《Handcuffed to My Enemy》12: Confessions and Apologies


Jake's POV

"Did you not just see what just happened Dad? She's a jealous freak." As soon as I say it, I clamp my mouth shut. Nick kicks me hard under the table as Cas rushes past.

"Excuse me, if you will," Fynn says, shooting me a sly smirk before following Cas out of the house.

The room remains silent, but I can feel the hard glares on my face.

"Dude," Nick says, "You really fucked it up."

Oh, how I couldn't agree more.

A throat clears from the doorway to the kitchen, and my mom is standing there with Melissa.

My mom has an arm around Melissa's shoulders in a reassuring half-hug, but Melissa is looking towards the ground and fiddling with her hands. Her eyes are glossed over, her tough facade dissolved.

"Melissa has something to say," my mom's voice rings through the room. I'm confused for a second before it clicks in my mind. I step up from my chair and move toward Melissa, giving her hand a tight squeeze.

"Mr. and Mrs. Waters, I wanted to truly apologize. I was being completely irrational by calling Cassie...dumb. My stupid excuse is that it's so obvious to me how much Jake cares about her, and I don't trust Fynn. Regardless, there is no true justification to my words." She takes a deep breath. "There is, however, a reason I snapped for real, and a reason that Jake became so defensive on my behalf."

"Melissa, you don't need to say more. Really, it's okay," I mumble to her, but she merely gives my hand a brief squeeze before letting go. I can see my mom's arm tighten a little, and I know Melissa has already told her.

"Yes, I do." She looks up, and I take a seat. "My father has been physically abusive to me for years. Jake knows this, but I have always refused to let him help me anymore than cleaning me up after. Everything tonight escalated too quickly, and I am truly sorry for this. I will apologize to Cassie directly, but I needed you all to know that Jake really is a good guy, and he has an excuse." Her voice shakes and her eyes fall. "I am so sorry for the trouble I have caused you tonight."


"You are not going back into that house." Nick orders, standing. Melissa's eyes dart to him, and I can see her panic setting in.

"That...that's a bit of an over-reaction, now don't you think?" Melissa's eyes are widening, but I can see her shrinking in her skin. "I mean, he's really not a bad man. And I...I didn't say all of that stuff to...to get out of anything. I just couldn't have you all be mad at Jake because of..." Her eyes are moving around the room sharply now and her breathing is picking up. She starts to shake and I know this is a sign of another panic attack on the way.

"Mom," I start calmly, "I think this would be a good time for the Waters to leave. Nick, can you please run a hand towel under some cold water?" There's the sound of rustling around me, and I can hear the distant murmurs of my parents and the Waters as they head out the house; but my focus is solely on the girl in front of me.

"Melissa, there is a couch behind you I am going to bring you to now, okay? Melissa, I'm going to lie you down now." Nick rushes back with the damp towel. "Melissa, Nick has a cold towel I am going to put on your face now..." And so it continues like this until her shaking subsides, and her exhaustion sends her into a deep sleep.


"Stop staring," Melissa says at lunch Monday.

"Sorry," I mumble. "I just can't help it. She hates me." Melissa stayed over Friday night after she fell asleep. Cas's mom, Mary, is a lawyer, so my parents called her later that night to discuss the logistics of getting Melissa out of her father's custody. After a lengthy discussion, they figured out the details of setting up a court date and gaining full custody of Melissa until she turns eighteen in a few months. Her scars all over her body will hopefully be all the proof the jury will need.


"She doesn't hate you," Melissa says and stands up to throw out her tray. I stand up to follow her as she heads in the direction of Cas.

"Where are you going...?"

"I promised I'd explain her, so that's exactly what I'm going to do."

"Hold up, you need to do this! Let's talk this through, yeah? Please, Mel."

"I'm doing this for you, Jake."

"Exactly, and I'm okay without her knowing! This isn't information you need to just toss around, okay?" She stops and spins on her heels.

"But this 'information' is mine to share. She deserves to know."

"And you deserve to hold it back if you want to." Melissa sighs.

"Jake, I'm telling her, okay?" I hesitate before nodding.

"Cassie, I have something to tell you." Melissa says bluntly as we approach her table. Fynn places a protective hand on Cas's shoulder and glares at me.

"She doesn't need to listen to you," he says, still looking at me.

"Oh, Jake's not coming. In fact, he was just leaving." Melissa responds.

"Last chance, Mel." I mumble, but she turns her back to me again.

"Now, Cassie, why don't we take a little walk?"



Melissa's secret is out! So sorry for the late update, but I've had a super busy week. Keep your eyes open, though, because we will posting more uploads tonight!

Question of the chapter: A few chapters ago I asked what you all thought about Melissa. Have your opinions changed? Let us know in the comments!

Dedicated to @brittneyreader for the huge support!

Xx Niki

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