《My Wife》Chapter 17
It was the end of a long winter vacation and the beginning of another school term. Needless to say, during the winter vacation, news spread pretty fast about Haruhi. They didn't know what to do with the new information nor as to how they should treat Haruhi. The only thing that they knew was that Haruhi was now someone that they couldn't easily hang out with anymore. Gender wasn't what they were anxious over but rather the fact that she was now a family member of the distinguished Ootori Group.
Haruhi sighed. "This is going to be a tiring school day."
"That uniform looks well on you, Haruhi-sama," Keith commented with a dazzling smile.
"Thank y-," Haruhi was about to say but soon exploded. "Why are you also coming to school with us, Keith?!"
"As Haruhi-sama's personal bodyguard, this much is required," Keith smiled.
Haruhi furrowed her eyebrows and looked to Kyoya, who was nonchalant about all this. She was pretty sure that Kyoya's personal three bodyguards also tailed him around during school hours and based off of that, she knew that Kyoya had no opposition to this. Though, even if she did ask for Keith to stop guarding her, he wouldn't comply with it. After all, she did say that he was free to do whatever he wanted. Now that she thought about it, she wished she could take those words back.
"The female uniform isn't too big is it?" Kyoya turned her way.
"No, it's just right," Haruhi reassured him.
Now that her gender was revealed, she had to wear the female uniform when going to Ouran, something she didn't really look forward to. Moreover, her hair was now set loose and she couldn't tie it into a ponytail anymore. Keith noticed her twiddling with her hair and understood what she was thinking.
"Haruhi-sama, do you wish to tie your hair?" Keith asked.
Haruhi looked up at him and nodded. "Long hair gets in the way so I always tied it into a simple ponytail. But Kyoya-senpai won't let me do that," she pouted.
"Because a ponytail would look too manly with that uniform," Kyoya explained.
"See?" she pouted.
Keith chuckled. "Then what about braiding it?" he suggested.
"Braiding it?" Haruhi tilted her head to the side.
She looked at Kyoya who looked back at her. "It should be fine," he remarked.
Haruhi smiled brightly. "Thank you, Kyoya-senpai."
"But the problem is who's going to braid your hair," Kyoya added. "For your information, do not even bother asking me to do it."
"I know you can't do it," Haruhi mumbled under her breath.
"You should stop saying things under your breath, Haruhi," he flashed a smile at her.
"I'll stop," she quickly replied.
"If it's braiding, allow me to do it," Keith offered as moved from his seat beside Kyoya to Haruhi's side. "Forgive me for my actions."
He took Haruhi's hair into his hands and split them into two parts, one on her left and one on her right. His black-gloved hands made its way through her hair, letting the three strands on one side intertwine and overlap one another until a braid was formed. He did the same to the other side with grace and elegance, something Haruhi looked at in admiration.
"Keith, you're good at this," Haruhi said in amazement.
"It's nothing," Keith smiled. "Haruhi-sama's hair is silky and long so it's easy to braid it."
Haruhi chuckled. "I think it's more of your skill, though."
"Thank you for your kind words," Keith smiled. "And with that, I'm done."
Haruhi sat there with a blank gaze as Keith returned back to his seat. Keith had a soft smile perched on his lips while Kyoya's was that of surprise. Much to his shock, Haruhi looked surprisingly well with two braids. Her two braids hung down in front of her, reaching her waist. Her bangs were swept to the front and her side hair dangled by her cheek.
"Does it look weird?" Haruhi asked, noticing Kyoya's expression.
"No," he replied. "It looks good."
"For real?" Haruhi narrowed her eyes, not believing him.
"For real," Kyoya answered. "You want a mirror to check it out for yourself?"
"No need," Haruhi laughed. "If you say it's fine, then it's fine."
A small chuckle was let out and Kyoya went back to typing away at his computer. Keith smiled at seeing his mistress hum happily as she looked out the window. Before they knew it, they had arrived at the school entrance.
"Look, look, it's the Ootori family car," the students began to whisper amongst themselves.
"Such a shock."
"To think that Haruhi was engaged to Kyoya-senpai. "
"When my parents told me about it, I was ready to faint."
"But don't you think the two suit each other pretty well? I mean, they're both beauties if we had to define them."
"Right? I was thinking that, too!"
"Still, the main thing is that Haruhi's now a lady of the Ootori Group!"
"I really don't want to get on the wrong side of them," they all sweat-dropped. "It'll be scary."
"I heard that they even got the top butler to be her personal bodyguard."
"You mean Inukami Keith?! The one who rejected all the nobles' offers to be their butler? You're kidding!"
"Look! They're coming!"
Kyoya stepped out of the car, his laptop in hand as he stood at the gate entrance. Keith came out, his white braided hair flowing behind him, causing the students to gasp in shock. So the rumor that Haruhi's personal bodyguard was the Inukami Keith was true. Keith went over to Haruhi's side and opened the car door, taking her hand in his as he helped her step out.
"Thank you," she whispered to him.
"My pleasure," he smiled.
Haruhi's braided long brown hair trailed behind her as she walked before it came up front again. She stood next to Kyoya and looked at him. He gave a reassuring squeeze to her hand before walking. Haruhi followed him and glanced around her. She widened her eyes in surprise but continued looking forth. The gaze that they looked at her with wasn't a friendly one but that of fear.
Will it always be like this? she thought.
She didn't want it to be like that. Keith followed behind the two. Despite his cold gaze to everyone other than Haruhi, he still captured the hearts of many girls. His eyes were fixated on Haruhi who he noticed had a gloomy expression. His eyes furrowed together in worry. He knew that she didn't like people treating her differently. He could tell by how tense her shoulders were. Though, it seemed like Kyoya noticed it, too.
"Keep on walking," he held her hand. "Hold your head high."
Haruhi looked at him with a glimmer of hope and confidence in her eyes. She nodded her head and looked up. She took a deep breath and began walking again.
"After that building, we're going separate ways," Kyoya said. "Do you think you can do it?"
"I can," Haruhi gave a small smile.
He smiled and patted her head. "Good," he said before turning to Keith. "I'll leave her to you now."
"Understood," Keith bowed. "Haruhi-sama, let's go."
"Yes," Haruhi said as she began making way towards her classroom, which was located on the opposite wing from the second-year classrooms.
Kyoya took the other way to his classroom, his back lean and proud. Haruhi turned around to glance at him before continuing her way on. Kyoya was also experiencing changes yet he remained unaffected. Haruhi strengthened her resolve, reminding herself that she, too, had to try her best to get through this.
"Good morning," Haruhi opened the door.
The usual chattering classroom came to a silent stop as they all looked towards Haruhi. Haruhi avoided their stares and went to her desk, taking a seat. Keith stood by the window next to her, ready to attend to her. Haruhi gulped. She didn't like the silence.
"Oh! It's Haruhi!" a familiar voice sounded.
Haruhi looked up with a relieved face. She didn't ever think that she would be glad to hear those two voices.
"Hikaru! Kaoru!" she smiled.
The two came to a stop as their hearts leaped a beat. Haruhi in a school uniform and long braided hair was a new one.
"That uniform suits you," Kaoru grinned. "Better than your male one."
"The hairstyle's also well done," Hikaru smiled, taking a seat on her desk. "Did you do it yourself?"
Haruhi shook her head. "Keith did it for me."
"Keith?" the two questioned.
The twins looked up and noticed a white-haired braided butler in a white suit, black collared shirt, and gloves standing to the side with a dazzling smile. He put a hand to his chest and bowed slightly to the Hitachiin twins.
"It's a pleasure to meet you two again, Hitachiin Hikaru-sama and Kaoru-sama."
"Wah. He's so dazzling," Kaoru said, squinting his eyes as he looked at him.
"To the point where I see stars," Hikaru agreed with a rather irksome look on his face. "Haruhi, when did you hire such a flashy butler?"
"You guys don't recognize him?" Haruhi questioned.
The two thought about it and suddenly, a look of exclamation appeared. They had figured out who this person was.
"Wasn't he the butler at the party?" Hikaru remarked.
"Hey, Hikaru! He's that Keith! Inukami Keith!" Kaoru whispered harshly into his ear.
"No way," Hikaru stepped back in shock. "You mean he's that guy?! The one that dad couldn't even get his hands on?!"
Haruhi sighed and tugged on Keith's sleeve. "Aren't you tired of all these same remarks?" Haruhi whispered into his ear.
"Once you hear them more, they begin to drown out into the background," Keith replied with a smile.
"Hmmm," Haruhi said with envy.
"Haruhi-sama, too, will one day be able to drown out the noise," Keith said.
"I hope so," Haruhi chuckled nervously.
"So," the twins interrupted the two's moment by wrapping their bodies around Haruhi like a pair of octopuses that didn't want to let go of its prey. "This guy's your butler now?"
"More like bodyguard," Haruhi corrected.
The two eyed Keith with suspicion before throwing their hands back. "Well, not like we care anyway," the two said. "As long as he doesn't get in our way of having fun."
"Only if your 'fun' doesn't involve putting Haruhi-sama into danger," Keith gave his usual smile, but somehow it was sinister.
"No need for you to worry, o butler," Hikaru replied with the same sinister smile.
Kaoru tried to calm his brother down as Haruhi observed the two with a nonchalant face. Due to their little fight, the class seemed to have calmed down a bit and wasn't as tense as before. She was glad about that and made sure to thank the two later. Though, they were all still unwilling to approach Haruhi and talk to her.
"Class is starting, students. Take a seat," the teacher announced.
"Yes," they all responded.
Attendance was taken, signaling the start of class. Haruhi blankly wrote down her notes and the silence was slowly killing her inside. Did status really matter that much? Was it because she was now an aristocrat? Was there anything different about the current her and the past her? Her lips drew a tight line and she clutched her mechanical pencil tightly. She felt tears beginning to brim at the corner of her eyes but she held it in.
I can't cry now, she clenched her fists.
She stopped her tears from flowing down and continued to write down her notes. Keith watched everything with a sorrowful look. He hated himself for not being able to do anything for her.
"How were your classes?" Kyoya asked her.
The two were eating lunch together underneath the shade of a tree with Keith, Tachibana, Aijima, and Hotta standing not too far off to the side. Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey, and Mori hid behind a bush, hoping to get at least part of their conversation.
Haruhi stopped eating and put her chopsticks down, her face downcast. "It was...different."
Kyoya furrowed his eyebrows and went to take her hand in his, providing her comfort and warmth. She wanted to cry again but knew she shouldn't. Kyoya put his other free hand to the side of her head and pulled her in close so that she was now resting her head on his shoulder.
"Do you want to leave?"
Haruhi shook her head.
"Then what do you wish for?"
"I just wish for things to go back to how it used to be," Haruhi said, looking far into the distance where the students were sitting together eating lunch.
Kyoya softened his eyes. That wish is so like her.
He opened his mouth and said, "It's not an impossible wish."
Haruhi looked up at him, her eyes hopeful. She stared into his enchanting dark irises, hoping to look for some answer or hint but found none
"Though, it's not a wish that can be easily accomplished," he added, giving her a modest tinge of reality.
She looked back towards her schoolmates who were laughing ever-so-happily, something that she longed to be a part of. However, Kyoya's words - though directly blunt at first - gave her a spark of hope. Whatever words came out of his mouth, there was always a strange feeling about it. As if his words will become true. She picked up her chopsticks and picked up an egg omelet, chewing it before swallowing.
She stood up, her large eyes regaining its usual brightness. "I'll give you my answer at the end of this week," Haruhi said. "Thank you for the advice."
"Huh?" he said, completely baffled.
Before he could question any further, Haruhi had already left along with Keith tailing closely behind. Kyoya looked towards the direction in which the two had disappeared to, completely unaware of what had just happened.
"Just what kind of advice did you give, Kyoya?" Tamaki came up next to him, pretending as if he hadn't been hiding in the nearby bush.
"Who knows," Kyoya replied.
They all helped themselves to the luxurious bento that Keith had made early in the morning for Haruhi, commenting and remarking how delicious it was. Kyoya remained unnerved as he thought about Haruhi's situation. He smiled to himself. If it was her, she'll be able to do it. Somehow, he knew what her answer would be already.
"I'm looking forward to your answer."
"Kyo-chan, what are you muttering to yourself about?" Honey asked.
"Stop being a creep," Hikaru and Kaoru agreed.
A tick mark grew on Kyoya's forehead as he turned his towards the Host Club, his eyes gleaming with evil intent. "Oh? 'Stop being a creep,' you say? I don't think that you guys who were peeping into our conversation should be saying that."
A shiver went down their spine and they immediately fled from the area.
"Sorry!" they cried out.
Kyoya sighed. Why do I even bother sticking around those people again?
"Kurakano-san, Fujioka-san! Please return these materials back to the reference room," the teacher requested of them.
"Y-Yes," Momoka stood up.
"Understood," Haruhi replied.
The two began gathering the materials and heading towards the next class. Momoka distanced herself a little from Haruhi and the silence was suffocating. Haruhi could tell that she was stiff and with the constantly worried glances from her, Haruhi's previous confidence was teetering on the edge.
"Momoka-san," Haruhi called out.
"Y-Yes?" Momoka replied, not daring to turn around.
"Do you dislike me?" Haruhi asked, blurting out what she had wanted to ask.
Momoka stopped.
"Why is it that you distance yourself from me?" Haruhi asked, trying to contain her emotions. "Is it because of the fact that I'm now part of the Ootori family? Is it because of my status that you and everyone else dislikes me? Momoka-san, if you hate me, you can just tell me. I want to know the tr-!"
Haruhi was taken aback as Momoka spun around on her feels and dropped the materials, clasping her two hands in hers.
"I would never!" Momoka yelled, her eyes firm and unwavering. "Even if you are a girl or a lady of the Ootori group, I would never hate you! Because Haruhi-kun will always be Haruhi-kun to me!"
Momoka, realizing her sudden outburst, settled down and picked up the materials.
"Sorry if I surprised you, Haruhi-kun," Momoka said, her face red with embarrassment. "It's just after finding out everything, everyone was in a state of shock and we didn't really know how to interact with you."
"Is that...so?" Haruhi said.
Momoka chuckled nervously to herself. "It might've seemed like we were distancing ourselves from you but the truth is that we all really wanted to congratulate you. Haruh-!"
She turned around and stopped mid-sentence, panic crossing her face. "H-H-Haruhi-kun?! What's wrong?! Did I say something wrong?!"
"Huh?" Haruhi said.
That's when she felt it. The gush of tears that were streaming down her cheeks and settling onto the floor below her. She reached a hand up to her face and indeed, she was crying. She put an arm to her eyes and tried covering it.
"N-No, it's nothing," Haruhi said, her voice cracking. "It's just...I'm relieved. I'm so relieved," she sobbed. "I-I thought you guys all hated me and didn't want to be near me anymore. I'm really... really relieved."
Haruhi dropped down and cried as she squatted on the floor. Momoka came down to her and smiled softly, patting her head.
"There's no way we would ever hate you, Haruhi-kun," she smiled.
Haruhi nodded her head but didn't lift her face for the tears were endless.
"Come to think of it, it shouldn't be 'kun' but 'chan', right?" Momoka pointed out with an excited smile.
Haruhi lifted her head and looked up at her.
"Haruhi-chan, let's go," Momoka held out a handkerchief to her, wiping away her tears. "No matter who you might be, you'll always be a friend to us at Ouran!"
Haruhi smiled warmly and took her hand. Momoka pulled her up and the two made their way to the research room. She was glad that she had come to Ouran. She was glad that she had made so many friends. She was glad that they accepted her for who she was, regardless of her social status.
"Congratulations, Haruhi!" they all cheered, party poppers and streamers flying down.
"W-What?" Haruhi stepped back, dumbfounded.
Momoka chuckled to herself. "The truth was, we were all putting together an event to congratulate you. That's why we had initially ignored you."
"Sorry if we came out to be rude," one of them apologized.
"We just really wanted to do this no matter what," another said, smiling.
"No matter what kind of position you have, you'll always be our classmate and friend, Fujioka Haruhi!" another exclaimed.
Haruhi was at a loss for words. She brought her hands to her face and covered it.
"Huh?! Does she not like it?" one said, shocked.
"I told you the banner should've been in a different color!" another reprimanded.
"Do you dislike it?" one asked worriedly.
Haruhi immediately shook her head but kept her face down.
"Haruhi, if you don't say what you want to say, then they're never going to understand," Hikaru came up to her, patting her on the head.
"Exactly as Hikaru said," Kaoru agreed, putting his hand on her head, too. "Go on, Haruhi."
Haruhi raised her face, tears streaming down her cheeks like a river. The others were taken aback at the sight but soon smiled warmly. Haruhi wiped away her tears and smiled at them, a look of genuine happiness.
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