《KonoSuba: My Life as a Vampire!》Before the boss comes the minions!


Today is going just great, there's no sign of Yunyun anywhere and someone was stupid enough to anger a demon general into action. Not only do I have a lack of skills to fight someone like this, the small army of adventurers that have gathered are all frozen stiff.

As if someone heard my inner monologue about everyone being frozen stiff a boy stood forward and spoke.

"We were supposed to go to your castle? Why? We haven't let off a single explosion like you asked!"

It took me a moment to realise this was brute boy from earlier... I thought he was more... cowardly...

The demon general after hearing this raised the object in his hand and almost smashed it on the ground, before he remembered it was his own head.

"Not a single explosion? You're telling me you haven't set off one explosion since my last arrival at this time?"

He had been here before? How did I miss it?

"That's correct"

Brute boy said this with confidence I had yet to see displayed in this world.

"That- that's... RIDICULOUS! Your loony crimson friend has set one off every single day since!"


The confidence he displayed moments ago had vanished and he turned around to the witch girl from earlier.

"Y-you went to his castle? Are you crazy? I told you not too multiple times!"

She looked away, and brute boy grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her.

"O-o-o-o-owww! That hurts! Don't misunderstand! But after the experience of casting my explosion on something big and hard... I just can't go back!"

"That doesn't explain how you got back, you can't move after an explosion! Which means... You had help!"

He turned his head to another girl and took a deep breath,

"It was youuuu!"

This girl was also at the guild earlier, she was the one that punched the armour boy.

"I-I Just wanted to get back at him for last time!"

The demon general spoke up,

"What angers me more than the continuous explosions is that you seem to have no remorse after letting the brave knight from last time die."


At this moment another girl in heavy armour stepped forward.

"H-Hey there..."

"Wha... Whaaaa?"

The demon general seemed genuinely surprised, blue girl spoke up.

"I was able to rid that flimsy spell of yours the moment you left."

No one had to guess that this enraged the demon general as you could see his shoulders tremble vigorously.

"I've had enough of this nonsense."

Before the demon general spoke another word the blue girl chanted a spell

"Turn Undead!"

A white light surrounded the general as he stood there and let the spell hit him. That's some confidence, I guess that's normal when you're one of the demon kings generals.

"Did you think us undead would not prepare for priests? It doesn't matter anyhow, a low level priest from this village won't be able to affect me at all- aghhhhhh!"

The generals confidence broke and he fell to the floor screeching about how it hurt, after this display of weakness he stood up and pretended it never happened.

"You should never interrupt a demon general- I am Beldia, a dullahan, and one of the Demon Kings mighty generals! He bestowed upon my body holy magic resistance!"

He paused for a moment and looked towards blue girl,

"Are you really some low level priest? This is the beginner town right...? Well nevermind I had originally came to investigate this town but I think I'll just wipe this place from existence. Minions! Take care of these ungrateful dogs!"

At his words the undead knights started to move, all towards the same place... They were running after the blue girl who started running after brute boy. I wonder why they are running towards her? Is it the same reason I feel like I need to go to her whenever she's near?

Since the undead knights were after the blue girl it gave me a chance to look at my adventurer card, I need to quickly acquire new skills if I want to get through the safely.


Sure enough there were new skills available, one being cursed lighting which Yunyun saved me with, however I don't have enough skill points to learn it. Out of curiosity I looked towards the area it showed my Blood Shot skill and under it was a new skill,

When did I get this? How do I even unlock racial abilities? This isn't important right now anyway!

Time to test this new ability out! I jumped out of the crowd towards the crowd of undead knights chasing after those two dunces.

I held out my arms like I did for blood shot and shouted


Blood in the shape of a rock formed in-front of me, but unlike blood shot where a singular line of blood formed this had more than one and all shot out at once, taking down a couple of the undead knights.

This seems useful for taking down either large group of enemies at once or taking down one big enemy when they are close towards me.

The rest of the undead knights ignored their fallen brethren and continued chasing after their original pray.

"Thank youuuuuu!" A voice shouted from the front of the undead knights, it seemed to be brute boy as the other was to busy screaming his name.

By time I was ready to cast another spell they were already far away.

"Megumin! Get your magic ready! Aqua, come with me!"

After brute boy said that he changed his direction and started running towards the demon general with blue girl following, once they got close to the general they both jumped out of the way.


"What an ideal situation, I thank you Kazuma!"

After thanking her companion she started chanting a spell,

"My name is Megumin! I am a user of the finest magic the crimson demons can wield! And I am able to command the power of explosion magic! Behold my power and fall!"

Magic circles started appearing all around witch girl and her staff started to glow,


After finishing the chant magical power started swirling above the demon general and once it closed in on him a massive explosion occurred.

"Kukuku, it appears everyone has fallen to their knees in awe of my explosion!"

Witch girl spoke with pride, and then face planted onto the floor.

That magic... It's way too overpowered! Just being able to use it must mean she's a high level! She didn't give of that impression, although it seems she can only use it once... So she's a glass cannon.

"Need me to carry you?"


This must be a normal occurrence for those two.

After witnessing the massive explosion all of the adventures started to celebrate.

"How very amusing, I had no idea you would actually be able to obliterate my underlings."

The general stood up from his knees after surviving the explosion and rested his sword on his shoulder.

"I shall personally take all of you on!"

This shouldn't be hard, there is no way he can take us all on after taking that spell head on!

"There's no need to be worried, the cities ace will be here soon!"

"Charge at him at once, there's no way he can take us all down!"

Deciding to listen to my fellow adventures I charged at the general, I seem to be the only one going close who can use magic, everyone else has some sort of weapon, I'll stay behind and support them with my magic!

The general threw his head up into the air.

"Wait! Don't go!"

That was brute boy, why's he telling us to stop?

The adventurers went to strike the general, and they were all countered at once. Seeing this I panicked at started chanting blood shot.


The general stood ahead and towered above me.

"Why is one of your kind helping humans?"

One of my kind? W-wait can he tell I'm a vampire?

"It matters not"

The general winded back his sword, and I stood there frozen, unable to move.

My current objective in another world, hopefully survive.

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