《Candied Heart-Fatgum x reader》Chapter Nine
Safe... I'm safe. Everything is silent, everything is perfect.
My eyes cracked open to the blinding sunlight. I felt warm and secure. I closed my eyes briefly, only for them to snap back open. Someone was cuddling me, and I could hear soft snoring. I looked around seeing it was Fatgum. He was still holding me from my episode last night. I noticed his hood was off for once. His blonde hair curled in every direction it could around his face. I felt my face upturn into a big smile. I couldn't help myself as I quietly giggled to myself. I carefully pulled myself out of his arms and sauntered off to the kitchen. He really did hold up to his promise and hd the kitchen rearranged for me. I searched the kitchen for some pancake mix, finding it and some bacon and eggs. I set up the coffee pot and I started making some breakfast, making sure to make extra for Fatgum. I owe him big time, he helped me with my panic attack. I mixed up the batter for the pancakes and started the eggs. I made them scrambled to save time. I made the bacon extra crispy, and the pancakes turned out golden brown. I set out two plates and brought the food to the table. Turning the corner into the living room I saw Fatgum sitting up, he had his phone to his ear, and the expression on his face was very serious. I couldn't hear him, but whatever it was he was discussing was important. I waited till he was done and walked in. The moment he saw me his mood flipped around. Big goofy grin plastered on his face, but I could see behind it. He was upset about whatever that phone call was about.
"Hi Y/n! Did you sleep okay?" He asked, I nodded and smiled.
"I made breakfast, I know its not much, but after you helped me last night. I figured it was the least I could do." I offered. He looked mildly shocked before his face lit up with a genuine smile.
"Well what are we waiting for?!" He crowed. He moved so fast I had to do a double take to be sure he wasn't flying. I practically had to chase him to the kitchen. He started eating before his ass hit the chair.
"Mhhhm! This is so good!" He said, slightly muffled by the food in his mouth.
"You're welcome. Its just pancakes, bacon, and eggs. There's coffee if you want some?" I offered. He nodded his head profusely as I poured two cups.
"Cream and sugar please." He replied. I poured some into our cups and stirred them. Handing him his cup before returning to my own. I quickly made my own plate before he could eat everything. I sat down and ate slowly, mildly picking, but at least I was eating for once.
"So how was your week?" He asked, after he had finished off everything I made. I shrugged and picked at my eggs.
"I don't know how I feel about it just yet. The dorm is a bit too loud for me. The schoolwork isn't too bad. some of it is easy, but there are some parts that are a bit more challenging. I guess its not too bad." I answered, in all honesty I want to move back to the agency. Its quiet, and the peaceful walk to school would be nice.
"I'm glad your studies are going good. If the dorm bothers you too much you're more than welcome here." He replied, he got up and made himself another cup of coffee. I nodded and nibbled at my piece of bacon.
"If this week doesn't go too well, I'll come back. I'm going to give the dorm a chance. It could just be loud since people are excited about the dorm." I stated, my tone going flat at the end. Fatgum came around the table and set his coffee cup down.
"I need to talk to you about something.. Its important." He stated, his usual grin was gone.
"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked. My mind went to his phone call. Maybe its about that. He sighed and sat down across from me.
"I got a call earlier. Someone reported seeing some members of the LOV hanging around the area. I talked to Nezu and he agreed to set up some better security, just in case. He told me to ask you if you felt comfortable staying in the dorms and going to UA in person, or if you would like to do your schoolwork over the computer and stay here under our watch." He explained. His usual smile and happy tone were gone, his eyes didn't even have that joyful gleam.
"I- I don't know. What do you-"
"You have to choose. I can't make the decision for you. Do you feel safe to stay at UA? Or do you want to stay here?" He cut me off.
"I-I'll stay at UA. If anything happens I'll come back here." I blurted. My anxiety was starting to skyrocket, I heard him sigh and reach across the table.
"I'm sorry, I know this is hard. I promise I will make sure they go away." He reassured.
"Do you want to do anything this weekend? I can come with you if you feel like you need someone to accompany you." Fatgum piped up. We had been sitting on the couch watching tv. I looked outside and back to the tv.
"Nah. I think I'll be fine. Plus I don't need anything right now." I answered, he sat back and sighed.
"Are you hungry?" He asked. I shrugged, not really sure if I felt hungry yet.
"Its late afternoon. You should eat twice a day at least. Lets go get something to eat!" He crowed, he got up and pulled me with him. He dragged me down the hallway to my room.
"Go get changed!" He instructed. I shrugged him off and closed the door behind me. I pulled out a pair of jeans and a plain f/c long sleeved shirt. I brushed my hair out and brushed my teeth. I slipped my boots on and opened my door. Fatgum stood there waiting patiently. I followed him downstairs and outside.
Shigaraki's pov
"Why is she with that hero?" I asked, kurogiri warped us to the rooftops where we wouldn't be seen.
"They are probably going out to eat. Don't work yourself up over it, I'm sure you will get her back soon." He replied. Who was he to be talking to me like I'm a child. My anger calmed itself when I saw them go into a restaurant. I could see that BMI hero order himself something. Then he ordered for Y/n. My eyes narrowed at the sight of her. Kurogiri handed me a pair of binoculars and I carefully held them.
"She will be mine." I muttered to myself. I could hear Kurogiri sigh, but I let it go.
"How long till we can act out our plan?" I asked him, I didn't take my eyes off of her.
"Next week. Sometime after Thursday." He answered. My lips twitched with a slight smile. Soon.
"Remind me to disintegrate that sack of burnt bacon once we get Y/n back. I know he let her go on purpose." I growled, my grin didn't leave my face.
Y/n's pov
I picked at the takoyaki Fatgum ordered for me. I still haven't gotten my appetite back. I can't eat more than a few bites of something before wanting to throw it up.
"Are you going to eat?" Fatgum asked, I shook my head and sat back.
"I can't stomach it right now." I answered truthfully. He nodded and asked the waiter for a to-go box. My body involuntarily shivered, I felt eyes on my back, but I didn't see anyone looking at me. I shook it off and got up. I followed Fatgum out of the restaurant and down the crowded street. We took a few steps from the door before Fatgum stopped on a dime.
"Let's head back." He stated, his tone startled me. I looked up at him only to see the same expression I saw this morning on his face. My gaze shifted from his face to where he was glaring. My blood drained from my face at the sight of them. No matter how much I knew to stay with him, my feet made me move. I stumbled back a few steps before turning around into a full sprint. I shoved through the crowd and kept moving. My adreadline making my body move, I couldn't hear anything but my panting and racing heart. Everything blurred as I kept running. Anywhere was better than near them. As the crowd thinned out, I noticed there were fewer people. I saw the sidewalk start to go downhill. I tried to steady my feet, but instead I tripped and fell. I face planted for a millisecond before I tumbled down the hill. I covered my head till I hit the end and stopped. I knew my face and body was scratched up, but I couldn't feel the pain. I sat there, the shock of the fall making me stay still. Adreadline still coursed through my veins, making me wonder if I should get up and continue to run. My body refused to move as I sat there, my mind conflicted and confused. I stared at my now torn up jeans.
"Y/N! What happened?!" Someone yelled. I rapidly blinked and looked to the voice. It was Midoriya. He rushed over to me and dropped his things. I saw two other people with him. Bakugou and Kirishima. Kirishima rushed over and Bakugou looked confused and pissed.
"I... I was with Fatgum. We got a late lunch and were leaving, we saw some of th-the LOV..." my voice was stuttering and barely above a whisper. Midoriya and Kirishma looked horrified. Bakugou looked even more pissed.
"Where's those fuckers-"
"Bakugou, not now." Midoriya cut him off. For once his voice was cold and hard.
"Yeah, we need to help her and let the heroes know we have her." Kirishima added. Midoriya grabbed my hands and tried to help me up. The moment my weight was on my feet I collapsed with a cry.
"I must've twisted my ankle when I tripped." I mumbled.
"Here, I'll carry you." Midoriya turned around and had me get on his back. I carefully got on and kept my arms around his shoulders, he hoisted me onto his back the rest of the way and held my legs in front of him.
"Let's take her to my mom's. She can help Y/n while we call the authorities." Midoriya told them. Kirishima nodded and bakugou sucked his teeth, but everyone was in agreement. Midoriya started to jog off, for someone who looked smaller than me, he had good strength. He managed to pick me up, not to mention jogging with me on his back.
The four of us got to Midoriya's in less than ten minutes. He managed to jog up the stairs with me on his back without a problem. I felt bad for making him carry me, but its better than the alternative of breaking my ankles. Bakugou unlocked the door with Midoriya's keys and we all piled into the living room.
"Izuku, I made your favori-" The green haired woman walked in, her eyes meeting mine then her son's.
"Mom, this is L/N Y/N, she's a classmate of mine. She hurt and needs some help." He explained, setting me down on the couch. This poor woman looked horrified. I don't know if its because I look like a street rat or if this is the first time her son has brought a girl home.
"Poor thing! What happened?" She asked, starting to bombard all of us with questions.
"I fell." I answered, she looked up at me while she examined my feet. She didn't believe me, but I didn't want to drag my friend's mother into my shitfest.
"I need to call her caretakers, okay? I'll be right back." Midoriya said, then he walked off to who knows where.
"I'm going to get you some fresh clothes and bandages." She said, she got up and left. Then there were three. Kirishima sat down beside me and Bakugou plopped himself into one of the chairs.
"I bet deku is calling Aizawa Sensei." Bakugou spat out. I nodded and kept quiet. Midoriya's mom came back and helped me up.
"Here, I'll help you get changed." she insisted, she took my arm around her neck and helped me to the bathroom. I sat down on the vanity chair and took off my raggedy jeans. I could hear her shocked gasp at the sight of my legs.
"W-what happened sweetie?" Her voice quaked as she tried to keep her composure.
"A lot of bad things.. I can't talk about it." I answered. The poor woman nodded and helped me wrap my left ankle with an ace bandage. Then she helped me put on the pair of All might pajama pants that I knew with my soul were Midoriya's.
"Thank you for helping me Mrs. Midoriya." I thanked, and partially bowed to her.
"O-oh! Its okay! Anytime! And You can call me Inko!" She replied, she helped me up and took me back to the living room. Midoriya was back in the room with the phone to his ear. Kirishima waved me goodbye before heading out.
"Aizawa Sensei wants to speak to you." He handed me the phone after I got seated. I put it to my ear.
"Miss L/n?" I heard his voice gravel through the phone.
"Y-yes Aizawa Sensei?" I answered.
"Are you okay?" He questioned.
"I don't know. I twisted my ankle. A-and I'm afraid." I whispered. I heard his annoyed sigh come through the phone. Then I heard a different voice.
"Miss L/n I understand you are at Midoriya's. Stay there for the night. I trust Him to keep you safe till we can be sure that you are not in any danger coming back to the dorm tomorrow."
"Who is this?" I asked, my voice shook.
"This is Toshinori Yagi. I am a teacher at UA and I know Izuku personally." He answered.
"Okay. Please let Fatgum know I'm okay. I kind of ran off during the incident." I asked.
"I will. Please rest up for the night. I will be there tomorrow to get you." He answered. I heard the phone call end with a beep and I handed it back to Midoriya.
"What did Aizawa Sensei say?" Bakugou asked me.
"Mr. Yagi took over the call and told me to stay here at Midoriya's for the night. And that He would come get me in the morning." I answered.
"Oh, are you related to Mr. Yagi?" Inko asked. I shook my head.
"No. He is one of the school teachers." I answered. Inko sat down on the sofa next to me.
"Where are your parents?" She asked, I felt a pang in my chest at the thought.
"Mom I don't think thats okay to ask-"
"No- its okay midoriya." I interrupted him.
"My mom is dead, and I don't know my father." I answered, her eyes went wide and she started to apologise.
"Its okay, its not your fault." I told her. She had tears in her eyes and hugged me. I felt uncomfortable, but I hugged her back. Midoriya scratched at his neck nervously.
"Y-you can call me Izuku if you can Y/n. And you can use my room for the night." He said with a smile. I nodded my head and relaxed into the sofa.
"Thank you Izuku." I half bowed. I could hear Bakugou suck his teeth in annoyance.
"Is it okay if I stay the night too Aunt Inko?" He asked. The happy woman nodded and got up.
"Good thing I made extra katsudon!" she announced. She brought a tray with four bowls of Katsudon to us. For once the smell of food didn't repulse me. It smelled good, and made my stomach rumble. I happily took the bowl and took a bite. My eyes teared up as I managed to eat without feeling sick.
"Is it okay?" Inko asked, she looked worried at me. I nodded my head as I scarfed the bowl down. The two boys looked at me with complete awe.
"That's the first time you've eaten anything in front of us!" Izuku laughed.
"Its so good. I'm just as surprised. Normally I can't bring myself to eat anything at all." I answered between mouthfuls.
"Kacchan don't stare. Its rude." Izuku scolded the pissy pomeraninan. He went from confused to pissed.
"Don't talk to me like that you damn Deku!" He yelled. Izuku back up and apologised before continuing to eat. I laughed at the two before going back to my food.
"Here Y/n You can use my bed, Kacchan and I can sleep on the floor." Izuku let me down on the all might downed bed.
"You have got to be the biggest fanboy I've seen." I laughed, Izuku's face lit up bright pink.
"It looks cool tho." I added. I pulled the covers over me and laid down. The two boys had gotten some sleeping bags and extra blankets and pillows. I watched as they got settled down and Inko turned the light off. I rolled over facing the wall, and tried to sleep.
"Quit kicking me you damn Deku!" Bakugou cursed, I head Izuku let out a whispered apology and shuffle away from Bakugou. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.
I got shaken awake by a pissy blonde. He didn't look as pissy as usual.
"Quit crying. You woke me up." He growled, his voice garbled from being half awake. He shoved me over and crawled into the bed next to me. A few minutes went by and I started to hear Bakugou snore. I tried to go back to sleep but then I heard Izuku get up. He stumbled around and out of the room. A few seconds later he came back with an empty cup mumbling about water and was trying to drink it.. I whispered to him, trying not to wake the sleeping pissant.
"Izuku, what are you doing? Go back to sleep." He looked over at me and I could tell he was sleep walking. His eyes were glazed over. He nodded and crawled onto the foot of his bed.
"Yes, mom." He garbled. He maneuvered himself into the bed beside me. So now I was stuck between the two. But I felt warm and safe. My eyes drifted closed as I snuggled into the blankets.
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