it was time for me to suit up and kiss her."

Matthew paused for a second, catching his breath. He glanced around to see all the boys staring at him wanting more. They all looked like they were actually going to have problems if he didn't continue.

"Um yeah, so we kissed, maybe for ten seconds, obviously it wasn't great, it was both of our firsts. It was simply her lips on mine, that was it; nothing special. However at the time, to me, it was perfect. Two years later, I still thought it was the best kiss I've ever had, that is until we kissed again. Then it became the second best.

Our first kiss was a dare, nothing changed. We both just kissed, thats it. It was just something that was left behind, to look back and laugh at when we are older. We kissed, thats it, not a big deal. However after the next kiss, it kinda was a big deal.

We were sixteen, almost seventeen. We were at a real party this time, and well, the alcohol was flowing. Auston and Kelsey hung out with each other most of the night, well I hung out with a few of my other friends. I had a few drinks, I was tipsy, but nothing too extreme. Kelsey and Auston on the other hand... They were hammered. So me being the good friend I am, called a cab and we all went back to my house.


By the time we got back to my house, it was around three a.m, and well lets just say I felt like I had seven or eight beers, not three. Once we were in my house, Kelsey agreed to sleep in my bed with me, well Auston got the spare room. Kelsey insisted it was so there was enough room, because with Auston and me in my bed, it would get too uncomfortable.

Auston agreed and went to the spare bedroom. As soon as the door closed, Kelsey stumbled over to me and gave me a very big hug. And then, before I know it, we're just kissing. Everything after that went by in a blur, however I know we made out for a little while, then fell asleep. We woke up the next day in each others arms, however we never spoke of the kiss, I don't even know if she remembers it..."

"Oh shittt," Dougie sang, although he was driving, he was engrossed in the conversation just like everyone else.

Sam sighed, "And you guys kissed again! Yay another story!"

"Let the damn man speak!" Johnny shushed everyone.

Matthew chuckled slightly before looking out the window, regaining his thoughts. "Okay well the last time we kissed was uh I don't really remember, I think it was- oh right! It was the night before she left for Calgary. She went to Calgary a year and a half before I got drafted, so we didn't think we'd see each other as much as we do now.

We threw a going away party for her the night before she left. Nothing too big, just close friends and family. Anyways half way through the night, everyone started to get drunk, excluding me. I was trying to find Kelsey to make sure she was alright and just to spend some time with my best friend before she left.

I couldn't find her anywhere so I walked upstairs to her room to find her crying on her bed. I'll never forget what she looked like; Hands propped on her knees, hair flipped over so it was covering her face, her hands also covering her face. I could see the tear drops that fell down her cheeks onto her pants and sheets. I'll never forget that. And most importantly, I'll never forget the way she made me feel. I can't even describe what that did to me, my heart. All I know is that it throbbed, physically throbbed to see her in pain.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I walked over and sat down next to her. I rubbed her back soothly as she let everything out. Eventually she moved so her head was buried into my neck, as she sobbed on my white t-shirt and flannel. All I did was continue to rub her back soothly, tracing circles.

I asked her why she was crying and she simply replied with one word; me. I was the reason she was crying, and that broke my heart into tiny little pieces. She was able to tell me she was crying because she couldn't leave Auston and I here, she couldn't leave me. I told her everything was going to work out the way its suppose to, and she seemed to calm down. She lifted her head up off of my shoulder, and stared at me. Simply just stared. And me being me, I stared back. And just like that our lips were connected and we were kissing each other with so much want and need.

It was sweet, passionate, everything you'd wish for. It was simply perfect. And I know, oh little Chuky is fantasizing over a kiss, but it was more than that. It was... hot and aggressive, my flannel thrown on the ground, her cardigan beside my flannel. However it meant something, it was passionate.

That continued for a lot longer than the first two kisses. And hey, maybe it was going somewhere, it most likely was. Lets be real here, it was pretty damn clear where it was heading. However we wont ever know because Auston fucking Matthews burst through the door, drunk.

And that was the end of that. We never finished what we started, what we both wanted in that moment. Fuck, we didn't even talk about it. The next day, she was gone. Just like that. Poof."

All of the boys stared in shock at Matthew as he concluded his story. They didn't know what to say.

"Uh, well, shit, I don-I, Shit." Johnny stuttered.

Sean looked around at all of the boys, before he looked back at Matthew. "You guys really are Ross and Rachel..." Sean's straight face turned into a smirk, "And we all know how their story ends..."

Or do they?


I hope you guys enjoyed this woot woot !!

i actually had a lot of fun writing this, so i hope you had fun reading it !!


I love you

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