《Flowergirl | Min Yoongi✔️》17.


﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

"open up, bitch!" jihye said with a grin as she pounded on the door to her best friend's house. "JUNG HOSEOK!" she screamed and continued to pound on the door. "i brought ramen, just like i promised!" she glanced at her watch which read 8:47pm. he can't be asleep yet, right?

suddenly, the door unlocked. "finally, what took you so long?" she mutters to herself.

the door swings open.

"WASSUP, BITC-" jihye freezes in her tracks when she sees not hoseok, but... min yejin?

"oh!" jihye screeched. "um... hi... yejin...? w-what are you doing h-here?"

"i live here?" the five-year-old says, tilting her head to the side. "what's a 'bitch'?"

jihye's mouth dropped open.

"yejin!" a deep voice from inside the house calls. to jihye's shock, the door opens completely to reveal none other than... min yoongi. "i thought i told you not to answer the d-"



"what are you doing here?" they both ask. the three gape at each other for a few moments before hoseok came to the door. "sorry," he said with a grin. "i forgot to tell you i have some friends staying with me for the time being." hoseok said.

jihye finally closes her mouth.

"yoongi, yejin, this is jihye- my best friend since childhood," hoseok says as he motions to jihye.

"w-we know each other." jihye sputtered as she finally found her voice.

hoseok's eyebrows shoot up. "really?"

yoongi nods. "we're friends."

jihye bit her lip. there's that word again. she forced a smile. "hoseok. why didn't you tell me that the child you were watching was YEJIN?" she grits, her eyes shooting daggers at her best friend.

hoseok shrugged, "i didn't think you'd care," he said, "anyways, come inside!"


still in shock, she stepped slowly into her best friends house, unknowing of what to do. her hands shook as she untied her shoes and walked into the kitchen where yoongi took the plastic bag she was holding. "i'll heat up some water for the ramen." yoongi said in a relaxed manner, as if he had been living here all his life.

jihye smiled at him but as soon as she turned around, she clenched her jaw and grabbed her best friend's arm. "hoseok!" she said with a fake smile. he looked up at her, slightly alarmed at the false, devious grin on her face. "uh..."

"a moment, please?" she gritted.

"um, sure?" hoseok replied, looking slightly concerned.

jihye walked him into the living room and made sure yoongi was out of earshot before she grabbed hoseok's collar. hoseok shrieked slightly.

"it's him." jihye hissed.

hoseok raised an eyebrow, alarmed at her sudden motions. "first of all, get your crusty, dusty hands off of me."

jihye snorted, but released him.

"second of all. him? who's him?" hoseok asked as he squinted to emphasize his confusion.

"the guy i like." jihye said as she rubbed her temples. "it's. yoongi." she whispered.

hoseok's mouth dropped open and his eyes went wide.

jihye nodded, feeling panicked.

"well shit!" hoseok said with a wide grin. "that makes it a lot easier!"

"what? easier?" jihye whisper-shrieked, feeling uneasy as soon as hoseok started to smile. "what the hell are you doing?"

"absolutely nothing." hoseok whispered back. "HEY, YOONGI!"

jihye's blood ran cold as she felt her heart stop.

"HOW'S THE RAMEN COMING?" hoseok called and turned back to jihye with an evil grin.

"i just put the noodles in," yoongi replied from the kitchen, "it'll be done soon."


jihye resisted the urge to strangle her best friend. i am going to end you! she mouthed as she dragged her index finger across her neck. i am going to end your bloodline!

hoseok grinned. "this is gonna be fun." he said with a smirk.

"hoseok, i swear-"

"i'll put yejin to bed," he called to yoongi. "be right back~!"

jihye stuck her middle fingers up at him but quickly put them away before yejin came running into the living room. "why do i always have to go to bed before all of the fun starts?" yejin complains to hoseok as they disappear down the hallway.

"you already ate dinner, sweets," hoseok replied to yejin before turning his head around to jihye.

jihye inhaled deeply and glared at hoseok, who smiled at her over his shoulder. go talk to him! he mouthed. jihye sighed as hoseok disappeared down the hall with yejin.

just go talk to him. jihye thought to herself. just friends. you're just friends. with a deep breath and all of the confidence she could muster, jihye entered the kitchen.

"oh, jihye!" yoongi said as soon as she entered, "i just finished the ramen, did you want an egg in yours?"

"um, sure." jihye muttered, "an egg would be nice." BREATHE! she screamed internally.

hoseok entered the kitchen with a sly smile on his face. "did you finish the ramen?" hoseok asked his friend. yoongi nodded, "let's eat, i'm starving."

together, the three friends sat around hoseok's kitchen table and began their meal. before jihye could dig into the noodles, she unfortunately made eye contact with hoseok who had an evil smirk on his face.

i'm going to hurt you. jihye mouthed across the table.

talk to him. hoseok mouthed back.

not. right. now. jihye mouthed, putting on her scariest look of death. hoseok frowned.

the three of them finished their meal in silence, allowing the awkwardness to sink in completely. completely.

finally, hoseok was the first to break the silence. "well, i'm gonna head to bed," he said, "i have an... early class to teach tomorrow morning. yeah."

jihye rolled her eyes.

"don't stay up too late, you two," hoseok says with an award-winning smile before disappearing into the hallway.

jihye resisted the urge to roll her eyes again and stood up, stretching her back in the process. with a nervous gulp, she looked down at the dark-haired man who was still sitting.

finally she sighed. he's your friend. don't be so nervous. jihye decided to lighten the mood a little, "yoongi, how long have you been living here for?" she asked casually.

"a few weeks now," he said, "why?"

"can i show you something?" she said, an idea forming in her brain. yoongi followed her out of the kitchen and into the living room where she kneeled in front of the couch. "hoseok's gonna kill me," she said with a sly smirk, causing yoongi to grin slightly with anticipation. "oh?"

jihye reached her hand under the dusty couch, searching around for...

got it.

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