《KonoSuba: My Life as a Vampire!》Blood for this vampire!


Wow, my head hurts... And there's still that thirst... Opening my eyes I saw the figure of person above me, Who is that? Why's everything black and white and blurry? My teeth are seriously starting to hurt...

"Ah y-you're awake! Are you okay?" A muffled voice spoke, it sounded like a girls.

"I'm fine. It's just a bad headache." I said after sitting up. Everything was still black and white. I looked at the person who asked if I was okay, whilst I couldn't make out all their features since my vision was still blurry I could tell they were a girl, It seems I was laying on her lap.

"Thanks for the help, I mean it, I gotta collect those rabbits bodies and take them back now." I stood up and walked over to the rabbits corpses.

"A-are you sure? Y-you don't seem alright..." The voice spoke once again.

"Yes. I'm fine" I turned around to look at her. My teeth, they're seriously hurting again... Especially when I look at her. I looked away and started walking away again.

"I'm staying with you." The girl said as she grabbed my arm. "J-just to make sure you're alright... I'll leave once I know you are, I am annoying after all."

When she grabbed my arm all my thoughts stopped and only one remained drink, it kept repeating in my mind and my whole body had froze. It sounded like she was asking something, but I couldn't hear her, all I could hear was my body telling me to drink.

I shook her hand from my arm and grabbed her shoulders firmly, she was definitely saying something, but all I could focus on was her neck, I got closer and closer until I could bite into it. Once I finally bit into her neck I started to suck on the girls blood. This is the best thing I have ever tasted in my life. I continued until the girl fell limp and released my fangs from her neck. That tasted so good! When I looked down towards the girls body reality started again, Wait... I've just... Bit another person... I-I sucked their blood... Fuck, fuck, fuck, Is she dead? I really hope not... I don't want to be a murderer! I laid the girls body down on the grass.


"Hey! You awake?"

"Please wake up!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"

"Please don't be dead!"

As I was saying that I heard a slight groan and the girls eyes opened. Thank you god! or maybe it was Eris, whoever it was, thank you!

"W-what happened?" The girl spoke and looked towards me, "Y-you... you bit my neck and sucked my blood..."

"Ah, I'm sorry about that... I hope it didn't hurt..."

"T-that means your a v-vampire right?"

"Y-yes, but please don't tell anyone! I'll do anything!" I said as I put both my hands together and begged for forgiveness.



"Then could you p-please be my f-friend!"


"Please be my friend! I'll even let you continue to suck my blood!"


"So, let me get this straight, If I agree to being your friend, I can suck your blood whenever I want?"

If this girl is being serious she must really want friends, I feel bad for her...

"Y-yeah, I've never had a proper friend before so..."

"Not a single friend?" 

"Well I do have one, but she calls me an acquaintance..."

"I-I see." Poor girl...

Becoming her friend would be a massive benefit, I have blood to drink so what happened earlier wont ever happen again, and I have a party member... I'd feel like I'm taking advantage of her though... I mean, I don't even know her name yet...

"Anyway, what's your name, If i'm gonna be your friend I need to at least know that."

The girl fidgeted with a fingers and a blush on her face, her eyes started glowing a bright red as well.

"Yunyun! M-my name, it's Yunyun!"

What a weird name.


"Mines Haru, and as you already know, I'm a vampire, nice to meet you."

After that I grabbed the rest of the horned rabbits corpses and set off back to Axel. Yunyun just stood and stared at me.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go."

"A-ah okay!"

She walked behind me with a smile on her face. Cute.

Opening the guild doors I looked around to find and spotted Luna giving out drinks to other adventurers.

"Luna, I'm back!"

She looked towards me, "One moment please."

I should probably start talking to the other receptionists, I can't rely on Luna all the time. After Luna finished serving the drinks she walked over to me and Yunyun.

"Was you able to get the rest of the horned rabbits?"

"Yeah, with the help of Yunyun." I spoke as I looked towards Yunyun who was stood outside the guild with the rabbits .

"I figured that was the case when I saw her with you, she helps out a lot of adventurers. It's a shame she never parties with them."

"Ah, I've partied up with her, as a thanks for helping me... In more ways than one" I spoke whispering the last part.

"That's lovely to hear!"

After our conversation she walked out to confirm that I had gathered the rest of the rabbits for the quest and after speaking to Yunyun, she walked back to me and told me to go to the reception so she can give me my reward.

"Miss Haru, as you successfully completed the quest to kill 5 horned rabbits, you are rewarded with 150,000 eris." Luna spoke in a very professional manor, and pushed out from the her side of the desk my rewards money.

After thanking Luna for my reward I went back over to talk with Yunyun.

"Hey Yunyun, here ya go." I gave her a bag of coins, which was half of my reward.

"W-what's this for? You aren't trying to pay me to leave you alone a-are you?"

"Wha- no, there's no way I would do that! This is for helping me!"

Seriously, who hurt this girl...

"O-oh okay, thanks..." She reluctantly took the bag of coins from my hand.

"What am I gonna do with you?" I shook my head.

That's another objective added to my new life, make sure no is ever mean to this girl again.

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