《Lux Storm ||The Goonies|| [EDITING]》Chapter 3
You're so fluent in Spanish. That was so nice of you two!" Mrs. Walsh said as we walked back down the steps.
"'Nice' is my middle name, Mrs. Walsh." Mouth said.
"Boy's, I'm taking Rosalita to the supermarket. Now listen, I'll be back in about an hour. Mikey, I want you kept inside. Brand, if he's coming down with asthma, I don't want him out in the rain." Mrs. Walsh told her kids.
"He should be in a plastic bubble." Brand commented. Mrs. Walsh back handed his arm.
"I'm serious, Brandon. That's not funny. He takes one step outside and you are in deep absolutely the deepest...."
"Shit, Ma." Mrs. Walsh backhanded him again, but not hard.
"I don't like that language, but that's exactly what your gonna be in. And you Dota." Mrs. Walsh turned to Data.
"Data." Data corrected.
"Data, use the back door from now on, okay?"
"What is that? What is that?" I was ready to silently walk out the back door when she noticed the statue, but then I saw what she was pointing at and I got calm. It was just a pile of potato chip crumbs. "That is a mess. I want it cleaned up boy's."
"Oh, yeah. Sure!" Chunk said as realization hit.
"You got it." Mouth said.
"No problem." I then added.
"One hour, kids and I'll be back. Bye, baby." She kissed Mikey on the cheek. "Rosie?"
"Bye, Mrs. Walsh!" I said.
"Bye, Marry." She said back.
When Mrs. Walsh was out the door, Brand grabed the back of Mikey's jacket and pulled him onto the chair where he was. "You want a breathing problem? You got one." We all stood up and crowded the chair.
"Hey, guys. Whats your dad gonna do with all that stuff in the Attic?" Mouth asked.
"He's gonna give it back to the museum. Or whoever they pick to be the new assistant curly er corney."
What a waste, that stuffs neat. I thought.
"Curator." Brand said.
"That's what I said."
"Wait a minute guys. Maybe there's some stuff up there for us. Maybe there's some stuff that we can keep from the old siders. Maybe there's some rich stuff." Mouth got excited.
"Jewels!" I yelled. Brand, Mouth, and I were the first ones to run up stairs.
Mikey was shooting warnings and protests at us.
Brand opened up the Attic stairs and made his way up, followed by me then Mouth.
"Hey, look at this. I didn't know dad had all this stuff up here."
"Oh, wow!" I said as I slowly walked behind Brand. When he got the light to stay on I wondered around looking at all the neat stuff.
"You heard what my mom said to the house keeper about not wanting anybody up here." Mikey was still trying to get us to leave the Attic.
"Mikey. I can not believe that you actually have something this cool in your house." I scoffed at what Mouth said.
I saw a bunch of different things. Paintings, papers, compass, and Pirate outfits.
Out of nowhere, lightning flashed pulling me out of my trance and causing me to jump.
"Okay, guys. You saw it, now let's get out of here." The boys continued to play as I walked around admiring all the old museum things.
"Hey, Lux." An irritatingly high pitched voice said. I looked around for the culprit until I landed on a painting of a woman with a tongue on, or should I say, in it.
"Why don't you give Papa a kiss?" I rolled my eyes.
"For one, Mouth, that's a painting of a woman, and for two, your not my type." I said as I flicked his tongue with my finger.
"Ow! Hey I'm everyone's type!" He said standing up from behind the painting.
"Not mine." I said spinning around and walking away.
"Hey, Mikey! Mikey?" Chunk called out.
"What is all this neat stuff?"
"The museum did some kind of---- where'd you get this?"
"Right there."
"They did a show. A retrospechum. And they----"
"Retrospective." Brand corrected. I was now standing by Mikey.
"That's what I said. You always contradict me. I was right I knew what I--- it was about the history of Astoria, and these are the rejects."
"Kind of like us, Mikey, the Goonies." Chunk smiled.
"I'm not a reject." Mouth said.
"Someone's in denial." I said. "We're all rejects, Mouth. No one understands us but us." I clapped him on the back.
Mikey reached up and took off Chunks pirate hat.
"Take that stuff off, your gonna get me in trouble." I continued to look at all the neat stuff in the Attic. There was a big crash and what sounded like glass breaking, that pulled me out of my thoughts. My head whipped in that direction, getting some chestnut brown hair in my eyes. I started to walk over to whatever happened. Chunk was pulling a map out of a glass frame.
"And look, it say's '1632'. Is that a year or something?" Chunk asked as I sat down across from him and Mikey.
"No, it's your top score on Pole Position." Mouth walked over. I rolled my eyes.
"He was just asking." I said.
"Yes, it's a year, Chunk. It's a map of our coastline." Mikey said.
Whats all that Spanish junk right there? " Brand asked.
"Uh, Mouth, Lux, you said you could translate, translate."
I crooked my head so I could see a little better since I had to read upside down.
"Ye intruders beware. Crushing death and grief---" Mouth started but I cut in.
"Soaked with blood of the trespassing thief..." I trailed off.
"You guys this map is old news. Everybody in there grandfather's went looking for that, when our parents were our age. I mean, I mean, haven't you ever heard of that guy, what's his name? The pirate guy." Brand asked.
"One-Eyed Willy?" I asked.
"Yeah, him."
"One-Eyed Willy!" Mikey exclaimed.
"Yeah, he was the most famous pirate in his time. My dad told me all about him once."
"Dad'll tell you anything to put you to sleep."
"No. See, One-Eyed Willy stole a treasure once. It was full of rubies an-and emeralds."
"And diamonds?" Chunk asked.
"And diamonds. Then he loaded it all onto his ship and they sailed away into the sunset. Until the British king, he found out about it and he set up this hole armada to go out after him. Then the armada, it took 'em a couple weeks, but then they finally caught up with Willy. An-and then there was a whole big war between the armada and Willy's ship, the inferno. And, during the firefight, there were guns bursting here and cannons bursting there. Then Willy fled, because he didn't want to stay cause he knew he'd get killed if he stayed around. And then he got into this cave. And the British, they blew up the walls all around him. An--and he got caved in, and he's been there ever since."
"Forever?" Data asked.
"Forever." Mikey confirmed.
"And ever?" Chunk asked.
I was staring down at the floor still imagining the pirates with their swords and ships battling each other to death.
"You sound just as corney as dad does." Brand said.
"My dad tells the truth. You know what he said?" Mikey asked me. I shook my head no.
"He said One-Eyed Willy and his bunch were down there for 5, 6 years. And they were digging all these tunels and caves. Setting booty traps."
"Booby traps." Data and I corrected.
"That's what I said. Setting booby traps, so that anybody who would try to get in there, they would die. And then you know what he did, he killed all his men." My face scrunched up in concussion.
"Why?" Data asked.
"Why kill all of them?" Chunk asked.
"Well because he didn't want them to get all of his treasure."
"Yeah, wait a minute, Mikey." Chunk said. "But if he killed all his men, how did the map or the story get out?"
"See, I asked my dad the same question, he said one of the men must have gotten out with the map an-and the--"
"Hey Mike, I believe ya."
"Yeah, well I don't believe ya. I don't believe you at all. I think you're-" My attention got grabed by Chunk kicking something down.
"What did you break this time, Chunk?" Brand called.
Chunk picked it up to look at it. "Hey, you guys, look at this." He came over to us, where I was now standing up off the ground with the help of Mikey. "Hey, you guys ever hear of this guy? Chester Copperpot. Look what it says. Chester Copperpot, missing while in pursuit of local legend. Reclusive scavenger claims, 'I have the key to One-Eyed Willy.'" Mikey, Data, Chunk, and I all shared looks.
"Wow, do you guys realize what we could do?" Mikey wondered.
"Nobody ever found nothing, you guys. I mean, why do you think this map would be up here in this attic when it could be in some safe-deposit box, right?"
"Right. And anyway, if Chester Copperpot didn't find it, how would we find it?" Mouth said.
"Cause we're a group of super awesome teens." I smiled hopefully playful. "No? Okay, I'll stop." I said awkwardly.
"But what if? You guys, just what if this map could lead to One-Eyed Willy's rich stuff? Then we wouldn't have to leave the Goon DocDocks." I started to get hopeful. Maybe I didn't have to leave my home. But just like that my dreams slipped away through my fingers as my fellow rejects slowly failed to comply.
"I don't want to go on anymore of your crazy Goonie adventures." Chunk got up and walked away.
The door bell down stairs rung before I could protest.
"You, guys. Come on where are you going? You don't want to do this?" Mikey asked.
"Looks like we're the only ones Mikey." I said. "But we can't do it by ourselves, so I guess we should just give up." I was getting ready to leave, but I said one last thing. "You get used to it eventually, getting left behind, I mean." Then I ran down stairs and outside on the porch.
"Hello, little guys. I'm Mr. Perkins, Troy's father."
"We know who Troy is, he's such a cheap guy." Data said.
"My dad's not home, Mr. Perkins." Brand said as Mikey came out and stood by me.
"Is your mommy here?"
"No. She's down at the market buying pampers for all us kids." Brand said.
"How old do you think we are?" I called out to him with a scowl on my face. "Do you need glasses or something?"
"Hello, Marry." Mr. Perkins said. We may or may not have met a couple times before, it wasn't good, that all involved curse words I didn't even know I knew. "It's nice to see you, again" He said with heavy sarcasm.
"Whish I could say the same." I rolled my eyes. "How's it like trying to sleep at night knowing your tearing down someones home?" He ignored me and turned back to Brand.
"You can give these papers to your father to a read through and sign. We'll be by to pick them up in the morning."
"Goodbye Mr. Perkins! Hopefully next time I see you your living in a box with fleas!" I shouted at his retreating figure.
"Brand, what is all that stuff?" Mikey asked.
"It's dad's business."
"But what is it?"
"I told you it was dad's business. Look at them smiling."
"They can't wait till tomorrow when they foreclose on all these whatever you call it." Data said.
"Crash the Goon Docks." Mouth said.
"I hate them so much." I seethed.
"That's obvious." Mouth commented. M
"When they wreck our house I hope they make it a sand trap."
"And they'll get their balls out."
"I'd like to kick them in the balls." I said starting to walk away, but I noticed Mikey was staying, so so did I.
"You okay?"
Mikey shook his head no. "Not really."
"I lied." I said. Mikey turned to me.
"About what?"
"Earlier, I said you get used to being left behind. I lied, you never get used to it. You begin to expect it, but it's still disappointing."
Both Mikey and I were staring forward now. We moved over to get a better view of Astoria. Just then Brand came out. I expected him to hug Mikey, I didn't expect him to pull me in to.
"Come on, before you catch a real cold." Brand told Mikey. Mikey and I didn't move our feet, allowing Brand to drag us in.
Chunk was going threw the fridge, Mouth was combing his hair using the toaster as a mirror, I was sitting on the counter top, Mikey next to me, Data standing next to me on the other side, while I played with his hair.
"If I found One-Eyed Willy's rich stuff, I'd pay all my dad's bills. Then maybe he could get to sleep at nigh, instead of staying up trying to figure out a way we can all stay here." Mikey said.
"Forget any adventures, limp lungs. I let you out and mom will ground my ass and I got a date with Andy on Friday, alright."
"You're dreaming, dude. There's no way. Cause that means her mom's gotta drive, then you gotta make it with her and her mom." Mouth said.
"Shut up, Mouth." Brand said.
"Shut up, Mouth." Mikey repeated.
Brand turned on the kitchen sink getting it all over Mouth's butt cause that's where he was sitting.
"You got a date with Andy! How'd you do that? Are you paying her?" I asked.
"No, you little squirt." Brand ran up to me and started to give me a noogy. I squirmed away laughing and stuck my tounge out at him.
I walked over to Mikey. "Guys, what are we gonna do about that country club? It's killing our parents." We all stared at the map in Mikey's hands. My face between Mikey's and Data's "If we don't do something now, there's gonna be a half course right where we're standing." Mouth came and joined us, going between me and Data. Lightning thundered causing us to turn around and look out the window.
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