《Flowergirl | Min Yoongi✔️》05.


﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

"do you like going to work, appa?" yejin asked as she held a bouncy rubber ball in her hands. the two had gone to the playground again and yejin was finding random junk to play with.

yoongi sighed. "it's a little boring," he replied honestly as he closed his eyes.

"why is it boring?"

"because i have to stand around all day," yoongi said simply.

"why do you have to stand around?" yejin asked.

"so i can make money." yoongi said as leaned up against the oak tree.

"why do you have to make money?"

"so i can pay for things." yoongi answered patiently, used to the five-year-old's constant questions. satisfied with her answer, yejin dropped the rubber ball into the grass and grabbed her father's hand, "the flower girl is back," she said with a toothy grin, "will you make a flower crown with me?"

but it's so nice here in the shade. i don't want to move. yoongi thought to himself, exhausted enough. "i'll come along," he sighed reluctantly after a few moments of pondering his situation. he held up his finger, "but i'm not making a flower crown."

yejin jumped up and grabbed her dad's arm. "let's go! let's go!"

together they headed to the other side of the playground where this 'flower girl' was supposed to be. yejin would trip on her own feet every so often as she bounded like a puppy who had just learned to walk. "i thought i taught you how to walk properly," yoongi mused as his excited daughter bounced across the sidewalk.

"there she is!" yejin squealed, ignoring her father. yoongi squinted his eyes to see past the blinding sun's glare. there was a woman sitting on the bench, surrounded by children.


"... now we attach the bunches to the main strand..." the woman said. yoongi narrowed his eyes and squinted even more, trying to remember the familiar voice. "let's go, appa!" yejin called and pulled him closer. "unnie~!" she practically sang.

the woman looked up and beamed at yejin. "yejin-ah!" then she looked up at yoongi and her smile grew. "and min yoongi!"

yoongi raised an eyebrow, "jihye?" he gaped.

a few heads turned to look at the dark-haired man. "this is how you know yejin? you're the 'pretty flower girl she always talks about?"

"pretty?" she snickered, an eyebrow raised, "well, that's obviously me!" she joked with a sly smile. yoongi opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by a boy that was about yejin's age.

"sit." the small boy ordered, "do you want to make flower crowns with us, hyung?"

"ah... no thank you," yoongi said and tugged at yejin's arm, "yejin-ah, we should get going."

"why?" yejin said with a pout. "i want to stay with unnie!" yoongi sighed in defeat as he looked over at jihye who wiggled her eyebrows. "and we just got here, appa!"

yejin hardly got any time to play, and leaving would take that chance away from her. "alright... " yoongi finally muttered. "i'll... give it a try."

"yay!" jihye said in child-like wonder as she pulled out another plethora of brightly colored plants from her burlap sack and placed it into yoongi's thin fingers. she looked around proudly at the group of children chattering amongst themselves and weaving the wildflowers. yoongi smiled slightly, "you taught them well."

"now, i'll teach you." jihye said smoothly as she took yoongi's hand and placed a cluster of daisies into it. "there's nothing wrong with making flower crowns," she said, "why are men so uptight these days?"


yoongi's heart fluttered ever so slightly, but he didn't care to notice.

"i'm not uptight," a younger boy argued. "what's uptight?"

"ah... not you, don't worry." jihye assured, patting the little boy's head. "and you're not a man yet, little one." yoongi chuckled at the interaction.

"just follow my lead," jihye said, training her attention back to yoongi as she grabbed the stem of a daisies around another. she motioned for yoongi to follow along. he did so, careful not to rip the delicate petals. "i don't know if i'm doing this right." he said with a nervous grin.

"you're doing just fine," jihye encouraged with a smile, "have a little confidence!"

and to his own amazement, yoongi had managed to weave the wildflowers together to make a long string.

"now we fasten it together." jihye said as she pointed to the end of the stem with her thin fingers.

"like this?"


yejin peeked over her father's shoulder and beamed. "you did it!" she squealed happily. "but i thought you didn't want to make a flower crown."

yoongi chuckled and looked down at his daughter before smiling up at jihye. "miss flower girl changed my mind." he said with half-smile. jihye flashed a goofy grin and took the crown from yoongi's hands and examined it. "your appa is a fast learner." she said to yejin who responded with a toothy grin. jihye stood up and placed the flower crown into yoongi's dark hair. "there."

yoongi's face held an embarrassed smile as jihye held up her phone to snap a picture. "perfect!" she and yejin doubled over in giggles as yoongi just shook his head.

but something in his heart soared.

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