《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》15
Many of the werewolves who weren't under Finn's control and their children had returned to the Bayou, where they were once again living in the encampments for their own safety. Many of the werewolves were collecting firewood and other necessities in preparation for the Unification ceremony.
Two young boys were throwing around a baseball, which they accidentally dropped onto the ground. As it rolled away, one of the boys chased after it, where it ended up landing right under the foot of Klaus, who had just arrived.
Klaus crouched down and smiled at the boy as he picked up the ball, but instead of handing it to him, he carried it with him to address the crowd, "I wonder if you lot can help me. I'm looking for the tribrid who calls herself your queen," Klaus announced loudly and the group stared at him in silence, causing Klaus to sigh impatiently, "I'd prefer you tell me where she is before I grow irritated. After all," He paused as he tossed the ball back to the boy, just before turning to the rest of the crowd, smiling, "There are children present."
Hayley rolled her eyes, walking through the crowd before finally standing in front of Klaus, "She's doing what she's been doing for her whole life: Doing whatever it takes to protect the people closest to her."
"I don't think you know exactly what Ophelia's about to do, Hayley," Klaus told her, causing her to sigh.
"Yes, I do," She informed him and Klaus frowned in confusion, "Do you think she would take the truth serum without asking me? I told her it was okay."
"You what?" Klaus raised his voice to Hayley, clearly angered. He calmed down after a moment and let out a sigh, "I'll deal with you later. First, I need to find Ophelia before she makes a great mistake that will put us all in danger."
Before Hayley could stop him, Klaus vamp-sped off, leaving Hayley alone with the wolves, all of which stared at her in confusion.
Ophelia, who was near the lake at the edge of the woods, used her magic to skip rocks along the water farther than it would if she was just using her hand. After a moment, Jackson walked up behind her to join her, "You scared me," He told her, causing Ophelia to jump, startled, before turning back to face him.
"I could say the same to you right now," She commented and Jackson quietly chuckled before continuing on.
"I was worried you ran off in the middle of the night," He said, causing Ophelia to let out a sigh.
"No. I was just out here..." She trailed off, "I decided to turn and be free for once. I missed that feeling," She paused, tossing another rock into the water as Jackson picks up a stone to skip as well, "Listen, Jack, I know I'm supposed to divulge my great secrets, but I--I can't. I can't even tell you why I can't. It's that bad."
"Ophelia, do you really think there's a secret you have that's so bad you can't tell me?" Jackson asked her and Ophelia gave him an obvious look.
"It's not safe, Jack." She reminded him quietly, "I'm serious."
"When have we ever been safe, Ophelia?" He asked her, clearly not getting where she was getting at, "Now, our people have been cursed, hunted, exiled. But you and me, this wedding? We can change all that. We can create a new pack, one with your ability to turn at will! So, we give each other our secrets. If we don't, then the transfer of power won't work, and we're back to where we were."
Ophelia nervously bit her lip, which Jackson immediately noticed, "Look, even if we call off the wedding, there's still something that I need to tell you." He told her, causing Ophelia to let out a sigh.
"Jack, I'm sure you've lived quite the crazy life, but I can't imagine that your secrets are anything like mine. I had three centuries worth of secrets," She reminded him.
"There's one," he informed her, "That has to do with... how Hayley's parents died."
Ophelia's face fell and she turned to face him, both eager and worried to hear what he was about to say. She knew for a fact she was going to have to tell Hayley.
Deep in the Bayou, Jackson had brought Ophelia to a makeshift graveyard, "I know this place," She said quietly, glancing around, "It's the place where wolves bury those who walk away from the pack. Traitors, murderers..." he trailed off, becoming even quieter, "My eldest brother was buried here three hundred years ago."
Jackson gave Ophelia was a sympathetic look before he showed her a rudimentary grave marker made out of wood. It had the initials RXD carved into it above a crescent moon, "Richard Xavier Dumas. He was Mary's husband..." He trailed off, looking down at Ophelia, who looked back up at him, "My grandfather. He was an Alpha of his time. He was a militant radical hell-bent on raising war with vampires."
"I remember," Ophelia informed him, "Marcel wanted to execute him, but I wouldn't let him."
Jackson nodded his head in understanding before continuing, "When he found out that your parents and mine planned to join the packs, try for peace with You, Marcel, and his crew, he..." He trailed off, letting out a sigh, "He went ballistic."
Ophelia placed her hand over her mouth in shock, "It was him, wasn't it? He was the one that killed Hayley's parents."
"He wanted to stop them and everything they stood for. And he did." Jackson told her quietly.
"Hayley has spent her entire life wondering what happened to them. She's going to be wrecked when I tell her, you know that, right?" She reminded him and Jackson gulped anxiously, looking guilty for his association to his grandfather.
"I was hoping you would let me be the one to tell her," Jackson said to her and Ophelia nodded her head in understanding, "I never told the two of you before because I didn't know until Mary told me. She said she'd held onto the secret about what my grandfather did for two decades, and knew it was time for it to come out," he paused, anxiously biting his lip, "And I knew I had to be the one to tell the two of you. Truth is, I didn't know if I could. But now that I've told you, I know I have to guts to tell Hayley. I just hope neither of you blames me."
Jackson avoided eye contact with Ophelia, looking shameful. Ophelia sighed, moving closer to Jackson as she cupped her face with his hands, causing them to look deep into each other's eyes, "Hey, hey, hey," She began to tell him in an assuring tone, "I don't blame you, Jack. Neither will Hayley. She'll understand."
"That was my secret," Jackson informed her, "Whatever yours is, Ophelia...If you don't want to tell me, then don't. It doesn't change a thing. Least of all, how I feel about you."
Suddenly, Ophelia heard footsteps from afar, causing Ophelia to turn her head to see Klaus approaching them, causing her to quickly pull away from Jackson, "Quite the romantic sentiment." The male commented with a grin on his face, causing Jackson to turn to look at him and scowl at the sight of him, "I wonder, however, if I might impose on this lovely tableau long enough to have a word with Ophelia."
Jackson looked hesitant, but Ophelia gently squeezed his shoulder, "It's okay," She assured him quietly, "Go ahead. I'll meet you back at Mary's."
Jackson nodded, patting her on the back before he reluctantly left them to talk.
Just then, as Jackson left, Hayley arrived, looking wrecked, "Are you kidding me, Klaus?" She complained, "I've been chasing you for the past twenty minutes, trying to stop you! Are you out of your mind?"
Klaus gave Hayley a look of disbelief, "No, have you lost your minds? Are the two of you seriously considering this preposterous truth-telling idiocy?"
"Actually, I'm in a bit of a predicament. I'm stuck and I have no clue what to do next," She admitted.
"Well, allow me to make this simple for you, love, under no circumstances will you divulge any family secrets, especially none that would endanger my child!" He shouted at her.
"Except it's not that simple, Klaus. You saw what Finn did. He's growing more powerful by the day," Ophelia argued and Klaus sighed, turning away from Ophelia since he knew she was right, "Right now he controls over half of the wolves. My marriage to Jackson could change that."
"The outcome of your strategy is not worth the risk it imposes on my daughter," Klaus argued back, causing Hayley to give him a look of disbelief.
"Our child," Hayley corrected him, earning an eye roll from Klaus, causing her to grow frustrated, "Well, it's not a risk if Ophelia and I trust Jackson." As she uttered those words, Klaus rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration, "Klaus, think. We could have a whole army of super-wolves who could protect Hope as one of their own."
"Hope doesn't need a wolf army!" Klaus argued once more, "I'll protect her myself! And an easier time I'll have of it, too, without Ophelia running off sharing secrets with every motley member of your werewolf brethren."
"Dammit, Klaus! This is our chance! We can bring her home! We have to at least consider this!" Hayley shouted at Klaus in frustration, "Ophelia's sacrifice can help our daughter. Just consider it."
"I have considered it, and I have deemed it absurd," Klaus replied, "And in this matter, there is no one above my decree, not you..." He trailed off, turning to glance at Ophelia, who seemed uncomfortable out of place in the argument, "And not even you."
Ophelia finally glared at him as he stepped closer to her and looked her in the eye, "You will tell Jackson the wedding is off." He demanded her.
"Well, it's a good thing I don't take orders from anyone anymore," Ophelia replied, causing Klaus to scowl at her, "Especially not from you. I am done listening to you," She paused as she started to walk away from him alongside Hayley, "Let me know when you want to have a real conversation."
Klaus immediately ran after her and roughly grabbed her by the arm to stop her, "Ophelia!"
Ophelia yanked her arm away from him. She growled, using her magic to cause him to be thrown against a tree, "Don't you ever grab me like that!" She shouted as she angrily glared at Klaus.
Klaus glared back at Ophelia as she stood up. Noticing the tension between the two, Hayley quickly stepped in front of Ophelia, "Ophelia and I not going to stand here quietly while you tell me and her what I can and cannot to do to protect my daughter!" She shouted at Klaus angrily.
"Our daughter!" Klaus corrected her.
"Right. Ours," Hayley agreed with him, "But it was your mother who tried to kill her, and who knows what your equally psychotic brother is up to!"
"I will deal with Finn." Klaus tried to convince her.
Hayley looked as if she were about to attack Klaus, causing Ophelia to lightly push Hayley to the side a bit so that she was standing in front of Klaus, "And then what, Klaus?" Ophelia asked Klaus with an attitude, "Hope will always be the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson, the hybrid monstrosity with a list of enemies that could fill a thousand pages!"
Klaus immediately looked hurt and sighed before looking away, "Don't you get it?" She questioned him quietly, "It's you. You're the threat. You are so paranoid about everything that you can't see that this wedding between Jackson and I can help your daughter, Klaus. Hope can come home. The wolves will be on our side."
Klaus looked frustrated when hearing Ophelia's words, "The wolves cannot be trusted!"
"In your paranoid, sick mind, nobody in this world can be trusted, not even me!" She yelled at Klaus, "Where does it end, Klaus? Huh? Where the hell does it end?"
"There is no end!" Klaus shouted at Ophelia, causing both Ophelia and Hayley to back up a bit, "Need I remind you, Ophelia, I killed my own father in order to protect her?"
"Really?" Hayley spoke up, taking Ophelia's side as she always did when arguing against Klaus, "That's why you killed him? Or is it just that you were so terrified of letting someone...anyone... in?"
Klaus scowled at both women, visibly hurt, "I know this wedding can work, Klaus," Ophelia whispered to him quietly, clearly growing tired of all the shouting, "I can help you and Hayley bring your daughter home. But you have to trust me. Please, just trust me."
Klaus nodded his head as he gently caressed her face with his hands, "I do trust you," He whispered to her softly, "More than you know."
Ophelia briefly looked as though Klaus was finally agreeing with her, but before she could say anything or react, he snapped her neck and caught her right before she fell onto the ground, "I just don't trust Jackson."
"Klaus!" Hayley shouted, about to rush forward.
Before she could react, at vamp-speed, Klaus gently set Ophelia down before getting up and snapping Hayley's neck as well.
Ophelia groaned out as her eyes fluttered open to find herself lying in the woods beside Hayley's unconscious body. She glanced around, realizing that it was nighttime.
She rubbed her head, sitting up from the ground just as Hayley began to wake up, "What happened?" Hayley muttered as she sat up beside Ophelia.
"That bastard," Ophelia growled, finally remembering what Klaus had down.
At vampire speed, Ophelia stood up, "I have to stop him before he kills Jackson," She informed Hayley, who was quick to stand up also.
"Let me come with you," Hayley insisted and Ophelia immediately shook her head.
"No," She argued in protest, "I need to do this alone. With my luck, you'll end up dead when trying to help me. You're my best friend and I can't let that happen. Go back to this wolves, I;ll handle it."
Hayley let out a sigh, hesitantly nodding her head. With that, Ophelia sped off, tracking the Klaus' scent, which happened to be locked in her mind, just as it had been for three centuries after spending so much time with the man.
In another part of the woods, Jackson, who was severely injured, was trying his best to crawl away from Klaus, but the hybrid easily caught up to him, "I've drawn this out for long enough," He told Jackson, who groaned in pain, "Though, you can hardly blame me, given the sheer audacity of your plot. It's quite offensive. Ophelia is apart of my family. She has been more than centuries. Then, you'd seek to use her for your petty ambitions!"
"I'm not using her!" Jackson shouted at him furiously.
"Just admit your true intentions for this farce of a wedding, and I'll end this," Klaus demanded, "Quickly."
Jackson continued to desperately crawl away from him, "I love Ophelia. And I will fight for her..." He paused, pulling a piece of wood off the ground before stabbing Klaus in the abdomen with it, "Until I am dead."
Jackson fell to the ground, completely exhausted. Suddenly, Klaus pulled the branch out of his stomach and threw it onto the floor.
"Well, you've got more fight in you than I imagined," Klaus commented as he placed Jackson in a choke-hold and pointed the tip of the piece of sharp wood under Jackson's chin. Jackson tried his best to hold Klaus' arm back, but was clearly losing his strength, "But, I remain unimpressed."
Jackson gasped for breath, "You told me once that my people were yours, too. If you kill me now, promise me...that you will help Ophelia set our people free." He pleaded quietly.
Klaus was surprised by these words and hesitated for a moment. Just then, Ophelia appeared and used her magic to force Klaus to go flying. She sped over to him and landed on top of him. She straddled him as she punched him in the face violently several times until Klaus tightly grabbed her fist and tossed her off of him before getting back onto his feet.
Ophelia stood up as forcing herself to stand between Klaus and Jackson, protecting the latter, "I trust him, Klaus. Do you hear me?" She told him in a stern tone, "You're not going to kill him. And if you insist on it, you're going to have to go through me first. And I know for fact, that no matter how psychotic and heartless you can be at times, you would never kill me if you knew there was a chance I wouldn't be able to come back."
Klaus seemed impressed by Ophelia's words, "You truly believe that he is worthy of your trust?" He asked in disbelief.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do," She confidently replied, crossing her arms over her chest.
Klaus stared at Ophelia in surprise, "Well, you are stubborn, love. Perhaps you two were meant for each other," He commented, glaring at both Ophelia and Jackson, even though he was the one who told Ophelia to marry Jackson in the first place, "Go on, then. Tell him our secret. Have your wedding. Save your wolves," He paused, turning to look directly at Jackson, "But, you mark my words, if you ever betray her, in any way, I will find you, and I will deposit your head on the end of a spike. Perhaps I'll leave it in your grandmother's garden."
Ophelia sighed in relief, "Thank you," She said quietly, closing her eyes for a brief moment.
As she closed her eyes, Klaus gave them both one last look before vamp-speeding away. She opened them and realized Klaus was gone, causing her to immediately turn to tend to Jackson, who was still healing from the many injuries inflicted on him by Klaus.
Ophelia rushed over to him and looked at him with concern, "I'm so sorry, Jackon," She told him quietly.
Ophelia caressed his face affectionately as he leaned against her for support.
Meanwhile later, Mary was patching Jackson up on her back patio overlooking the lake. Soon enough, she finished up by placing a bandage on his stomach before finally deciding to speak, "There. You let that sit," She told Jackson, who smiled at her and patted him on the shoulder, "You'll feel better in the morning."
She got up to leave when Ophelia returned to the cabin, "Mary, I am so sorry. I really am," She apologized to the female werewolf.
"For what?" Mary asked her confused, "Knowing a monster? Having baggage in your past? We all got that. Some worse than others."
"I'm definitely the latter," Ophelia admitted quietly and Mary placed a comforting hand on her back as she looked up at her with guilt in her eyes.
"When Jack was down, you fought for him," Mary smiled at Ophelia, "A lot of married folk don't get that far."
"Well, I'm always going to fight for him," Ophelia assured Mary, glancing over at Jackson before back at Mary, "No matter what."
With that, Mary left Ophelia to speak with Jackson alone. Ophelia walked onto the patio and took a seat next to him, "You okay?" She asked him concerned.
"I'll live. That's the thing I can't figure out..." He trailed off, a confused look on his face, "Why didn't he kill me?"
"I honestly don't know," Ophelia told Klaus, even though she did know the answer. She didn't want Jackson to know it was because of her.
Jackson turned to look at her and Ophelia smiled before taking a hold of his hand, "I know you're against me giving you vampire blood so I have another way of healing you," She informed him and Jackson gave her a puzzled look.
Slowly, Ophelia leaned forward and both werewolves immediately closed their eyes as their lips touched. Slowly, as they kissed, Ophelia used her magic to heal his wounds.
- In Serial27 Chapters
46 Year Old Syndrome
The daily Litrpg journal of a fairly average 46 year old man in a world where hundreds of thousands of people suddenly have a super power.Follow him as he learns skills, runs away a lot, suffers crippling headaches, avoids reading his titles, and tries to avoid breaking his body that didn't get enough calcium and vegetables.[Disclaimer 1: Despite the following, I will fix any typos pointed out. This is a writing exercise so chapters are mostly first drafts, otherwise I'd end up rewriting each chapter for a month or more with no real changes. My goals are a steady output by not using perfectionism as a procrastination method. I've already got laziness and additions to reading/games, I don't need a 3rd reason to procrastinate.][Disclaimer 2: The main character is a more normalized version of me, with 170% less laziness installed, and a few buffs like greater courage. Other things like having a job are partially similar. No other characters are based on real people because most people I know are either too normal to be useful or too fucked in the head to be believable.]
8 141 - In Serial64 Chapters
A Broken World [Dropped Pending Rewrite]
This work has been dropped- because I am rewriting it. Look forward to the new and improved "A Broken World," now available HERE on Royal Road! Three thousand years ago, Demonic creatures invaded the world. Though their power seemed irresitable, a band of heroes managed to steal the knowledge of summoning rituals and worlds from them and created, "The Millenial Summoning." A powerful magic that would bring forth a being from another world with the power to change the world forever. The first being summoned became known as "The Speaker," and he brought the power of the Gods with him. Teaching prayers and invocations that blessed humanities legions and began to push back the demons, founding of the "The Church of the Spoken Word" rose to power and a stalemate was reached. Two thousand years ago, that stalemate was broken by the second casting of "The Millenial Summoning," and the arrival of "The First Sorceress," who taught humanity the basics of magic and enchanting. With the power of the Sorceress, the mages, and the priests the tide turned and the Demonic hordes began to be shoved back, signaling hopes of a golden age for mankind. One thousand years ago, the hopes of final victory and a new dawn for mankind were dashed by traitors who slew the participants of the ritual and took their places, using the ritual to bring forth a godlike being from the demons home world, "The Demon King," for no human knew his name, erased millenia of growth reducing humanity to barely a fragment of its former glory. Now the ritual is being cast again, and a new being is being summoned... In our world, after nearly two decades of studious work, Luke Jaeger is making his dream come true. Working and going to school full time, sacrificing his health and social life in his youth, Lucas obtained Doctorates in genetics and virology, as well as associate degrees in business and accounting. The modern world is not easy, and despite it nearly driving him mad from stress, this was the bare minimum he needed to be approved for a business loan to start a company focusing on commercial genetic therapy. Despite the challange of getting his business running, Lucas feels that his work has finally paid off. Lucas's car never left the banks lot, nor was Lucas ever seen again in our world.
8 95 - In Serial18 Chapters
The Last Boss
First, English isn't my first language Second, this story isn't edited or passed by a proofreader, yet. Third, Don't worry that I will finish the story arc, even if there is 1 person reading. Furthermore, I plan the Average Release of each chapter taking from 1 to 2 days. Finally, if you are kind you can comment on the mistake and as soon as I can I will correct. ------ https://imgur.com/a/F4mSA (for whom it may have trouble with the shadows) ----
8 71 - In Serial27 Chapters
Righteous Fox Immortal (Postponed until further notice)
After a stroke of bad luck, Haiyang reincarnates into the body of a fox. After reincarnating Haiyang's luck takes a turn for the best and finds out he is in a world of qi, demon beast, and cultivators he meets an unnamed immortal who changes his fate. Then After seeing the world for what it truly was, sets off on a journey to change this world or die trying. *********************** I've given up on this one until I get my act together and rewrite this thing.
8 218 - In Serial7 Chapters
Blacklist: Supergirl x Male reader.
In this story. You are a bounty hunter that hunts down high value targets for the SAS and thier Allies. At age 17, you were brought in the SAS and were trained in special tactics and Assassination tasks for the SAS as more corrupt leaders that went into power. At the age of 19, you were finally let go to be a bounty hunter and you were nicknamed by criminals as the silent watcher and the red light of death. A new terrorist group formed known as the blacklist and made their way to a city in America, you headed back to America (your origin will be explained In the story) to find the blacklist in the city called National City. But as you were assigned a task to eliminate the threat, a certain blonde walks in your life again...
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Winter Wonderland
you, the daughter of the Cryo archon, Empress Tsaritsa, have been transported to the land of Twisted Wonderland to attend Night Raven College. She is not the only female. Yuuna is a magicless human from another world, called Earth, who suddenly could use magic here in twisted wonderland...What happens if Y/n remembers her past life living in the same world as Yuu?Y/n's main journey is to find her soulmates, by finding the one who has her soulmate mark, which is a silhouette of a dragon and a phoenix.Not only is their some wholesome romance, there are some spicy stuff as well.Genshin Impact belongs to Hoyoverse and Twisted Wonderland belongs to disney. Overall, the added storyline to fit Y/n and Yuuna belong to me. All pictures used in this story belong to the original owners
8 108