《Flowergirl | Min Yoongi✔️》07.


﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

with a sigh, yoongi forced a smile at the couple in front of him. he handed the pair the tickets for another cliche romance movie, "enjoy the film!" he said cheerily. after they smiled in return and hurried off to the theater, yoongi's smile instantly melted away to his usual scowl. he yawned and stretched his feet in an attempt to wake himself up.

"you're tired." a small voice from behind him mused. yoongi turned around to yejin sitting on a chair, next to the drink machine. with a sigh. he nodded slightly before noticing the brightly colored cup tower that yejin had made on the countertop, next to the popcorn machine. "impressive." he said with amusement.

yejin grinned and added another cup to finish her masterpiece. she clapped her hands together proudly.

a pang of guilt stabbed at yoongi's heart as yejin's toothy grin and silly mannerisms reminded him of none other than yejin's mother.

hyerin. the girl who's smile could light up an entire city.

the girl who's voice sounded like music.

the girl who yoongi had thought he'd fallen in love with.

but hyerin was also the woman who ripped yoongi's heart out and shattered it into a million pieces.

the woman who left him alone with a baby.

the mother of yoongi's daughter.

during the long months of the pregnancy, yoongi and hyerin both knew that their relationship was going to end sooner or later. but it wasn't until the day that yejin was born that hyerin decided to end everything. completely.

guilt still stirred in yoongi's mind whenever he saw his ex-girlfriend in his daughter. he'd ponder the possibilities of raising yejin with hyejin, but he knew that it wasn't possible. hyerin would be an awful mother, right? he was better off raising yejin on his own, right? despite these thoughts, yoongi hated the idea of watching yejin grow up without a mother. but yoongi simply could not bring himself to start dating again after the wounds hyerin had left.


"appa..." yejin's voice shattered yoongi's somber thoughts. yoongi turned around to see yejin hugging her knees to her chest. she stared longingly at her father, "can we go home now?" she asked, showing yoongi's introverted nature.

"not yet honey."

yejin started to whine. she kicked the chair she was once sitting on and plopped her bottom onto the floor with a huff. "i want to go home!"

"i'm sorry, yej." yoongi said tiredly. "we can't leave yet."

"i don't care!" she shrieked. yoongi narrowed his eyes and placed his hands on his hips. "watch the attitude, min yejin." he nearly shouted. with a sigh, he kneeled down to face his daughter. "we can't go home yet." he said sternly. "please don't act like this, okay? i'm doing all that i can."

yejin fussed again and crossed her arms over her chest, but she didn't argue back.

﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

"eviction notice. "

yoongi read the words over and over again, the notice still not sinking into his head. this can't be true. this can't be true.

"appa," yejin called from across the apartment room.

"give me a second, yej." yoongi muttered as he fumbled with the landline and frantically dialed the landlord's number.

"can you tell me a story?" yejin called as she pulled the covers up to her neck. "i can't sleep."

"i'm sorry, love." yoongi said as the dial tone began to sound. "something just happened. and i- i need to focus right now, maybe tomorrow night."

he looked back at his daughter with an apologetic look. yejin said nothing and turned over in her bed. yoongi felt as if someone kicked him in the stomach, but he shook it off as the landlord answered the phone.


"yoongi? do you need something?"

"i'm really sorry to bother you sir," yoongi said, his 'respectful mode' turning on, "but can you please give me a few more weeks to pay off the rent?" he begged.

a sigh came from the other end of the line. "are you joking?"

"i know, i know." yoongi sighed, "but i won't let you down. please, just let m-"

"listen min yoongi," the landlord said gruffly, "i know you're not in the best situation right now, but i already gave you an additional two weeks. and your two weeks are up, i'm afraid i can't let you off anymore."

"i'm sorry," yoongi pleaded, "just give me some time. i'll make it up to you, i promi-"

"yoongi, i have a business to run. 'sorrys' don't pay the bills." the landlord said with a loud sigh, "i need to go."

"no, please." yoongi begged, tears pricking his eyes. "i can't-"


yoongi crumpled to the ground, his eyes beginning to water and his heart thundering loudly. what am i going to do? fear pumped furiously through his veins and his vision blurred as he slumped against the refrigerator. we're going to be homeless.

he felt a hand on his shoulder. with a sigh, he looked up to see his daughter who had worry written all over her face. "it's okay, appa." she said as she pulled a tissue from the counter. "don't cry."

but her words made him sob. "i'm not crying." he said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"don't cry." she repeated softly. "let's go to sleep, okay?"

yoongi stood up and yejin grabbed his hand. "you stay up too late." yejin said as she tucked her father into the pile of blankets on the floor.

"i know." yoongi said as he rubbed his eyes. "go to bed, love."

"it's okay, appa." she said as she snuggled into the covers. "good night."

"g-good night, yejin-ah."

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