《Cherry Bomb and Mouth (A Goonies Love Story)》ONE


(Chery Bomb's P.O.V.)

Chunk and I have just now arrived at Mikey and Brand's house on our bikes I smile a little when I hear Mouth yell out as he opens the door, "Jerk alert Chunk and Cherry Bomb are here!"

"Let us in!" Chunk shouts back at him.

"First you gotta do the truffle shuffle!"

"Aw come on!"

"Do it!"

My cousin sighs and gets up on an old tree stump and begins to do the truffle shuffle I roll my eyes at him. And then move on trying to get Mouth's attention long enough for him to let me in.

Instead of getting his attention as I wanted, I feel my cheeks flush as he laughs at my cousin doing the truffle shuffle and man did I hate doing both. The only thing more obnoxious than Chunk doing the truffle shuffle was Mouth egging him on.

And I was blushing because Mouth's laughter was so cute right now.

"Cut it out Mouth!" Mikey says walking over and opening the door with some booby trap mechanism that opened the door.

"Thank God you let us in Mikey, I was starting to wonder-"

I'm cut off by Mouth throwing his arm around my shoulder and saying loudly, "What's upppp Cherry Bomb?!"

"Nothing much except-" I'm cut off again only this time by my cousin saying, "You guys you are not going to believe me. This time I'm telling the truth."

I sigh feeling very exasperated with boys as a whole not only was my best friend rude and obnoxious but my cousin was both and extremely annoying not to mention a liar. By this time Mouth has moved on to watching as Mikey feeds the fish, his arm no longer around me. And I missed having it there because it made me feel safe even though there was literally no danger.


Everyone turns to me saying, "Is he telling the truth this time Cherry Bomb?"

"For once yes, my cousin isn't making it up because I was there to see it."

"Listen, okay guys. You will never believe me."

"Okay, we get it Chunk, none of us are going to believe you about how great and amazing this police chase was. Not that anyone would believe the story if it weren't for me, anyways go on!" I say with a smirk.

And almost if he didn't hear me at all which I doubt he did because he was too busy trying to figure out how to exaggerate his story, he begins talking again, "There were these two cop cars, okay. And they were chasing this four-wheel deal, it was this real neat ORV, and there were bullets flying all over the place. It was the most amazing thing I ever saw!"

I roll my eyes at Chunk and slug him in the arm saying in Hebrew, "There were not bullets flying all over the place Lawerence, the cops fired a few shots and the guy in the front of the car fired a few shots back and that was it!"

"More amazing than the time you told everyone that Michael Jackson came to our house to use the bathroom? Or more amazing than the time you told everyone that Cyndi Lauper took you out for pizza at Godfathers?" I ask my voice full of sarcasm.

"More amazing than the time you saved those old people from that nursing home fire, right?" Brand asked.

"Yeah, and I bet it was even more amazing than the time you ate your weight in Godfather's Pizza, right?" Mouth said.

"Mouth, do you how obnoxious you are? Or are you too dim to notice that?" I ask him shortly.


Before Mouth can respond back to me I overhear Chunk say, "Okay, Brand, Micahel Jackson didn't come over to my house, to use the bathroom but his sister did!"

"You lying little turd!" I shout at him before swatting my hand at him in attempts to hit him and then turn back to my best friend.

Mouth and I take our usual seat, sharing the recliner. "It's cute when you insult me. Especially when you don't mean it." Mouth whispered forcing a pink tinge to rise up my cheeks.

"Anything else you'd like to get off your chest Mouth?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I think it's really hot when you speak in Hebrew."

Again my cheeks turn pink and again he doesn't notice it.

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