《Cherry Bomb and Mouth (A Goonies Love Story)》TWENTY_THREE


(Cherry Bomb)

Nervously I walk down the aisle by myself since my uncle is no longer alive to walk me down the aisle in my synagogue. All of a sudden Lawerence runs up next to me saying, "Kenzie, wait! Sorry I had to pee real bad and find a Twinkie!"

Everyone laughs and I say in Hebrew, "Shut your mouth Chunk, nobody cares about your bathroom and eating habits!"

"I'm sorry Kenz," he whispers after delivering me safely to Mouth.

"You look beautiful Cherry Bomb Kenzie." Mouth whispers when I stand in front of him.

"You like nice as well Clark, I am so glad to see you. I really missed sleeping with you last night."

"I missed sleeping with you last night as well Kenzie."

The rabbi begins speaking, "Do you Clark take Kenzie to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you Kenzie take Clark to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

When we finally kiss all of the Goonies go wild and then I somehow knew that I had finally gotten everything in my life where I wanted it.

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