《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Seventeen


A few weeks passed by and I started babysitting Teddy a lot more, so Mr. Fuller could go out with Alan. I didn't really mind, Teddy is great!

School started back up and right away it was stressful. Tests, homework, and essays seemed to be all the teachers could give out. And finals seemed like all they could talk about.

Mr. Fuller seemed to be more stressed than normal. Often he'd forget his teaching book at home and the papers to grade at school. He'd spill coffee on himself when I'd go talk to him before class, and rush home to change during lunch. His jokes started to become less frequent and car rides to his house after school were a lot quieter than normal.

He seemed to be avoiding me, only speaking to me when he had to. Occasionally he would pull me aside and just look at me. Often times he would try to talk but sigh and let me go. It was strange.

* * * * * *

It was Friday night and I found myself once again in Mr. Fuller's house watching Teddy for the third time this week.

I had my homework spread out all around me. Textbooks and notebooks lay open and untouched as I tried to work on a history worksheet, before tackling a history essay that was due on Monday.

But that's not all I had to do by Monday. I also had to study for a math test that was to be taken on Monday and complete some math homework. I had to finish the last three chapters of the book for English class and write an essay on it, again due Monday. Lastly I had a diagram to do for science class. Everything was due Monday. Why must it all be due on the same day?


I sighed as I finished the worksheet. I grabbed my history book, a pen and my history notebook and began to write my history essay.

"You're still working?" Teddy asked. He had been sitting quietly in the chair watching both me and cartoons on the tv.

"Yeah." I sighed. "Did you need something?" I asked smiling at the little cutie.

"Can I have a glass of milk?"

I glanced at the clock. "Sure, but no more until after your bath."


I got up, walked to the kitchen, and poured milk into one of Teddy's character cups. I returned to the room and placed the cup on the coffee table.

"You remember the rules?"

"Yup." He nodded. "No food or drinks allowed on couch or chair unless said by daddy."

"Good boy." I returned back to my homework.

* * * * *

"Are you done?" Teddy asked.

"I wish!" I laughed.

"Why'd you close the book?"

"Because I'm done for now. It's bath time. I'll continue later."

"Bath, snack, bed!"

"Yes, now come on let's go get your pjs out."

He left the room, running, and headed for his room. When I got there he had taken the pjs he wanted out and was looking for underwear. "Done!"

I smiled. "I'll go get your water ready, you.."

"I'll go get my toys!"

"Okay." I laughed. "Not too much."

"How much is too much?"

"Bring four."


"Four, maximum."


I ran his bath water, making sure it was the perfect temperature, not too hot and not too cold. When I was satisfied with the water level I shut the water off. Teddy was in his room when I walked in to get his clothes.


"You're good to go."

He smiled and walked to the bathroom, I followed with his clothes. He threw his toys into the water, as I placed his clothes down, away from the tub, and got a towel for him.

"All set?" I asked about to leave.

"No. My shirt has buttons in the back, I can't reach and my pants are stuck" He pouted. I walked over and swiftly unbuttoned the buttons behind his head, then quickly unsnapped the button in his pants.

"Better?" I asked.

"Yeah. Thanks!"

"You're welcome. Call me if you need me." He nodded.

I left but kept the door open so I could hear him better. I went back into the living room to continue my homework.

* * * * *

I finished my history essay by the time Teddy was yelling that he was ready to be washed. I took care of him. Helped him get dressed, made him a snack and put him to bed. Like usual.I was exhausted, but I had to keep working. Tomorrow I would be babysitting Teddy all day and I didn't want to do homework all day, when I could be playing with him.

My history homework was finished, so I put it away. Then I got started on my diagram for science.

Time ticked away as I worked, but I didn't bother looking up at the clock. When I finished, I finally looked up to see it was ten o'clock. I sighed and put my science away.

I grabbed my English book and made myself comfortable on the couch. Hopefully I'd be able to read at least one chapter before Mr. Fuller got home.

* * * * *

I found myself being shaken. "Hey sleeping beauty wake up." I heard a voice whisper. I opened eyes and jumped at the sight of Mr. Fuller. He smiled and chuckled. "A lot of homework?"


"I hope Teddy wasn't too bad."

"He was perfect, like always." I smiled.

He reached forward and grabbed the book off my chest. "Go to bed."

"I need to finish by Monday." I frowned.

"Go to bed. I'll be in, in a minute"

I made my way to his room and collapse on his bed. I made myself comfortable and closed my eyes.

I heard a chuckle from the door, but I didn't open my eyes. The bed sunk in next to me, and I already knew who it was.

"Comfortable?" He asked.

"Very." I replied half asleep.

"So while I was out today I ran into someone."


"Secret. Anyway you'll never guess what they told me."

"I don't know. Maybe that your hot?"

Once again he chuckled. "No." I could feel his breath on my face. "They told me that a certain beautiful student of mine had a big crush on me."

"That's nice." I said not really paying attention to him.

"So Desiree is it true?" I could feel him getting closer but sleep was starting to take over. "Do you love me, Desiree?" He asked, his voice low. He sounded almost afraid of the answer, if he got one at all.

"Yes." I answered. I headed him sigh but I couldn't tell what kind of sigh it was.

"If only. Goodnight beautiful." I felt his lips brush against my forehead and his arms pull me closer to him. I then let sleep take me.

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