《The Worst (Unthinkable)》Leave Me Alone


[Kiyo in MM]

'On the block where it ain't good at

I can't sweat you I'm like who dat?

I can't sweat you I don't do that

Tell you the truth

I ain't want you to depart

I wanted you but I can't fuck with you cause you different you can't play your part'

Seeing her call for the millionth time this week I decline the call praying that she would just stop hitting me up.

I was going out like a pussy and I hated to admit it but what star said that day really fucked with me, the more time I spent with her organically enjoying her company would eventually turn into me having genuine feelings for her and I wasn't having that.

I felt bad but I was really helping her out cause I truly wasn't shit.

She was a good girl and I didn't want to be the person to change that.

I hoped she would get the message and just stop pursuing me.

"You ok babe?" Kiyomi asks snatching me out my thoughts.

Me and kiyo always had an off and on situationship, we were never together but the way we acted towards each other you wouldn't be able to tell.

"Yea I'm good, just tired" I lie turning over laying my head under her breast as she ran her fingers through my hair.

I shut my eyes ready to sleep this whole day away.

I frowned watching and rewatching this kiyo girls instasnap, bel was layed up on her sleep and she captioned the video "I love listening to her breathe lol😍."

I would be lying if I said I didn't feel all types of ways, bel had been ignoring me for the past week and then I get on ig and see this.

It was like a blow to the face.

"Girl you still sad over cardi?" Cyn questions and I shake out of my thoughts looking over at her.

"Right, obviously she ain't thinking about you" Chyna adds before I could get a word out.

"It's just weird how she started ignoring me all of a sudden" I sigh looking down at my phone hoping to see her name flash across.

"Look nic I know you like the girl and everything but she obviously fell back so you gotta let it go, I haven't seen you this sick over a girl since nina from high school. Snap out of it ma if it's true it'll find it's way back" Amber says rubbing my back and I rest my head on her shoulder.


Nina was a girl I dated from sophomore year of high school to junior year, in the end we didn't work out but she would always hold a special place in my heart for helping me come to terms with my sexuality.

Belcalis was different though, I had never grown attached to somebody so quickly and everyday we seemed to grow closer, or atleast that's what I thought was happening.

"Yea, I guess you're right" I sigh leaning back on the couch.

"Look, how about we go out to the club tonight and find you a new boo" Rah smiles and everybody seems to agree.

"I'm not really in the mood" I reply with a blank face, I had perfected the art of masking my emotions.

"That's because your not drunk yet" Cyn goofily smiles.

I really wasn't in the mood to go out but I could use a drink or five.

"Nic slow down girl" Amber laughs as I down my fourth shot.

"Y'all the ones that dragged me out the house to drink and have fun right? Exactly so let me do that" I tell her before ordering another shot and she chuckles holding her hands up.

"Just don't go over 8" She laughs ordering herself two shots of patron.

I throw back the fifth shot before maneuvering my way through the sea of people and over to our small section.

The music was blaring throughout the building and I could already feel myself growing hot.

I knew that by the end of the night I was gone be a mess cause heat and hennessy don't mix.

"C'mon nic let's go dance" Chyna smiles holding her hand out and I playfully rolls my eyes but reluctantly take her hand.

We walk on the dancefloor as soon as back that azz up starts playing and everybody else migrates to the dancefloor.

"Show these bitches how to shake that ass nic" Chyna hypes me and I start going in.

I was sure the henny kicked in cause I was losing control twerking the fuck out of my ass on Chyna.

Everybody in our range attention was now on us cheering me on.

"Yea nic, shake that ass!" Chyna yells softly smacking my booty.

The song eventually came to an end and the people watching clapped and cheered after my performance.

"Girl you be in them books so much I thought you forgot about all that ass you got back there" Amber says handing me a patron shot and I giggle tossing it back.


I was actually enjoying myself.

We walk back over to our section and as soon as I sat down what I seen across the room made my blood boil.

Before I knew it I was in a drunken rage pushing myself through people to get over there.

"I wanna leave here with you tonight" She purrs in my ear and I smirk.

"Maybe" I simply respond.

"I'll make sure it's yes before the end of the night" She seductively whispers lightly grazing my earlobe with her teeth.

She walks away with extra sway in her hips and I was mesmerized until I was rudely interrupted by somebody mushing the fuck out my temple.

"Yo wh- nic what is you doing?" I ask confused as to why she just mushed me in my fucking head like that.

"You been ignoring me for a week straight but you haven't failed to be in every bitch in the bronx face!" She snaps slurring her words, pressing her manicured nail against my temple again.

"I know you drunk as fuck but stop putting ya fucking hands on me deadass" I warn her taking a step back.

"Fuck you I do whatever the fuck I want!" She snaps purposely mushing my temple.

I forcefully grab her hands holding them in front of her.

"Who you here with?" I question ignoring her glaring at me.

"Don't fuckin worry about it!" She slurs and I laugh shaking my head.

I honestly didn't feel like looking for her friends and I was ready to leave anyways, I had no intentions of even taking shorty home with me.

"C'mon, let's get ya drunk ass home" I laugh lightly pushing her towards the door so we could leave.

"Don't fuckin touch me" She jerks away speed walking out the club and I practically had to run to catch up.

"Yo you need to chill" I tell her as we reach my bentley and I unlock the doors.

"Fuck you" She spits getting in the car.

I chuckle getting in seeing her with her arms crossed, faced forward, looking out the window with a scowl.

"Put ya seatbelt on" I tell her and she surprisingly complies before resuming her previous position.

Shaking my head I start the car and pull off from the club.

The ride to her brownstone was long, silent, and filled with tension.

Parking in front of her stoop she jumps out the car to go open the door and I hurriedly get out the car closing my door behind me before rushing up the steps.

"Stop playing nic damn" I sigh as she tries to close the door on me but I was stronger than her so I forcefully push the door open and she scoffs as I close and lock the door behind me.

"Yo you really wildin" I chuckle walking past her going in the kitchen.

"Why are you here? Don't you have hoes to tend to" She asks and I could hear the jealousy drippin from her tone.

"If I wanted to yea, but I'm here trying to sober ya drunk ass up" I chuckle grabbing a piece of bread and pouring some cold water into a glass.

"I don't know why, you don't give a fuck about me" She says but this time her tone was softer, sad even.

"You think I would go out my way like this if I didn't give a fuck about you?" I ask turning around handing her the bread and water.

"Then why are you ignoring me?" She whines taking a small bite from her bread.

"You got some tylenol cause you gone need some" I laugh disregarding her question.

"Cardi, answer my question" She demands sitting the bread and water down on the counter.

"Look I just been busy and I'm not obligated to answer nobody calls" I shrug and she shakes her head.

"You're such an ass" She mumbles turning around and I grab her forearm forcefully turning her around.

"Why you always gotta be difficult, you can never just take what I say and let it go" I sigh looking down at her, we was only inches apart and I felt like I could hear her heart beating.

"Not when you're lying to me" She whispers leaning in but I step back before I lost control of myself.

"I'm gone call you tomorrow morning to check on you, I promise" I reassure her and she softly sighs looking down at the floor twiddling her fingers.

"Can you just stay with me until I fall asleep?" She asks looking up at me with glossy eyes and I sigh looking up at the ceiling.

Why is you doing me like this god?

"C'mon" I mumble walking past her going down the hallway.

This girl was becoming a serious fucking problem.

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