《Perseus Jackson: A New Order》I Encounter the Mysterious Guy


"Your turn," Erebus said, yawning and rubbing his eyes. Recently, all the children of the Mansion of Night along with Erebus, Nyx and Tartarus have been going to the edge of Night and keeping an eye on the Void.

I groaned and proceeded to sit at the edge of the cliff and let my legs dangle into the Void. I closed my eyes and reached out my senses to try and sense anything in the Void. It was somewhat like a sixth sense or a feeling you get. Somewhat like when you feel like someone is looking at you or there's someone or something you know is there but hasn't been spotted yet. There were plenty of energy signatures down in the Void but they were all weak or extremely far away.

I continued to sit there and reach out my senses, until I was interrupted by the sound of foot steps. The creepiest thing, was that it was from in front of me. I opened my eyes to see a hooded figure walking towards me with a sword in his hand. The only part visible about him was his mouth. He was walking above the endless abyss as if on top of an invisible platform.

He smirked at me, "You must be the Primordial of Order."

I nodded wearily and created a sword out of the darkness around me. "Fancy sword you got there," he said, gesturing to the sword in my hand.

It was made out of Stygian Iron with a grip made out of shadows. It was perfectly balanced for me as the shadows shifted around the sword, keeping it perfect for whichever move I wanted to perform.

"Who are you?" I asked, politely. To that, he just shrugged. "My identity doesn't matter. It was long forgotten and will hopefully remain so."


I frowned at that. "No one deserves to be forgotten and if they were, they would fade into the Void," I said gesturing to the nothingness behind him.

"And who cares if I do?" He grunted.

"You're bitter," I pointed out. "You lost something, maybe everything. Care to enlighten me?" I asked innocently.

He scoffed and sat down next to me. "No one cares and if they do, they're stupid."

"I've been called stupid before," I chuckled.

He squinted at me for a few seconds before nodding towards me and disappearing for sight. "Perhaps an other time", the voice resonated from the Void.

Now I was even more puzzled. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a flash of light and Aether appearing in front of me. "My turn", he said, bored. I pondered on whether or not to tell him about my encounter with the mysterious being. I shrugged, why not?

"I met him," I said to Aether. "Who?" The 'bright' Primordial asked.

"The dude," I said, emphasizing on the word.

He looked at me with eyes as wide as the sun of the Earth's solar system, before looking at me accusingly. "Why didn't you alert us?" He barked. "What if he Primordialnapped you?" I looked at him questioningly.

Primordialnapped? What was that supposed to mean?

He recognised my look of confusion and replied, "Primordialnapped as in kidnapped but with a Primordial."

I mentally face-palmed. "No Aether, he seemed peaceful to me, he was just bitter and sad for a reason he did not disclose to me. He wasn't really afraid of fading or disappearing from existence either."

I then transferred the memory of my meeting with him to Aether, so that he could show the others. He nodded, "Well if that's case and he's peaceful, we need not keep an eye on him."


Aether was just about to flash away when a sudden thought occured to me. "Wait, if he was able to come to Night, doesn't it mean that he was able to cross the wall of the Primordials and enter into this part of the Void?"

He nodded slowly and replied. "Yes that is possible but now when I come to think of it, I don't even know if he's the same guy."

I shook my head and replied, "No Aether, when I looked at him, it was the same energy signature as last time."

"Whatever it is," he said, "we need to tell the others about this." I nodded and the two of us teleported to our Throne room.

When we got there, Aether sent out a bright beam of light from his eyes that struck the empty space above us. After a few moments, the Primordials all appeared along with their thrones.

"I spoke to the guy," I said. Aether then replayed the memory on a sort of screen similar to an Iris Message.

"Why couldn't he come out when I was keeping watch?" Erebus complained. The Primordials all rolled their eyes at that.

"He doesn't seem to be threat so I suggest we do not interfere in whatever he is doing," Pontus suggested. "I agree," Hypnos said while yawning as usual. The rest of us nodded in agreement.

"If he does approach any of us, we'll converse with him on peaceful terms," Chaos said.

"Can I kill him if he threatens us?" Nyx asked eagerly.

Tartarus was about to say something but Gaia interjected. "We'll decide when the time is right," she said. "For now, we'll go on with our usual business."

Everyone nodded at that and we were about to teleport away but soon stopped when we felt his energy signature once again.

A figure started to form out of thin air and looked similar to the figure I met earlier this day, only more solid. Tartarus, Chronos and a few other Primordials grabbed their weapons and kept them at the ready.

He took of his hood and a few of the older Primordials gasped.

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