
october 12th, 2016

missing my lil larks more than ever, ily babe❤️

i disapprove

well i approve so it doesnt matter ^

love and miss you too babe💗

you miss me too, wheres my ig post ?

^^ yeah c'mon kels wheres mine ?

i saw you yesterday...?

ikk its been too long 😩

yeah well i havent seen her in like foreverrr

yeah ^ stop being selfish

ha ha lil

hey watch it

are you taking notes ?

yeah, are you seeing this ?

man these young ones dont know anything about romance

oh and you do ?

^ oo roasted by ur girl

says the kid with no girl ^

aw c'mon guys this is a beautiful post, showcasing true love and you guys are ruining it with all ur hate

^ hate is bad

words of wisdom

ha ha hes my captain !!

hey, he was mine too

yeah but only for three games


^ we dont need to mention how many games we played

^^ yeah come on

i like how dylan's going in for the kiss and kels is just not having it

^i was just thinking that


oh c'mon, be nice

yeah, its not like you've never been rejected

yeah, wheres ur girl? Oh wait you dont have one

ohhh snap^

hey fyi, jazzy and i are very happy

^ thats his cat, isnt it?

sadly, yes




































Happy easter everyone! I hope you all have a great day !

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