《Flowergirl | Min Yoongi✔️》09.


﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

"so this is where i'm going to play?" yejin asked, a nervous edge to her voice. yoongi squeezed her hand, but it was more of a reassurance to himself. "it'll be fun!" he said, still trying to convince himself that this was a good idea. "jihye-unnie's parents work here," he said, "they'll take good care of you."

"does that mean i don't have to sit at your work anymore?" she asked, a hint excitement in her voice. yoongi nodded, still feeling remorseful. "come on, let's go inside."

they headed into the sunshiny building to see none other than jihye, sitting at the front desk. she smiled and waved them over. "i'll just sign you guys in," she said, typing away onto the computer.

yejin gasped as she looked through the window of the daycare. it was like a five-year-old's dream come true- there were brightly colored building blocks were stacked high, playsets, toy kitchens, slides, stuffed animals, you name it- the Jang Daycare had everything. yejin started bouncing up and down. "let's go! let's go! let's go!"

"go right ahead, yejin-ah," jihye said with a smile, "your appa will finish up his paperwork."

yejin smiled, but before she could take off running into the playroom, yoongi grabbed her hand.

"wait," yoongi said as he knelt down, so he was eye level with his daughter. she looked slightly alarmed. "uh... have fun... okay?" he muttered nervously, not wanting to let go of her hand.

"okay!" yejin threw her arms around her father and yoongi held her tight. he planted a kiss on her forehead, "bye, love."

"bye, appa." yejin said, and just like that- she had disappeared into the playroom.

a silence hung over the two adults in the lobby.


"it's nerve-racking, i know."

yoongi looked up at jihye. "she's gonna be fine," jihye said without looking up from the computer, but a small smile was on her face. "you handled it quite well."


she finally looked at him after typing a few more things onto the keyboard. "some parents have meltdowns," she said with a snort, "they don't want to leave their kids. i mean, yeah, it can be hard to let them go on their own b- are you crying?"

yoongi wiped his damp eyes before glaring at her. "no! of course not! why would i be crying?" he demanded a little too quickly.

jihye raised her eyebrows. "never mind," she said, almost to herself. "anyways. what are you going to do now that yejin is in daycare?"

yoongi felt his muscles relax at this question. he recalled the first day he took yejin into work with him, about a year ago.

he remembered the weird and annoyed stares the customers would shoot at him when yejin would scream and cry at the top of her lungs, nearly shattering every window in the building. but now, yoongi didn't have to worry about her, or her safety for that matter.

he checked the large analog clock hanging above the desk. 7:45am. "well... i have roughly an hour to kill before work starts..." he said, "i think i'll go home and take a na-"

"nap?" jihye interjected. "you are so boring."

yoongi's eyes narrowed. "what's that supposed to mean?"

"let's do something!" jihye said as she walked around the front desk. "you've got an hour to kill, right?"

"don't you have to work?" yoongi asked.

"my parents are here too, you know." jihye said with a grin, "besides, my shift doesn't start until nine."

yoongi almost laughed at her confidence, "alright then. where to, jang jihye?"

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