《Layers Of Suffering (Tokoyami BNHA)》The Beginning Of The End
Authors note: Warning, horror elements... Artwork done by me.
Tokoyami found himself at the doorstep of UA Academy. It felt cooling as he felt a cold breeze drive through his feathers. The sun was nowhere to be found.
Bird songs echoed through the land, an indication that it was morning.
Judging from the little presence of sunlight leaking through the horizon, it should be around 5 to 6 am.
Class haven't started yet... Tokoyami thought, then his brows furrowed. It was weird to formulate a thought after what he had experienced. It felt foreign for him to think again.
He didn't know how much time he had left... Or how much things he needed to tell them. Should he even tell them? How much should he tell them?...
OK, let's stop there, Tokoyami. Don't need to get carried away. You still need to go in first.
Another foreign thought... This time, it wasn't because of the same reason. He felt a lump in his throat and blinked away tears as he embraced the unusual silence.
He took his first step in his new form and walked to the Heights Alliance, to the UA dorms. There was no point entering UA Academy at this time now.
Everything felt physically normal, walking, breathing, sight, smell, even the height seemed to remain the same. He still couldn't reach that annoying tree branch that was just an inch taller than him. He passes by it daily right by the entrance of UA Academy, its existence mocked him every time he saw it.
He was wearing his hero costume, but without his cape, unfortunately. It probably "loaded" his last position when he was alive. In actuality, dark shadow just made him wear his hero costume since it was the last thing he saw his brother wear.
Upon entering the dorms, he expected little to no one walking around but 3 pairs of eyes greeted his. Those pairs belonged to Kirishima, who was sitting on the sofa enjoying a cup of tea, Momo, who's making one for herself, and Shoji, who seemed to be ready for his morning jog.
For a few seconds, they just stared at Tokoyami as if he didn't belong... His eyes widened (for real this time) as he realised the situation he was in. Shoji was the first to react.
"Tokoyami! You're...! "
He was supposed to be missing in action and was last seen doing his interns with Hawks; disappearing into thin air. News probably reached Class 1A by now. He worried everyone to death at this point
Suddenly appearing at the doorstep would've practically given everyone a heart attack.
Tokoyami would've liked to keep his return to be a secret but it was too late. Kirishima was basically a beacon giving away his location. Within minutes, all of his classmates arrived; even Bakugo.
Tokoyami couldn't help but watch the scene unfold in front of him. He basically just stood there unmoving as more and more pair of eyes met his. Then came the barrage of questions.
"Tokoyami! Weren't you kidnapped?"
"Are you hurt?"
"What happened?"
"Who kidnapped you?"
Ugh, I definitely didn't think this through enough, did I.
He attempted to say something, however, something came rushing back to him...
He remembered how close he was to losing all his friends... and it was the last time he was able to see their faces again...
Tokoyami face paled and shut his beak. Shoji, for the god that he is, came to the rescue.
"Calm down! Tokoyami must be tired now and in no condition to talk. Questions, later; rest, now."
As if on cue, a wave of fatigue rushed over Tokoyami, as if being reminded of his, I mean dark shadow's drained soul caused him to deactivate.
Tokoyami knees buckled, no longer able to support his weight.
His head raced to hit the floor being pulled by gravity.
Something cushioned his fall... 6 big hands were wrapped around his small frame, embracing him.
But that wasn't it... He felt much more than 6 hands supporting him, hie weight seemed to lessen, a sticky ball in between him and the floor, a pillow made out of nylon right under... And many, many helping hands.
It was the helping hand of Class 1A, except for Bakugo who was observing at a distance holding the ever famous pout.
However, Shoji ended up carrying him up to his dorm alone. As Tokoyami's vision blurred, he looked at every single one of his classmate.
I do not want their lives to change because of my absence. I will try my best to make this farewell as normal as possible. They do not even deserve sorrow for I deserve none.
Keeping the glance of his classmates, he could see the care and passion of his classmates eyes. Looking at them made him want to choke out and cry. He decided to finally close his eyes and leave his problems for tomorrow.
But he couldn't wait much longer.
For he was running out of time.
(The second last day of Class 1A internship)
It was the shock of their life for everyone, and more so for Shoji. Class 1A had lost Bakugo once and it was a terrifying experience to everyone, but at least they knew his location. They had none now...
Few nights ago...
7:31 pm
7:36 pm
That's strange... Tokoyami doesn't use his phone often, but he does have the courtesy to respond fast to messages.
Maybe he's still on night patrol.
9:13 pm
Shoji's mind loved to play tricks on him. He remembers his last internship. Midoriya had randomly sent a location without warning. It gave him chills when he saw that.
Turns out it was true when Midoriya was actually fighting Stain.
As a reserved person, Shoji definitely wasn't silent in his brain. He was always caring and concerned of others, thinking of others before himself. Like a worried mother, he couldn't try to sleep unless Tokoyami replied. But there was nothing he could do in the meantime.
9:27 pm
9:33 pm
9:41 pm
9:45 pm
9:48 pm
9:51 pm
9:53 pm
He could only stare on his ceiling as each minute grows longer and longer. He felt like he was on edge and jumpy.
9:54 pm
Practically 6 arms dove for the phone; 4 hands and 2 ears.
Tsukuyomi have (1) new message for you.
Thank god.
His fingers whirled past the letter keys.
He proceeds to type the next line...
" For no reason at all, I was w..."
His finger pressed on "o"
His finger pressed on "r"
His finger pressed on "r"
His finger pressed on "i"
Shoji tensed as he reads the next line.
Yup... There's the shivers...
Unfortunately, it was much more violent and consistent. Shoji's heart rate rises rapidly and his vision blurs. He passes out shortly after.
It was such a traumatising experience his brain basically threw these emotions out before he could become lunatic.
9:54 am
All the emotions that he was feeling was gone or merely forgotten.
With his mind cleared, he managed to convince himself that Tokoyami was in no danger and yesterday's events were probably just a coincidence.
Today is the last day of his intern. Tomorrow, he could see him for himself.
His concern for Tokoyami slowly linger away until he became unaware of it. For example, your automatic breathing becomes manual as you read this sentence but slowly fades away after a few more sentences.
He was the first to arrive at their rendezvous, as usual. Koji arrived shortly thereafter, allowing him to greet the shy boy as he walked in. They were mutual friends and talked more often to him than the rest of the class did. This made Koji actually talk to him sometimes instead of using hand signs.
"Hey, Koji!"
Koji made a waving gesture back to Shoji.
Shoji made a gesture inviting him to sit beside him. He gladly accepted.
"How was your internship?" Shoji asked.
"It was fine... How about yours? "
"it was great! Did you learn anything new? New tricks or moves? "
"Not exactly new, but..." ...
They held their conversation until most of Class 1A has arrived.
"Great job fighting Kai, Midoriya!" Shoji said as he saw Midoriya entered the living room.
"Thanks, but it wasn't a total victory."
Midoriya answered plainly. Shoji then remembered the passing of Sir Nighteye and decided not to press on with the topic any further than a "Glad you arrived back in one piece."
Mina came through the door next, muttering to Denki about something she had left back in her internship place. Unfortunately, that sparked an unconscious thought which only changed his attention.
Forgotten something... Left behind... Tokoyami's phone.
Tokoyami... Where's Tokoyami?
He frantically looked around the room. Iida... Uraraka... Bakugo... Kirishima... Midoriya... ...
His heart rate increases as he counted the names.
86... 90... 94... 98... 102bpm...
17... 18... 19...
"Hey, Koda? Did you see Tokoyami today?"
He shook his head in response after a long thought.
He did saw Bakugo arrived earlier than him, but he went to the gym first... Something about not letting others see his haircut. His hair did look different when he first saw him... What's up with that?
But if he'd arrived earlier than him, he should have a chance of seeing Tokoyami, if he came early and left before anyone arrived. Shoji had no other options left but to ask him.
"Hey, Bakugo!"
"F**k off, extra."
Shoji ignored the insult and continued.
"Have you seen Tokoyami around?"
"What, Bird Brain? The f**k should I know?"
Well, that concludes that. Shoji walked away, hearing an irritated growl coming from behind him.
By now, Shoji doesn't feel so good. He felt helpless against his rising anxiety as his movements became more and more frantic.
The entire class had taken notice of Shoji's behaviour, finally realising the absence of a single soul; they began questioning among themselves about the absence of the birdman.
As if on cue, the door opened, causing everyone to jump. Whoever who was outside was taking their time to enter as if they were purposefully trying to create suspense. A hint of black appeared, lighting everyone's hopes up.
Unfortunately, it belonged to Aizawa Sensei's hair. The shock didn't die down however since Mr Aizawa rarely visits the dorms.
The entire room was quiet and all eyes were on Aizawa Sensei. It felt as if they already know what's coming next. They all held their breaths as Aizawa Sensei reported to them the information that he was supposed to relay.
"Congratulations on completing your internships. Not everything had gone along with our plans, but I'm glad all of you here made it."
"Sensei, do you know where is Tokoyami?" Shoji interrupted as he asked the burning question he held in his mind.
Aizawa Sensei glared back at him, shutting his mouth(s).
"As many of you may have been aware, one of our classmate, Tokoyami Fumikage, is not present."
Everyone nodded.
"I am afraid to say this... but he is missing in action."
Everyone was shocked... But Shoji was on a whole new level.
He felt the world around him spin and spin. His heart rate already reaching the 180s.
Mutterings could be heard around him,
" How could this happen? "
" Is he still alive? "
" Where is he now? "
"SILENCE!" Aizawa Sensei's booming voice silenced them.
"Unfortunately, there are many evidence pointing towards the fact that... Tokoyami has been kidnapp-"
Shoji's limp body was laying on the floor, now unconscious.
He could hear the last indistinguishable shouts and screams before his vision went black.
(Explanation: Randomness suggests lack of thought. Like a TV static, nothing does not really mean nothing, it creates everything.
Tokoyami is living in a new body with new memories. Only his soul helps the new body to adapt. Like a thumb drive filled with data plugging in into a new computer, it takes time to transfer the data over as well.
As everything sorts itself, randomness becomes more and more linear. Random sorts and eliminates junks, sorts caps and non-caps, and finally words.)
Tokoyami gasps violently. His eyes fluttered open, revealing crimson eyes and pupils thinned to slits.
As his vision cleared, the room remained dark.
He steadied his breath and groaned due to his disturbed sleep. He like sh*t and wanted to continue sleeping, however, his mind simply refuses after experiencing the foreign thoughts.
He sat on his bed and turned on the lights. He was in his nightclothes. He scanned the room, half expecting his room to be messy due to Dark Shadow.
It wasn't, of course. It felt weird having no one to talk to. Usually, Dark shadow would babble on and complain about Tokoyami's behaviour.
Now eerie silence surrounds him. True silence.
He felt really empty, cold and alone. His embrace with Dark Shadow felt like it happened a long time ago. He took them for granted. Now when he most needed it, it was outside his reach.
He felt tears welled up in his eyes. A single tear escaped from his eye.
He experienced many lives changing events within a few days, yet he had been holding them back greatly. He couldn't stand it anymore.
Oh how very close he was to witness all of his friends' death and not being able to help any of them. They were the first ever to accept him as a friend and see him as an equal yet this time, he was the one rejecting them. The regret that he was holding back now hit him full force.
He hit a soft spot, creating goosebumps and causing another tear to drop.
The stress that he had was insurmountable. The pain that he went through was able to drive anyone crazy. Yet he had a will, a determination, due to his friends, the will to go on, the will to save lives.
He was extremely grateful for them and was thankful to have been able to save them from their demise.
However... There was one that he couldn't save.
"Dark shadow! W-where are you? Please c-come back!"
Stop hiding! it isn't funny anymore!
"We could've just found another way! There must've been one! If you weren't so stubborn!"
"Dark shadow! Brother! There are so m-many questions I wanted to ask you! S-so many memories I want to share with you more!"
I just want to fight alongside you one last time...
He sobs and grits his teeth, eyes shut tightly whilst allowing tears to leak through.
"You were there for me for my entire life... How am I supposed to live without you? I-I seriously can't imagine... Please, I want you back!"
"Please, just once m-"
His voice cracked. It was too difficult to form words anymore.
Those are the 5 stages of grief when someone loses their loved ones...
He wept for ages, waiting for the last stage to take over him... But it didn't.
Feeling like crap, he decided to take a bath to lighten his mood.
He rises from his bed, leaving a clump of feathers behind, groaning as he stood up.
His vision was blurry from the constant crying and rubbing of his eyes and his steps felt heavy.
He filled the tub first, not wanting to remove his clothes first as to minimise the coldness he was feeling.
He felt a throbbing sensation on his head and his legs had a piercing sensation, almost like ants crawling on his skin. Banging his feet on the floor only concentrated the pain.
"Ughh!" He couldn't stand it anymore. He took off his clothes.
He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. His reflection gave him shivers for some reason. He looked down in the water instead.
Unfortunately, there was another reflection of him in the water.
Dead, lifeless eyes, stared back at him...
The eyes were separated from the body. What stared back at him from the reflection of the water was a coagulated mess. Pieces of rotten flesh displayed clearly as if the water had become a portal. It was the display of his previous body. It wasn't his now, life seemed to have left its body a long time ago.
He screamed as it fast forward in time. He wasn't in his bathroom anymore.
He found himself in a dimly lit room, a weak red bulb flickering in an interval of every 2 seconds. The ceiling, floor and wall are made up of rusted steel, as if in an abandoned prison.
Its body was in full view now, his hero costume was gone, leaving its naked body in full view.
Because its body had decomposed so much, his flesh had been dangling there, around his bones. He couldn't even recognise himself anymore.
The body just lay there, on a rusted metal floor...
Or... It's a wall...!
With a sudden realisation, he realised that the bones was actually standing. Its broken raven head staring down on the floor.
Now he could see the details much more clearer. His bits of flesh were scattered all over the actual floor. Rotten juice was leaking all over its body.
Then... The smell hit him. It was an overpowering, putrid smell. The smell of rotting flesh. It hit him so hard, he vomited.
But what came out was crimson red, the colour of his eyes.
He was vomiting blood.
It formed a red puddle with unknown lumps decorating it. A small piece of bone stick out.
Please, let that not be human bones.
The puke suddenly rises from the floor...
and shot straight up, right back into his mouth. The viscous substance raced down his throat, causing him to gag violently.
At the corner of his eye, the rotten body seemed to be going through the same process, reversing its decomposition, reorganising lost flesh and retrying tendrils. It wasn't any better looking at it backwards than forwards.
Within seconds, the body was recognisable again. His body. His face. Looking down. Eyes closed.
Knowing what might happen next, he turned and ran.
Yet his vision did not do the same.
As the body grew smaller and smaller due to distance, the flickering lights flickered faster and faster.
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