《Lux Storm ||The Goonies|| [EDITING]》Chapter 7
We stopped at the bottom of the steps. I was behind Mikey and Mouth. All of a sudden there was a loud noise that sounded like it came from a bear. I yelped in suprise with my friends.
"Chunk, I hope that was your stomach." I heard Steph say from behind. All I could do was nod in agreement. I was afraid that if I opened my mouth a very embarrassing noise would come out. So instead I just stood there with my mouth clamped shut and eyes wide.
"No," Mikey said, moving forward. I tried pulling him back. "That's the 'It'."
Then Chunk moved up besides Mikey. "Sounds like Kong." I nodded again in agreement.
I took a couple cautious steps forward, "Sounds dangerous." I managed to say. The noise pounded off the walls again.
"Part of it's human." Mikey said.
I looked down the stone hall. "What's the other part?" My question hung in the air. Mikey started slowly walking forward. Chunk turned back around and bolted to our friends.
I stood in place as Mikey said, "Come on. Want to see it?" I turned around to see my friends shaking their heads frantically. "Don't worry. It's chained to the wall."
No wonder it was making that sound, I thought. I'd be making that sound if I was chained to the wall.
I walked beside Mikey as he lead us to the 'It'. I heard another sound, but this time it sounded more like a grunt than a cry in anger. It made the sound a couple more times as we walked to it. I could feel several hands holding onto me from behind. Chunks hand wrapped around me as he held onto Mikey's jacket, enclosing me in a kind of human cage.
Chunk made a whimpering noise. Mikey shushed him, slapping his hand away.
When we reached the door, I was just barely tall enough to look through the little window. I couldn't really make anything out.
"I don't wanna go, Mikey. I don't wanna go." Mouth said from beside me.
Mikey said, "Why not? It's chained to the wall." From my other side.
Mouth couldn't seem to think right because he said, "Why not? It's chained to the wall."
I looked at him, "You okay." He just brushed over me.
"Come on. You wanted to go." Mikey said opening the door.
Mouth could only agree, "Yeah, I wanted to go."
"So let's go."
Mikey slammed the door against my toe. "Oww, damn it, Mikey. You're insane!" I seethed.
"Shut up."
I inched forward with my fellow goonies. I looked around the corner. My heart skipped a beat and my jaw dropped open. What I saw was both disgusting and depressing.
There was a very big man, big enough to be a football star, sat on a chair. His head was oddly disformed in the shape of a triangle and there were chains all over him. His arms. His legs.
He raised his arms to the ceiling and let out another heart wrenching cry. I screamed too and started to run back from the way I came, my friends following my lead. I was pushed into a door, which opened up allowing me to fall to the ground.
Chunk, Mouth, Data, and Mikey all piled up on top of me. "Oh, my gosh, I can't breath!" I managed to croak.
Mouth and Mikey both rolled off, but Chunk and Data both stayed. I was about to yell at them when I saw Brand and Andy laying on a bench. It looked like they were about to kiss. I smirked, forgetting all about the crushing weight on top of me.
They inched closer and just when their lips were about to touch, Chunk spoke up, "Shame, shame!" He teased.
"I know your name!" Data finished. I laughed at my friends and shared a high-five with them.
"Come on, Brand, slip her the tounge." Mouth said. I slapped the back of his head, still laughing.
"Oww." He said, grabbing where I hit him.
"That's disgusting. No, I can't even look." Steph said. Everyone was getting up except Chunk. So, considering I was under him, neither did I.
"Chunk, get off!" I yelled. I then began hitting him. "Get off me!" Chunk was struggling to get up and fight off my hits, but I was struggling to breath.
"Get me up!" He called to our friends. "Get me up, guys!"
At the same time I was saying, "Get this thing off me!"
"I'm coming to the rescue, my princess." Mouth said in a deep voice. Mouth, Mikey, and Data all took hold of Chunk. They counted to three and hoisted him up.
I sat up, "Finally." I breathed. Mikey held out his hand to me, which I gladly took.
Chunk said, "Thanks."
When I was on my feet, I looked around the room. It was really dusty and dark. The only light coming through the cracks in the floorboards above, which were actually pretty big.
"Can't you smell it, guys?" Mikey started. "One-Eyed Willy really is down here."
"All I can smell is mildew." I murmured. I started walking around looking around at all the things. In a way, it kinda reminded me of Mikey's attic, just less cool.
I wiped my finger across some metal thing. When I pulled my finger up to look at it, I saw about 50 years worth of dust. "Ah, yuck." I wiped my finger off on my jeans.
"Mikey, oww!" I was pulled from my thoughts to see Mouth yelling. "What the hell are you doing?" Mikey raised a fire poker in the air. "Mikey, you're gonna loose your--" Mikey slammed it against the concrete floor, causing himself to shake, just like in the cartoons. Mouth grabbed Mikey's sholders.
"What are you doing?" Brand moved forward, grabbing the fire poker. "Give me that. There's nothing buried under there!" I walked to the commotion.
"There is something buried under there, Brand!" Mikey insisted. "The map says there is--"
"This is the 20th century, Mikey--" Brand yelled.
"Look it!" Mouth yelled grabbing our attention. "I got an idea. Why don't we just put chocolate all over the floor and let Chunk eat his way through." Mouth said catching the attention of Chunk who was drinking from a water jug.
"Okay, Mouth, that's all I can stand." He said as he raised up from the ground. "And I can't stand no more!" Chunk accidentally knocked over the water jug. He just barely caught it saying, "I got it! I got it! I got it!" But he didn't have it and it fell to the floor shattering and making a loud noise. "I don't got it."
"You klutz." Everyone said at once.
"Hope it's not a deposit bottle." Chunk said awkwardly with a smile, folding his hands.
"This is ridiculous. It's crazy. I feel like I'm babysitting except I'm not getting paid." Steph complained.
"Listen to that." Mikey caught my attention. I started listening for some kind of noise.
"What?" Mouth asked.
"It sounds like running water." I mentioned.
"So what?" Brand asked.
"Sounds like my grandfather taking a leak, Mikey." Mouth spoke. "Thrillsville."
"Eww, gross." I grumbled.
Mikey brushed it off, "No, no it's deep. Like there's a hole or a passageway." We all looked over to the source of the noise. It was the fireplace. "Real deep." He said as we kneeled down over it.
There were still embers burning, so it was warm.
"Get outta the way." Brand said pushing Mikey and I back. He pushed the metal rack, holding the wood up, out of the way to reveal a boarded up hole in the ground.
"Haha, I told you! Told you! I told you!" Mikey said while laughing. I had a smile of my own on my face as I looked at the hole.
"I can feel the air. There's something down there." I too, could feel drafts of air coming through the cracks in the board. My smile broadened.
"Might be treasure or something." Mouth suggested.
Brand stomped through the board. It broke and fell through. It showed a little passageway. I grabbed hold of Brands arm so he wouldn't fall.
"Brand, careful!" Mikey said. "Are you okay?" Brand nodded. "I told you there was a passageway." Mikey smirked. I looked down the hole to the ground underneath. I had the sudden urge to climb down into it.
"It's the start of a tunnel!" Mouth exclaimed.
I got closer to the hole and stuck my head through it, looking around. There was a long passage from what I could see. When I tried to get a closer look, my hand slipped. I would have fallen straight threw and landed on my face if it wasn't for the three pairs of hands that caught me. "Lux!" They all yelled.
"I'm okay." I breathed as I came back up. "I'm okay."
Brand shoved my arm lightly, "Don't do that again." I smiled at him.
"Fifty-dollar bill! Fifty-dollar bill!" My head whiped over to see Data holding a piece of paper with money on it. "Guy's, there's hundreds of them! We have the money to save the Goon Docks!" I instantly stood up and ran over to my friend. I grabbed a couple of the papers smiling and laughing, looking at all the bills.
But there was something tugging at the back of my head, something my parents had talked about once, but I couldn't quite recall what it was. Then, just like that, "Quiet!" Brand yelled.
"They're fake. They're bogus." Brand said. My heart sank and I instantly remembered what my parents were talking about. "They're phony."
"No it's not." Data whined. I dropped the paper in my hands on the ground.
"I knew these people were from the ozone." Mikey said. Data kept yelling 'no'.
"You can get 25 years for counterfeiting!" Andy said, causing everyone to groan. I couldn't stop think about the tunnel.
"You guys, look," Steph called. "I recognize these people!" I looked to see a newspaper in her hands. It showed a picture of the people who were in the restaurant earlier.
"Look, it's the Fratellis!" Brand said. I looked in shock at their pictures. So, there really were bullet holes in their car. And that bag they dragged out probably really was a body.
"That's the guy from upstairs!" Data exclaimed.
"And the guy who tried to sing." Mikey added.
"See, you guys, you never listen to me." Chunk yelled. "I said there would be trouble, but you didn't listen to me. You guys are crazy. You guys are self-destructive." I watched Chunk as he yelled and began walking to the door. Everyone else stood around the article, reading it. "There's a funny farm with your names written all over it! But I'm getting outta here." I was about to step forward and stop him but, "But---I smell ice cream." Chunk sniffed and I furrowed my brow.
He jumped up to look through the little window on the freezer door. "They got Swenson's." He opened the door. I raised my brows in shock. In the freezer, laying against the opposite wall, was a man wrapped in a black body bag.
"Chunk...." I started to say, but he continued naming off all the ice creams. "Chunk." I tried again, stepping forward. The boy kept on going. I walked to the front of the freezer and stared at the body.
Chunk noticed our faces. "What, what?" I pointed behind him. Chunk turned, brushing against the dead body and instantly his smile was gone. The body turned and began falling forward slightly. I stared, mouth agape as Chunk screamed and ran towards us.
Then the body fell out of the freezer aiming at us. I screamed and backed up into someone behind me. The body landed on Chunk as everyone caught it, "It's a stiff!" When they realized what they had done, they all yelled and dropped it. I jumped as the door upstairs opened and footsteps made the boards creak above us. The Fratellis were back.
I almost screamed again, but clamped my hand over my mouth.
"The door!" Data yelled, which obviously didn't help with my nerves. I squealed and another hand clamped over mine. I turned to see Mouth holding his finger up to his lips. Then, I turned my head up above.
I watched as someone walked above causing dust to fall off the boards and onto us. I was squeezed between Andy and Mouth.
"Somebody's been here. The door's open." Came one of the men's voice. Mouth grabbed my hand, which made me jump slightly and made me grab his arm with my other hand.
"Shut it." Someone snapped.
"I'm gonna leave the lights on." There was more shuffling above.
"Pizza?" Chunk whispered. Everyone shushed him. "Pepperoni?" We shushed him again.
There was a bang from above. "Ma, he's eating my pepperoni again." I heard a click. Was that a gun?
"You want your pepperoni, eh?" There was another click.
"Put that gun away!" The woman said. They have guns.
"Come on, come on! Let's kill each other over the pepperoni!"
"I said put that gun away now!" The woman said again
"You always take his side, Ma. You always liked him better than me." The Italian man said sheepishly.
"That's right!" There was a noise that made me think she slapped him. I mouthed the word 'bitch'.
My friends began picking up the dead body and putting it back into the freezer. There was no way I was touching a dead body, so I watched as they did it.
When the body was in and the door was shut, they began walking for the door. What were they doing? We can't just go sneaking up there, they'll find us and kill us! I stood in my spot not sure what to do. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't.
"Mikey? Mikey, come on." Brand whispered.
"Fireplace, Brand." Mikey said, pointing to the fireplace. "It's the only way out. You guys will never get out that way."
"What?" Brand asked.
"He's right, Brand." I spoke up. Brand looked to me, then the fireplace, then Mikey.
I starred at the hole in the fireplace. From beside me, I heard Mikey say something, just loud enough for me and him to make out. "It all starts here."
Those words activated my feet and I moved forward to the hole, everyone following after me.
Brand went down first, then Andy and Mouth. I could hear the Fratellis coming down the steps.
"Lux next, Lux next." Mouth was saying, but I let Steph go.
"Shush, Mouth." I said. Then Data started to go down, but his book bag got stuck. Mikey and I pushed on it till it went through.
"Come on, Lux." I heard Mouth say.
Mikey pushed me forward and I went down the ladder as fast as I could, Mikey right on my heals. When I jumped down Mouth instantly pulled me out of the way.
Just as I heard the Fratellis enter the room, Mikey was fully in the hole.
"Where's Chunk?" Brand asked.
"Oh, no." I whined.
"Chunks up there." Mikey answered.
Brand climbed back up on the ladder to put the wood back in place. The Fratellis were in the room arguing. When they left Mikey climbed up the ladder with Brand.
They started talking to Chunk, but the only thing I could really make out was "Go get the police." Or something like that. Then Mikey and Brand came back down.
"The Fratellis are there, come on we gotta go guys." Mikey said.
"Where's Chunk?" Mouth asked.
"He went to go get the police." Mikey answered, ushering us along. We all started walking through the long tunnel. I couldn't help but hope Chunk would be okay because I wasn't too sure we would be.
We had a long journey ahead of us.
A/N: Hey, Lovelies! I'll keep it simple. I hope you guys liked this chapter, it's not my best, I know. Well, Lux's journey has started. Any predictions? Bye, Lovelies!
- In Serial33 Chapters
The Cyclical Nature of Time
A girl’s life ends unexpectedly early, or so it would seem. Instead of eternal nothingness, she wakes up in an empty valley with no clue how she got there. Taking her predicament in stride, she sets out to do something about it. Unfortunately for her, the first couple of people she meets aren’t much help. They claim they haven’t heard of electricity and dress as if they were on a break from their job at a Viking-themed amusement park. MC is a somewhat normal girl. She's pragmatic and not very angsty. The story is tagged with anti-hero, but to be clear, she is not a villain. She does good if she can, she just isn't morally motivated to do so. The story starts out smelling of fantasy but will eventually shift towards sci-fi. It contains some supernatural elements and has a strong lead, but it is not your usual power trip. Expect a story that takes its time, but not to the point where entire chapters are spent on mindless chit-chat. I’m not into that. This is my first serious attempt at writing and I've learnt a lot writing this. Unfortunately, that shows. Chapter 1-10 is slow and rather pointless. Things get better, but it is not until chapter 25 or so that I began understanding how to structure chapters and to make them support the larger story. I publish about 3000 words a week (every sunday) but I write about 10000 words a week. Sticking to that pace, which is easy, the last chapter will be out by July.
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Tellus Stirs (Previously Earth AA)
The year is 2030. Earth is dying. War, pandemics, overwhelming pollution, species going extinct, climate change, etc. The so-called human race has brought more harm to their planet due to greed; their increased energy needs were on a path of decadence even with their increased technological advancements. Tactical Nukes were already used in conflicted zones in the fight for resources. The conclusion was a deep and frightening hum unleashed deep within the earth, heard by every living creature, and with it, civilization has ended. Those who survived wished they were slain along with their loved ones as the dead didn't have to endure what came after. Others took the opportunity to gain unimaginable power and prestige as a new age began. Chaos reigned as per the prophecies foretold in the past. Those who did not believe knew the signs were actual; these prophecies were no longer popular folk tales. Such titles, the Breaking, the Rapture, the Malhama, and many others, came at a high cost. After all, every city or densely populated area had been hit with natural disasters that encompassed tsunamis, Earthquakes, Firestorms, Typhoons, and hurricanes. Power, food, infrastructure. All of it was gone and what came after was worse as humans were no longer top of the food chain. Yet the imminent destruction of the 21st century re-opened a veil that had kept the world safe from hidden dangers, or maybe it was the other way around. Time will tell. In our story, the Protagonist rises from the ashes of the apocalypse. A desert child soldier nurtured by tragedy and death looking for an escape to fill the void in his heart. By chance, in his hand, he held a blade with immense possibilities. Notes: (30.06.2021) - I have re-edited and revised the following chapters up to Chapter 24. - Changed the Title from Earth AA to Tellus Stirs. (3.07.2022) - Edited the Synopsis Cover Done by [email protected] (Permission Given).
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Children of Hameza [A Magical Fantasy Story]
Children of Hameza tells the story of Selica Bursnan, a young mage who left her small provincial town with dreams of becoming a member of the prestigious Magecraft City. As she enters hoping to be finally be accepted by her fellow mages, Selica discovers that her life as a city resident is not without a cost. After an unexpected entrance exam, Selica found herself assigned to live in the newly opened Hameza district. In order to pay for their residency Selica, along with her new friends and neighbors, are tasked to uncover the secrets of a newly discovered dungeon found next to their new homes. Join their story as they try to balance their dungeon-delving duties with their every day life as mages in their new magical home.
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Neiero: The Journey(Dropped)
What would you do, if you were sent into another world?Freak out? Good answer.But what if, you were seperated from the rest too?Also freak out? Yeah, alright. 75 Points on repeating answers.To put it simply, this is a story revolving around two main characters, each of them being a student that was sent into another world, the world of Neiero. However, due to odd events, one of them gets sent to a completely random area, away from the rest of his fellow students. Meanwhile, his friend who was summoned with the rest of the students and teachers, quickly realised that he was missing, and goes out to find him, only for something else to occur, truly kicking the story forward. In this new world of Neiero, these two students will bump heads against many different obstacles, get dragged into unfortunate situations, and ultimately discover more of this world as they go! Oh? You're asking what're their names? Hehe...You'll have to find out... Okay, no. This story revolves around two close friends, Damian Alexander and Jake Darryl, and their different stories as they are seperated from each other, with Alex being sent to an unknown location, while Jake safely landed with the rest of his classmates. Alright, enough descriptions. In simple terms, this story will jump between two different characters. They will get sucked into different situations, and ultimately make stupid mistakes.Well, that's enough of me.*Knock, Knock*Oh, it seems my lunch has arrived too. Well, enjoy reading! FYI: I'll be updating the chapters every 2 days...to the best of my capabilities. Alright, enough stuf. Time to eat!
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I'm Always Talking to Myself
My name is Zach. I’m a typical bland featureless protagonist type. The kind of guy who has purposefully few defining characteristics so that people can project whatever they want on me. Like Luke from Star Wars or what’s her name from Twilight. Most main characters are like me. Kind of flavorless blank slates because we all secretly doubt that we’re Harrison Ford, but pretty much anyone could be Mitt Romney. Yep. Yes indeed, I do spend basically my entire life running an internal dialog to no one. Usually I’m imagining that there are people listening. Like maybe philosophers from Ancient Greece, or researchers from another planet who act suspiciously like the characters from that Instagram comic with the aliens. Stupid Instagram comedians stealing my internal monologue and turning into a wildly successful enterprise which I would imagine has a vibrant merch dropshipping arm and hundreds of thousands of daily dopamine hits for loyal followers. I basically spend all of my time explaining random things to imaginary people (and aliens, and animals, and household items which have inexplicably gained sentience and frankly have some concerns about this whole existence thing). Honestly, it’s both highly entertaining to me, in that it makes me think about why we humans do all of the bizarre things that we do, but also horrifically exhausting and kind of makes you feel like you’re either, worst cast, losing your grip on reality, or best case, becoming Abed from Community. Anyway, I’m sure that I have some distinguishing characteristics, but, in the interest of hypnotic suggestion I’m choosing to omit them until I’m pretty sure that you have subconsciously come to identify with me, or until I feel like it. (By the way, in case I forgot to mention it, a higher power called Aww Thor or something told me to say that this is a slice-of-life comedy adventure and that it's set in a fantasy world with isekai and LitRPG elements.)
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A warrior princess born into leadership, two worlds divide her, yet she has no idea. One day, that will all change in the blink of an eye.
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