《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》17
At the compound, Ophelia was standing in Hayley's bedroom, quickly packing up a bag of clothes for Hayley, when Klaus entered the room, "What do you think you're doing?" Klaus asked the woman confused.
Ophelia didn't even bother to look at him as she continued to pack her bag, "Elijah said they're on the road. So, Hayley and I going to go to them so that she can get her daughter. Hayley's waiting in the car outside. I told her I would get her a few things to bring with us." She explained to him quickly, clearly in a rush.
"Ophelia--" Klaus began to say, but was quickly cut off by Ophelia.
"Do not tell me that it's not safe! I'll tell you what's not safe--blowing up a house just to keep your evil older brother from finding Hope!" Ophelia screamed at Klaus.
Klaus let out a deep sigh, "We will deal with Finn." He assured her.
"And then what, Klaus?" Ophelia asked him with an attitude, "Every time you kill that bastard, he's just going to jump into another body."
"We all tried running. We tried hiding. Neither will work." He reminded her.
"So what's your bright idea, Klaus?" Hayley suddenly asked as she entered the room, clearly growing tired of waiting for Ophelia in the car.
"As it so happens, Hayley, I am working on a plan as we speak!" He informed the female hybrid, "One which will be bolstered greatly if you and Ophelia just calm down and keep your eye on the prize!"
"Do not manage us right now, Klaus, we have every right to--" Ophelia began to argue with Klaus.
Klaus quickly cut Ophelia off, "Ophelia, you are getting married today," he reminded her, "An act which will seal the loyalty of all the wolves that answer to Finn!" He paused, allowing Ophelia to give him a look, "You will be queen to an army."
Klaus grabbed the bag out of her hands and set it on the bed, "And as you once said, a queen does not run."
Ophelia's mouth gaped open, realizing she actually happened to have said that to him once. Hundreds of years before.
Ophelia arrived at St. Anne's church and knocked on the door of Davina's room in the attic, causing the young witch to immediately look up, a smile forming on her lips at the sight of Ophelia, "Ophelia!" She enthusiastically greeted Ophelia, "What are you doing here?"
"I came to personally invite you to my wedding," Ophelia informed her, causing Davina's eyes to widen in disbelief, "Oh, you haven't heard?" She questioned, holding up her hand to reveal an engagement ring, "I'm getting married to Jackson today. I was hoping you'd come. You know, since we're family."
Davina smiled, standing up from her seat. She quickly rushed over to Ophelia and hugged her tightly, "Of course, I'll be there," She told her adoptive mother, "I just can't believe I didn't know about this sooner."
"Yeah, I'm sorry I haven't been around lately," Ophelia apologized to the girl as she pulled away from the hug.
"It's totally fine," Davina assured her with a smile on her face, "I understand. You're a leader to the wolves."
"Just remember, Davina, even though I'm about to be the Queen of the wolves, it doesn't mean I won't be there anytime you need me. If you need anything, just call me and I'll be there within the blink of an eye," Ophelia reminded her, just before Kol walked in.
"Oh, did I miss your mother/daughter moment?" Kol asked jokingly, "What a pity!"
Ophelia rolled her eyes as she turned to Kol, "I was actually inviting Davina to my wedding. You should come, too," She paused, glancing between Davina and Kol, "Maybe you two could be each other's dates."
"That sounds like a fantastic idea, Ophelia," Kol agreed with her, "I always thought if I was going to be attending a wedding of yours, Nik would be the groom." He commented, earning an annoyed look from Ophelia.
Ophelia was standing in her bedroom with Hayley, looking through a wardrobe of old dresses, hats, and jewelry. Just then, Rebekah appeared in the doorway, hiding something in her hand from view, "Alright, bad news first," Rebekah informed Ophelia, "I will have to miss your nuptials," Ophelia sighed in defeat as she looked at Rebekah in disappointment, causing the female original to look at her guiltily, "Kol has a bit of a life-and-death matter he needs help dealing with."
"Anything I can do, Rebekah?" Ophelia asked her concerned.
"It's nothing big," Rebekah assured her, "Just some witch business. Which now seems to be my thing."
Hayley quietly laughed as she rolled her eyes at Rebekah's comment, both she and Ophelia sharing a quick glance with each other.
"Besides, you have enough to deal with! On that note..." Rebekah trailed off as she pulled out a white lace wedding dress that she was hiding behind the door frame, and Ophelia's eyes widened in surprise, "It's white, which won't fool anyone, but you can't get married in lowcut shirts and high heel boots." She said as she handed Ophelia the dress.
"Oh, my God," Ophelia gaped in shock.
Hayley and Rebekah smiled at her and watched as Ophelia stood in front of her full-length mirror. She held the dress against her body to see how it looked, "It's beautiful."
"I've been actually saving this dress for you for centuries," Rebekah informed Ophelia, whose eyes widened in shock, "Elijah and I...we always thought you and Klaus were going to get married sooner or later."
Ophelia groaned, rolling her eyes, "What does everyone keep saying that!" She complained and Hayley placed a hand on Ophelia's shoulder.
"Because we all thought it," Hayley told her best friend, "I mean, come on. Even I did."
Rebekah smiled and walked toward Ophelia as she looked at Hayley affectionately, "Ophelia, I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but you've always been like a sister to me. I just wanted to say...Now, you might be marrying Jackson Kenner of the boozy backwater Kenners, but you'll always be one of us. A Mikaelson. Nothing can take that away from you. Remember that."
Rebekah smiled and winked at Ophelia before she turned and left the room. Ophelia and Hayley turned to each other as they admired Ophelia's dress.
Downstairs, the ballroom of the compound was full of decorators and caterers were setting up for the impending wedding. Jackson had just arrived, and he and Ophelia walked around together as they took it all in, "Ohh, I so do not belong in your world." He commented.
Ophelia loudly scoffed, "Oh, come on, Jackson," She mused, "You really think that I ever fantasized my wedding to be this extravagant?" She questioned him, causing them both to laugh, "But I gotta be honest. This is way better than I had with my first husband."
"Oh, yeah," Jackson realized, "Jackass Archibald. From what you told me, he was a total ass."
Ophelia laughed loudly, "He was," She replied, "Took my babies away from me. Never saw him or the kids again. I think that's another reason I'm so hellbent on helping Klaus and Hayley bring their daughter back. No parent should ever have to have their child be taken away from them."
"Here here to that," Jackson replied just before both of them frowned as a huge wedding cake was pushed past them on a cart by a caterer.
"Oh, my God," Ophelia muttered under her breath, her eyes wide, "I'm going to kill Klaus."
Jackson turned to look at Ophelia, giving her a semi-concerned look, "You getting cold feet, beautiful?"
Ophelia smiled at what Jackson had called her, "Nope. Not one bit," She replied without hesitation, "This is what's right. For Hope, for our pack."
Jackson nodded in agreement as Klaus entered the room, "Ophelia," he called out, causing both Jackson and Ophelia to turn to look at Klaus, "If I might intrude, there's someone who wishes to say hello. I've already called for Hayley upstairs. She will be with us shortly."
Ophelia and Jackson shared a look before she joined Klaus and walks into the courtyard, with Jackson following behind her. Soon enough, Hayley joined them and both females shared a confused look, wondering what Klaus was up to.
Just as they made it into the courtyard, Cami and Elijah walked in from the opposite direction. Cami had Hope in her arms, and they smiled at them, "You brought them here?" Hayley asked Klaus in disbelief, "Finn could be anywhere!"
"I've taken precautions. There'll be no uninvited guests at your wedding," he paused, turning to glance at Ophelia, "And after, your wolves will be the first line of defense to this home. No more running, Queen."
Klaus smiled at her and gestured for her and Hayley to go see Hope. Elijah nodded at them encouragingly. Hayley went and took Hope out of Cami's arms, and Hope immediately began cooing and babbling happily when she finally got to see her mother. Hayley and Ophelia both giggled contently as Hayley walked toward Jackson alongside Ophelia, "Hope, this is Jackson. Jackson, this is Hope." Ophelia introduced the two.
Jackson smiled when he saw her, and Hope stared at him in wonder. When Jackson held out his hand, Hope clutched his fingers tightly and cooed at him. The group of three couldn't help but laugh.
"I've been wondering for a while," Ophelia spoke up, "You and Hope are distant relatives of mine, maybe even a descendant, but what would I call her?"
"Your niece, duh!" Hayley told her, "You're like a sister to me, Ophelia. You're Hope's aunt."
That night, right before the wedding, Ophelia was getting dressed in her bedroom in preparation for the wedding. Hayley was sitting on the floor with Hope, who was playing with her toys.
Ophelia was wearing the wedding dress Rebekah got her, and her hair was styled in an updo, "You look amazing," Hayley complimented Ophelia, who smiled.
"Why thank you," Ophelia replied, jokingly bowing.
She smiled as she turned to Hope, "I still can't believe that you're here!" She said to her as she knelt next to Hayley in front of Hope, "Now, Aunt Ophelia and Mommy have to go downstairs so Aunt Ophelia can do this big thing, but don't worry! Because Camille will watch over you, and after that, your mommy isn't ever going to let you out of her sight!"
Hope made a squeaky excited noise and chewed on a little teddy bear as she leaned into Hayley's face, causing both Hayley and Ophelia to laugh, both of them clearly thrilled to have her there.
After a moment, Klaus appeared in the doorway and watched them silently for a moment before knocking on the door to get their attention. When Hayley saw him, she smiled, and he watched as she and Ophelia stood to her feet, "I better head downstairs..." Hayley awkwardly trailed off, turning to Ophelia, "Good luck."
Ophelia sent Hayley a small smile, watching as she left.
Once she was gone, Ophelia began to walk over to Klaus, "You look exquisite," Klaus complimented Ophelia. He was silent for a brief moment, hesitant to speak up, "Ophelia, I just wanted to thank you for what you're doing."
"Don't," Ophelia sighed out, realizing what he was about to do, "Don't even think about trying to confess to me right now, Klaus. It's too late for that. I'll be honest with you. Since the first day that I saw you that one night on a full moon three hundred years ago, I have felt everything for you. For centuries, you were always able to be honest with me on how you feel. You trusted me. But I get it. It's not the same as it was a century ago when we were last together. And I get it. You can't just be the guy who admits how he feels to me anymore," She paused, glancing down at her engagement ring, "But Jackson is, Klaus. And I know that I can be happy with him."
Ophelia finally looked Klaus in the eye to see his eyes welled with tears, which she didn't see much. She was clearly breaking his heart by saying what she was saying, "And after everything that I've been through while being considered apart of your family, I just want to be happy, Klaus. I deserve it. So, I'm begging you, whatever you were planning to say to me..." She trailed off as she shook her head, "Please don't say it."
Ophelia leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to Klaus' cheek as a single tear fell down her cheek. With that, Ophelia left the room, leaving Klaus alone with Hope.
Ophelia soon found Jackson getting ready in a room with Aiden. When Aiden noticed her, Jackson followed his gaze and turned to find Ophelia smiling at him. He was taken away by the sight of her in her wedding dress, "Wow." he muttered quietly, causing Ophelia to laugh nervously, "You look amazing."
"Why thank you, handsome," Ophelia replied as she jokingly curtsied.
"I think that's my cue," Aiden commented before he left Ophelia and Jackson alone in the room.
"I hope there's no rule about seeing each other before the ritual. I was dying to see you," Ophelia confessed to him.
Jackson smiled widely as he shook his head. Ophelia turned her head to see Jackson's tie lying on the chair and gestured toward it before walking over to pick it up, causing Jackson to laugh nervously, "Is everything okay?" he asked her concerned, "You seem a bit off."
Ophelia walked over to him and began tying his tie for him, "You needn't worry. I'm perfectly fine. Just getting a little nervous," She smiled, chuckling lightly, "I just wanted to come see you to make sure you weren't wearing a flannel tux or anything close to it."
Jackson laughed nervously once more and watched as she tied his tie before straightening his collar, "Thank you," He whispered to her, "I'm actually glad you're here, Ophelia. I got something for ya."
Jackson over to the table and picked up a small wooden box. He opened it to show her a silver chain with a crescent moon pendant with a green stone in it, "Oh, my God," Ophelia muttered quietly, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, "I used to have one just like this centuries ago."
Jackson smiled at her comment as took out the necklace. He walked around Ophelia to fasten it around her neck, "You're wearing Rebekah's dress, getting married in Klaus' house. I figured that you should have at least one thing that is just yours." he told her.
"It's beautiful, Jack," She smiled, clearly touched by his words, "Now, I think it's finally time to head downstairs, don't you think?"
Jackson smiled, nodding his head as he held his arm out for her to take. Ophelia linked arms with her soon to be husband, just before they headed toward the stairs.
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Well, what do you think I'd write here? If you think that something has gotten you interested or inspired leave a comment I'll check it out.
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