《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》4
Klaus and Kol were in the middle of playing a game of chess together in the study together when Elijah and Ophelia entered, both of them not looking happy.
"Forty-Six. An entire tenement building," Ophelia informed the two men before raising her voice to them, "Forty-Six bodies drained of blood!"
Kol and Klaus continued to play their game of chest, both of them looking as if they were trying their hardest not to laugh or smile.
"Nonsense, darling," Kol replied, turning to look at Ophelia, who gave him a questioning look as he began to smirk, "It was at least sixty. Ah! They neglected to check the attic."
"Ah," Klaus replied, nodding his head in understanding as pointed at his younger brother.
"Why do people always run for the attic?" Kol asked the group in amusement, "It makes no sense."
"It's difficult enough to keep our presence a secret..." Elijah trailed off, "Without the two of you doing everything in your power to draw attention to you. Do you have any idea what Ophelia just had to do to make sure there wasn't an investigation?"
"I'm surprised you have the time to concern yourself with us," Klaus spoke up as he took his turn on the chess board, "Given the hours you spend doting on Marcellus and Ophelia here."
Ophelia scoffed, rolling her eyes in annoyance. She shared a glance with Elijah before turning to Klaus, "Is that what all this is about, Klaus?" Ophelia asked Klaus, "You envy Elijah's bond with Marcellus and me? You must be joking! You brought Marcellus into this home. Elijah and I are just trying to make sure he gets the attention and the intellect he needs. As of this moment, I am wondering if it's even safe for him here any longer."
"Ophelia is right," Elijah agreed with the female hybrid, "He's no longer safe here. We cannot allow him to remain."
Klaus immediately stood up from his chair, angered by what Elijah had said, "You'd punish the boy because of Kol's antics?" He growled angrily, pointing at Kol, "I'd just as soon put him in a box."
"You'd choose that little welp over your own family?" Kol asked Klaus, feeling betrayed.
"That little whelp is our family," Klaus reminded Kol before turning to face Elijah and Ophelia once more, "Marcellus stays."
In the bayou, Klaus, Ophelia, and Hayley had finally found where the Crescent Wolf pack was, "So Jackson's MIA and Oliver fancies himself the alpha of the pack," Ophelia commented, letting out a large sigh, "This is just great."
"They're not going to listen to us," Hayley spoke up, sounding hopeless.
"Your crescent mark on your shoulders did not disappear when you both became hybrids, did they?" Klaus questioned before turning to Ophelia, "I already know your answer."
Hayley frowned, glancing between Ophelia and Klaus, wondering what Klaus meant. Her eyes widened in realization, "Are you trying to say that you two..."
"Not since I first turned," Ophelia whispered to Hayley quietly, "It's not like I'm going to do it again."
Klaus rolled his eyes when hearing Ophelia say that it won't happen again, "Go on, both of you," He encouraged the two girls to go talk to the wolves, "Talk to them."
Ophelia and Hayley shared a glance with each other before Ophelia walked past both her and Klaus, walking toward the wolf pack with the two of them following close behind her.
Once she and the two hybrids made themselves visible, the pack of wolves immediately stopped what they were doing and turned to them, all of them going to stand behind Oliver, "The hell you three want?" He asked the group of three.
"Hold your tongue," Klaus began to threaten Oliver, "Or I'll tear it from your gaping mouth."
"That's enough, Klaus," Ophelia warned him in a low tone before turning to Oliver, "We didn't come here to fight, Oliver."
Hayley glanced at Ophelia before continuing on for her, "Our pack has been divided by people that want us to be their slaves. What we need right now is a leader. Someone who will reunite us and make us strong again. Someone who will fight for our pack," She paused, gesturing her hand toward Ophelia, "If you let her, Ophelia can be that person."
"You think we can trust you?" Oliver asked both Ophelia and Hayley, "Neither of you are one of us. Hell, you're not even wolves. You're vampires. And Ophelia's also part witch, that makes her even worse."
Ophelia growled, taking a step toward Oliver, her eyes glowing yellow as the veins appeared under her eyes briefly, "You wanna say that again and see what happens, Oliver?" She threatened the male werewolf in a low tone.
"You a tough girl? You gonna attack me?" Oliver questioned as he took a threatening step toward Ophelia, "In front of all them? You just give us another reason to say yes to Cassie and her moonlight rings. Yeah, they would rather follow a witch than you. Me? Hell, I'd rather die than follow you."
Klaus noticed how Ophelia looked a bit hurt by what he had said and just as Oliver was about to walk away, he vamp sped over to him and knocked him flat on his back. Oliver groaned in pain and Klaus pressed his boot down against the man's chest, "Well, at least you didn't drag this out," Klaus commented.
"Hey! Klaus, let him go!" Ophelia shouted, about to walk closer to Klaus.
Hayley extended her arm out, stopping Ophelia, "No, don't stop him. It's just getting good," She commented, causing Ophelia to roll her eyes at what she had said.
"You need to remember all that you seemed to have forgotten about politics, Ophelia," Klaus told the girl, "You gain support by killing your detractors."
"They may not like me, Klaus, but these people," She paused, gesturing to all of the wolves gathered around, "Including Oliver, are my family. So let him go now."
"And what are you going to do if I don't?" Klaus questioned Ophelia daringly.
Ophelia growled when Klaus didn't obey and telekinetically caused him to go flying about ten feet away from Oliver. He was thrown against a large tree before hitting the ground. He groaned in pain and quickly stood back up, gesturing to Ophelia, not looking to be bothered by what she had done, almost as if he had known that would happen to begin with, "You see? There's your queen. Unimaginably powerful, fearless, and unlike me, merciful."
Klaus began to walk away but stopped suddenly and turned to Ophelia, "These people need to show you more respect, Ophelia. How you handle them now is up to you and Hayley," he told her before walking off.
Ophelia frowned, sharing a glance with Hayley, "Wait, where are you going?" Hayley asked Klaus, who turned to face her.
"I'm going to find the witch," Klaus informed Hayley and Ophelia, "Seems I need to educate her as to what she may or may not do in Ophelia's city. Be careful, both of you."
"I could say the same to you," Ophelia replied with a smile on her face as she watched Klaus walk off.
Once he was out of sight, Ophelia turned to the pack of wolves, "Now, where were we?" She asked the group.
It was nighttime and Ophelia was in the middle of painting in her and Klaus' shared room when she heard commotion coming from the courtyard. She walked down the stairs and into the courtyard to find Marcel and Kol sitting together while a group of men that were compelled to act out a scene in a play stood before them.
"What is going on?" Ophelia asked the duo concerned, only to fix her eyes on Marcel, who gave her a pleading look. Her eyes widened when she saw blood covering his mouth and chin, "What the hell are you doing to him, Kol!" She exclaimed, rushing over to Marcel as she pulled out a handkerchief.
"Ah, ah," Kol spoke up, vamp speeding over to Ophelia as he pulled her away from Marcel, "Everything is fine, love. I simply fed Marcel my blood. We were just about to watch a play of Hamlet that I put together myself. You should join us."
"I-I don't think so," Ophelia replied, shaking her head, "Klaus--"
"Enough about Klaus," Kol sighed dramatically as the veins started to appear under his eyes.
Ophelia cautiously took a step back and gasped when Kol bit into his wrist. Before Ophelia could react, Kol grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her closer to him as he placed his wrist to her mouth. Ophelia tried to push him back but ended up being forced to feed from his wrist even more.
After he thought she got enough, Kol pulled his wrist away from her mouth and pulled her to the two empty seats beside Marcel, blood covering the outside of her mouth and her entire chin.
"Please, let us go," Ophelia pleaded with Kol, "Kol, as much as I care about you, this is going too far. This isn't right."
"Relax, darling," Kol told her with a large grin on his face, "Don't be absurd. Shakespeare should be experienced in the flesh. In truth, these aren't the finest actors, but we are in the colonies. Here, where are we?"
Ophelia turned to Marcel, who gave her a pleading look, hoping she would use her magic to save them. She sighed, shaking her head before turning to Kol once more, "In venom to thy work!" The first actor said as he took his sword and physically ran another actor through with it.
Ophelia and Marcel gasped in shock as the man fell dead to the floor. Ophelia went to stand up, but Kol grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back down, "Kol, please. I know you're better than this," Ophelia pleaded quietly and it seemed as though Kol's emotions changed.
His eyes softened for a split second before they turned cold once more, "Sit down or I'll tear out Marcellus' jugular."
Ophelia gave Kol a hesitant look before she sat back down beside him, "Exchange forgiveness with me, noble harlot--" The second actor began to say, but Kol cut him off.
"No!" Kol, clearly annoyed, shouted toward the stage. He sighed as he stood up and walked over to him, "How many times must I tell you?" He paused and grabbed the top of the actor's head, "It's Hamlet, not harlot."
Ophelia gasped, quickly standing up as Kol snapped the man's neck. She walked to stand beside Marcel, placing a hand on his shoulder, getting ready to help him get to safety before Kol ended up doing something to the boy as well.
"Sometimes I don't know why I bother," Kol told Marcel and Ophelia as he extended his arms out.
Suddenly, Elijah ran in, only to see blood covering both Ophelia and Marcel's mouth, "What have you done?" Elijah asked his younger brother, also noticing the dead bodies scattered around along with the compelled actors.
"I was just introducing Marcellus and the lovely Ophelia to the theater," Kol informed his brother before turning to Ophelia, "Wasn't I, Ophelia?"
"I-I-" Ophelia began to say, but seemed to be at a loss for words.
"I thought you'd be pleased," Kol continued on and Elijah walked over to where Ophelia stood beside Marcel, both of them looking fearful.
He knew for a fact something was definitely wrong when Ophelia looked scared. Kol was the only Mikaelson that Ophelia had even feared in the slightest and Elijah knew that the reason Ophelia must have not used her powers on him was not because she feared him, but because a part of her still saw some good in him. She hoped he would change his ways, almost like how Klaus did when he was around her, but that wasn't the case.
Elijah turned to face Kol, beginning to walk over to him, looking furious, "Is there no limit to your vile imagination, brother?" He asked him in a low tone.
"Well, if the two of them are ever going to be vampires, they'll have to learn, won't they?" Kol commented as he turned to glance at Marcel and Ophelia.
"Ophelia would have died if you tried to turn her!" Elijah raised his voice to Kol, who frowned at the newly learned information, "She is part werewolf. Even our blood can't turn her into one of us."
"Well, how was I supposed to know?" Kol complained, only to anger Elijah even more.
Ophelia stayed close to Marcel as she watched Elijah roughly grab ahold of Kol. Just then, Klaus appeared, standing behind Kol, "Let him go, Elijah," He demanded in a stern tone.
Elijah glared at Klaus as he let go of his grip on Kol. Kol smiled slightly and Klaus kept his right hand on his younger brother's shoulder, "Thank you, Nik," Kol told his brother, fixing his jacket, "At least someone knows the meaning of family."
"I told you before," Klaus began to tell his younger brother as he roughly forced Kol to turn to face him, "Marcellus is family. Just as Ophelia is. And you messed with her. And I told you once before what would happen if you messed with her again."
Kol's eyes widened, realizing what Klaus was about to do. Before she could react, both Klaus and Elijah grabbed ahold of Kol as Klaus daggered him.
A sad look grew on Ophelia's face, feeling bad for Kol even if he had basically threatened her life. She was the only one who knew there was some type of good in him, no matter how much Elijah and Klaus tried to tell her otherwise.
After making up their grand plan, Hayley and Ophelia led their pack of wolves into the compound, "Take any of the rooms on the first floor," Ophelia told her pack, "Most of the ones on the second are taken."
"Are we running a kennel now?" Klaus questioned Ophelia and Hayley as he walked over to them.
"Ophelia and I will handle them," Hayley tried to convince Klaus.
"Our family is under siege," Klaus reminded her, "It is not the time for guests."
"Well, you gotta think about this, Klaus," Ophelia began to tell him, "If they're not with us, they're with the witches. You asked us to step up, this is what we're doing."
"Well, it seems I'm a good influence on you after all, love," Klaus commented as he smiled at Ophelia, "I could've sworn everyone had said it was the other way around."
Ophelia smiled back at Klaus, "I guess they were wrong," She replied, jokingly.
Ophelia and Klaus stared at each other, almost longingly, both of them continuing to smile. Hayley rolled her eyes, feeling awkward in her position at that moment.
On the second floor, Elijah looked down at Klaus and Ophelia, flashbacks of 1821 running through his mind.
Ophelia walked into Elijah's room to find him fixing his jacket, "So what are we up to today?" She asked Elijah with a smile on her face as she took a seat at the foot of his bed, "Should we play a game of chess? Teach Marcel some more Hamlet?"
"I'm afraid not, Ophelia," Elijah replied as he turned to face her, causing Ophelia to frown in confusion.
"What's wrong?" She asked Elijah concerned, "Did I do something? I thought we were friends, Elijah."
"That is the problem, Ophelia," Elijah told her, "We can't be friends any longer. Since you and Marcellus' arrival, I've seen a change in my brother. For the first time in centuries, I've seen him act solely for the benefit of another. Together, you and Marcellus hold the key to my brother's troubled soul. And to do that, I must make sacrifices," He paused, letting out a sigh, "And that of which happens to be not allowing myself to get close to you. I already know of what will happen if I do happen to do so and I can't let that happen."
"This is absurd," Ophelia scoffed as she stood up from her seat, pointing an accusing finger at Elijah as she gave him an angry look, "I chose your family over my own. I lost everything because of all of you and surprisingly, I am fine with that. In the past century that I've spent with your family, I've refused to grow close anyone else but the lot of you and I've not a single friend. Rebekah hates me, Kol will soon hate me when he is undaggered, and Klaus can't be much of a friend since he is more than that to me. You, Elijah, you are the only person I can call a friend in the city, the only other person besides Klaus I can trust, and now you're just going to get rid of me? I can be your friend and be with Klaus!"
"Niklaus!" Elijah called out loudly to his brother and Klaus arrived soon after.
"What is it?" Klaus asked as he entered Elijah's room, glancing between him and Ophelia.
"Remove her," Elijah demanded and Ophelia gave him a look of disbelief, tears starting to form in her eyes, "She is your lover. You brought her here, to begin with. She is your burden, no one else's. Now, take her somewhere. Out of my sight."
"I can't believe you, Elijah!" Ophelia shouted at Elijah, tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she began to rush toward him, "After everything---"
Klaus walked over to Ophelia, lightly pulling her with him toward the door and away from Elijah, "Come now, Ophelia. Let's not make a scene," He told her quietly, placing an arm around her, "How about we go out tonight? Just the two of us. Any ideas on where?"
As she left with Klaus, Ophelia glanced at Elijah sadly before turning back to Klaus.
In the courtyard in the compound, Ophelia and Klaus stood in front of each other, Hayley standing close to them, "I don't see Oliver amongst them," Klaus stated, "Am I to assume you finished him off?"
"The three of us made a deal," Hayley informed Klaus, "He'll pledge his loyalty to Cassie, report back, and tell Ophelia everything he learns."
"Well done. Both of you," Klaus praised the two females before walking away.
After making sure all the wolves were situated at the compound, Ophelia walked through the French Quarter, trying to clear her head, "Ophelia, Ophelia," Someone mused, causing Ophelia to turn her head to see Kaleb walking toward her, "We've got to stop meeting like this. This is how rumors start."
Ophelia froze, the sudden feeling of familiarity consuming her, "What's wrong?" Kaleb asked Ophelia, a concerned look on his face.
Before he could react, Ophelia roughly grabbed ahold of his wrist, reading the boy to find out that it was, in fact, who she thought it was, "That's impossible," Ophelia gasped, her eyes wide as she let go of him, "Kol?"
"Ophelia--" Kol began to say, but Ophelia cut him off.
"Just stop," Ophelia interuppted, trying to process what was happening, "How are you here?" She asked but before Kol could answer, she spoke up, "You know what? I can't deal with this right now. I need to go."
Before Ophelia could rush off, Kol grabbed her wrist, causing Ophelia to turn to her, "You can't tell anyone that I'm alive, you know that, right?" He reminded her.
Ophelia sighed, nodding her head, "I know," She replied quietly, "I won't tell anyone. But you're going to have to tell me how you're here and alive. But right now, I have things to do. Goodbye, Kol."
Without another word said, Ophelia sped off, leaving Kol there.
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