《Handcuffed to My Enemy》10: A Kiss



We have decided to start dedicating chapters to those of you with the best comments. This chapter is dedicated to for that amazing comment on the last chapter with a super huge shout-out to !

A very quick trigger warning. I will asterisk before and after. That being said...


Jake's POV

"Ugh, would you just ask her out already and move on?" I ask Kyle. Julia is in the chair next to him and she's giggling some shitty joke he made about apples.

"Alright," he says and makes a big deal of turning to her. "Will you, Julia Broz, go out on a date with me tonight at seven pm sharp?" She then proceeds to make an even bigger deal of throwing her arms around his neck and saying yes. A lot of people are looking at our table now and I roll my eyes.

Always the theatrics.

"I think I just lost my appetite," Melissa says. She picks up her tray and heads towards the trash cans. I take a final look at the two with their limbs entwined before following her.

"Melissa, wait up!" I call. She's already made it out of the cafeteria and is walking down the hall with quite a remarkable speed.

"Wait up!" I repeat and jog the distance towards her. "What's the matter?" I ask, but before I can react my back is slamming into the lockers behind me and her lips are on mine.

It's wrong. It's so wrong.


She pulls away and I notice her cheeks are moist and her eyes are bloodshot. She starts shaking and her breathing turns into wheezing. It only takes me a second to recognize what's going on. She starts gasping and clutching at her hair, pulling. Her eyes go frantic as she struggles to let them settle on anything.


"Melissa. Melissa, can you hear me? Melissa, there is a corner behind you, okay? Melissa, I am going to take your arm and walk you back there. Melissa, I am going to touch you now. Melissa, this is Jake. Melissa, I am going to sit you down now. Melissa, this is Jake. Melissa, look at my face. Melissa, can you hear me? Melissa, this is Jake. Melissa, look at my face. Melissa, breathe with me now. Melissa..." I continue on like this until her eyes focus on mine and her breathing begins to return to normal.


She lets out a strangled sob. I move to sit next to her and wrap my arm around her shoulder. She presses her cheek to my chest and I play with her hair until she catches her breath. All her weight is collapsed on me. Luckily we're about halfway through lunch so nobody else is in the halls.

"I'm sorry...sorry...so sorry," she's repeating like a broken record.

"Shhh, it's okay. But I'm not talking to you until your slobber has subsided," I tease and her tears let up more.

"I'm sorry," she groans and sits up straighter. I lift up the bottom of my t-shirt and wipe her face dry. Her makeup leaves a stain. A freshman comes around the corner and freezes when he sees us.

"Nothing to see here," I say warningly and Melissa looks down. She never does that. Then again, she's never had a panic attack in school, either. "Scram!" This makes him move.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask tentatively.

"Sorry for kissing you. I just panicked because Kyle and..." She trails off. "And then I panicked more and-" Her breathing picks up again and I set my hand firmly on her back, applying pressure. I've been around enough of her panic attacks to know what works with her and what doesn't.


"When did you start liking Kyle?" She doesn't scoff like I had expected. We sit there in silence until she answers.

"Last year." A pause.

"I'm sorry about making him ask out Julia."

"You didn't; he likes her. I'm sorry about Cassie and Fynn."

"It's been a week. And two days."

"So? That doesn't mean you need to accept it. Besides, you've liked her since ninth grade."

"And now she has a boyfriend." Now she does scoff.

"An asshole of one."

"Whatever," I mumble. We continue to sit there until she shifts and raises her shirt up a little. Her eyes stay cast down. A fresh bruise is stretched over her ribcage, along with a slice that appears to have been made by a broken bottle. There are four makeshift stitches holding it together. Lighter bruises are fading beneath.

I force my breathing to remain level. I know what she's asking. I examine the cut further, guarding her in case somebody is to walk into the hall again.

"It's not infected," I say stiffly. Other words are marching through my mind, but I know better than to verbalize them. She nods and lowers her shirt.

This is the end of this conversation.

I know we'll have it again soon.


"I'm home! Melissa's here, too!" I holler as we walk through the front door.

"Who the fuck is Melissa?" Nick calls back from the kitchen.

"Gee, thanks for the warm welcome home." I drop my keys on the table and Melissa plops herself down onto the couch as Nick walks into the living room. He has a spoon dangling in his mouth and a tub of peanut butter in his hand.

"That's my duty lil bro."

"Ah, yes, this famous cousin-named-Nick-who-likes-to-pretend-to-be-your-brother. Pleasure." Melissa smirks and leans back until she's lying down.

"Damn...girl's got balls. Sorry, dudes, my vote's still on Cassie." I make a grab for the peanut butter, his "baby", but he puts a hand on my forehead, successfully halting my work.

"Hashtag same," Melissa calls from the couch, drawing out the "a" in "same".

"Dicks," I mumble. Nick laughs and Melissa rolls her eyes.

"Lovesick moron." Nick responds.

"Idiots," Melissa pipes in, scrolling through her phone. I move away from Nick and move Melissa's feet so I can sit down. She puts them into my lap and I roll my eyes.

"Hey, Avery called before you guys got here. Said Cassie and the gang are coming tonight for dinner. Something about Cassie bringing a boyfriend, too. Flynn or something." His face contorts. Melissa's eyes dart to my face.

"Fynn," I correct.

"Whatever; I'm heading to my room." He starts to leave, but pauses in the doorway. "Oh, and Melissa, you're staying for dinner, right?" His lips quirk up on one side mischievously.

"Hell yeah! Didn't Jake tell you he already invited me over for a date? Coincidentally, it's tonight. And I'm feeling awfully flirty today...Isn't that right, Jake?" The glint in both their eyes lifts my spirits. Obviously I did no such thing. We all know this, but tonight, I have these guys on my side, and tonight we have one common goal: make Cassie see what she's missing out on.



Happy MLK Day!!

Hope you all enjoyed your long weekends...

Who else was thinking of Harry Potter 6 when Hermoine cries to Harry about Ron during the hallway scene with Melissa and Jake? It totally crossed my mind.

Question of the chapter: What do you guys think of Melissa? Mixed feelings?

Let us know in the comments!

Have a great week:)

Xx Niki

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