《Handcuffed to My Enemy》17: Love?


This chapter is dedicated to Himynameispizza for the best ship name ever: Cake! When I saw that comment I legit laughed out loud, it's perfect!!! Thank ya! :)) Anyway, enjoy the chap!

Cassie's POV

I sigh and tug at my newly-cut short hair, missing being able to play with the long strands of my blonde hair.

"Cassie? Are you listening to me honey?"

I look up to be met with my mom's worried eyes. She looks at me as if I am a broken plate that she keeps trying to glue together, but can't get it back to how it was before it was smashed to pieces. I keep trying to forget what had happened, but it's hard when your family is non-stop treating you like a bomb that's about to explode. I've been okay these past few weeks, I've been able to hold it together, unlike my mom. She tries to fake a smile when she's with me, but I know that it kills her that someone did this to her little girl.

She's finally letting me go to school, with a lot of convincing. I just need to get out of my room and my house. I need to be around people, and a normal environment where people ignore me and I can just feel normal again. Or whatever that was.

And honestly, I really want to see Jake again. Like REALLY want to see him. I haven't been able to see him since when he came to the hospital. My mom hasn't let me see anyone so I could rest and take a break from it all for a while, which I am thankful for. I needed it. But now, I miss him. And I want to see him.

I nod to my mom, letting her know that I would be okay, and head out of the car. I take a deep breath, taking in the fresh air and walk towards the school, entering the halls of my high school. It all looks so different. Tainted almost. I walk towards my locker, and notice the looks and the whispering. I exhale and walk swiftly to my locker, trying to ignore it all. I open my locker and try to hide my head into it. I close my locker and feel my face heating up and my eyes starting to water. I don't know if I can keep myself together, I thought everyone was going to forget about it, or least try to be nice and be discreet about it. I turn around, ready to bolt when I knock my arm into a person.


I look up and meet the beautiful and deep eyes of Jake. I smile feebly, relieved. His face is hard, concerned. He softly grips my arm and leads my away from the hall. I don't object, glad to leave it. He keeps leading me through the school, until we end up outside. He then leads me into the woods that is near the football field. After a few minutes of walking, he pulls me to an amazing opening, a small patch of grass that catches some sunlight, with random little flowers surrounding it. I open my mouth, surprised that I've never heard of this place before.

He takes off his jacket and spreads on the ground, lying down on half of it, gesturing for me to do the onto the other half. I smile and follow his lead.

"Thank you." He nods in understanding. He looks at me, making me squirm at the feeling of his eyes.

I feel his hand on my cheek, and it causes me to shift my head to look at him, to have a moment to look at his face and all the features that create his perfection. Everything is forgotten, and it is just us two. All I want is him. To be with him in every sense of the phrase.

He looks into my eyes, and bites his lips. Without any warning I crash my lips into his, griping my hand onto his waist, sliding it under his t-shirt and feeling the warm skin underneath. At first he is surprised, and doesn't do anything. But he quickly reacts, moving his hand from my cheek onto the nape of my neck, and moving his lips with mine.

Sparks explode, and feelings of all sorts engulf my brain, making it override. He starts to move in, trying to deepen the kiss. He pushes his body against his, then moves his lips onto my neck, sucking onto my sweet spot. I gasp, and open my eyes.


I look around and see navy blue paint on the walls. Two red cups are on the night stand. There's something in my throat, that seems to be stuck. I don't want to swallow it and I can't seem to cough it out. I realize that I'm trying to say something but it's caught. I can't I try to scream it, to thrash against whatever is fighting against me, but nothing is coming out. I scream, as loud as I possibly can until I shake, back and forth.


I shake my head and look around, dazed. I see the grass and feel the warmth of the sunlight. Jake looks at me, tears falling onto his cheeks. He sits back, and runs his hand through his hair. He keeps his other hand in mine, running his thumb on the back of my hand.

"I'm so fucking sorry Cassie, I'm such an idiot. I just didn't want to stop it, I just love you too much."

"Just hold me please."

He nods quickly and takes me in his arms. I rest my head and let the tears fall, finally coming undone. I can't stop, and sob into his shirt. He lays his head onto mine and holds me in his strong arms, whispering in my ear promises that he'll never let me go.


Hey y'all, hope you liked the chapter, sorry for the late update I was legit drowning in homework ughhh.

Question of the chap:

What's your favorite song? Mine right now is Heavydirtysoul by Twenty One Pilots, its so goooooood I'm obsessed. Teeelll me what you like cuz I NEED new songs to listen to!

Anyway, hope you have a great day! :)

-Zoe :)

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