《[MTL, BL] God's Love Game [Unlimited]》1.10


Yu Su's unexpected innocence, those unfamiliar and ambiguous little gestures can easily make his heart surge and lose his sense of proportion.

But Yu Su is not the kind of shy boy who is completely stunned. After calming down, he turned his back on the guest, tilted his head, and directly bit Xiangnu's delicate and lustrous ears, and even Lightly licked it with the tip of his tongue.

Xiang Nu's pale complexion instantly flushed red, and she covered her mouth in a daze, 'looking' at Yu Su blankly and shyly, and gasped softly, and said in an uncomfortable tone, "Mr. Yu, you..."

Yu Su's arms were crossed . In front of him, he kept squeezing the slave, pressing him to stick to the wall of the car.

"The car for the random inspection is Car No. 1."

Once again, Xiang Slave bet against him, and everyone was completely convinced of the rules that Xiang Slave found out.

It's just that there are a total of 6 carriages, and 3 have been randomly checked. It is too late to find out the rules, and it is of little significance.

In particular, after the No. 1 carriage was checked, it would be landed by monsters at the next station, which made the taskers very frustrated.

But anyway, it's always good to know a little bit more.

Feng Hejia, who was sitting across from them, turned his face and wanted to say a few words to Xiangnu Yu Su, but he was stunned after seeing their movements.

I saw that most of Yu Su was pressing on Xiangnu, the beautiful young man was completely hidden by his back, and he could only see his slender and fair fingers clasped on Yu Su's back helplessly. Other than that, Feng Hejia couldn't see anything else.

But it doesn't matter if you can't see it, this scene is enough for her to think about it, and it makes up for the posture of the two people thoroughly.

Feng Hejia looked at the two with indescribable words, and admired that they were both really big-hearted.

During the first random inspection, Xiangnu went to the bathroom and stepped back to his seat. In the second spot inspection, the two did not return to the carriage at all. In the third spot inspection, the people were always there, but the two were in their positions...

Feng Hejia turned his face stiffly, stared at the gray-white chair cover in front of him, and said nothing.

After the broadcast, at the front of the carriage, the monster with the face and the body of a lion rudely pulled open the iron door, and walked in with a swaying tail.

Because this time it was the No. 1 car, so this time the monster didn't blow past like a gust of wind like the previous two times, but walked slowly from the front.

The head of the flight attendant monster is a human head, but its hair is messy, stained with a lot of blood, and it swells up and explodes together. No one can see its true appearance at all.

Before reaching the first position, its hind legs kept scratching its abdomen, and after a while, a dirty cardboard fell off.

The flight attendant picked up the cardboard, then held the cardboard and poked at the person next to him. The task person took the cardboard tremblingly and found that it was actually a sign-in form.

The first column is written with the passenger numbers of the taskers, and the second column is also the name column of the taskers, but it is empty.


There was also a ballpoint pen tied to the cardboard, and the task person who was pressed by the flight attendant held the ballpoint pen and looked at the flight attendant blankly, not knowing what to do? The sloppy flight attendant silently looked at the taskman

for five seconds, and suddenly shouted: "Look at your mother, sign for Laozi!"

, filthy, and there is a little bloodshot in the hair...

but the tasker has not noticed this, he widened his eyes, and said in fear: "You, you can talk!" The

flight attendant monster said coldly : "Idiot, of course I can speak with a human head. Hurry up to sign, and then your mother dawdling, believe it or not, I will take your head off and use it as a ball to kick." The tasker

was about to faint from fright, and said in a hurry: " Sign, sign what..."

Although the flight attendant was sloppy and could not see his face clearly, the fierceness in his eyes was clearly reflected at the moment. It could be seen that the flight attendant really wanted to unscrew the person on this mission, but perhaps he was in the Compartment rules, it's fairly restrained.

Chen Chengen, who was sitting in the back, looked over his head and couldn't bear it any longer. He came out and said, "Hello, Mr. flight attendant, may I serve you and help you fill in the sign-in form? It should be easier than passing everyone one by one. Everyone

was amazed at his boldness, the flight attendant glanced at him incredulously, and responded in a low voice.

Chen Chengen breathed a sigh of relief. After asking the passenger number and name of the tasker, he helped him fill in the sign-in form, and then asked in turn.

With the help of Chen Chengen, the sign-in was much faster. He fills in at the front, the flight attendant wagging his tail slowly behind.

After a while, Chen Chengen walked to the row of Yu Su and Xiangnu.

Feng Hejia 'looked' at Yu Su and the others. Yu Su had already let go of the slave, but still hugged him, and the slave almost buried his head in the ground. The thin pink and white skin was crimson and very beautiful. , very beautiful.

Fenghejia absently reported his passenger number to Chen Chengen: "006, Fenghejia."

Yu Su: "No. 003, Yu Su. No. 963, my slave."

Flight attendant: "Huh?"

Chen Chengen was writing about them Two names, I suddenly heard the flight attendant suddenly let out a suspicious hum, my heart was strange, I couldn't help looking back at him, and my eyes also subconsciously glanced at Yu Su and Xiangnu.

But the flight attendant was actually facing Feng Hejia, and it asked, "Ghost girl?"

Feng Hejia laughed shyly, and was suddenly revealed to be a monster, and she gave a low response a little uncomfortably.

The flight attendant seemed to just ask a question casually, and then didn't speak again.

It seemed that it was only attracted by the type of Feng Hejia, and Chen Chengen turned around again and continued the sign-in of the next tasker.

Only Feng Hejia, who was sitting in the same row with Yu Su and had no eye problems, saw everything. The flight attendant suddenly widened his eyes when he saw Yu Su, but he reacted very quickly, using the identity of Feng Hejia. Put your own strangeness to the past.

After the flight attendant and Chen Chengen walked past him, Feng Hejia's complicated eyes fell on Yu Su, and the stern young man slanted at her coldly, like a dead thing.


Feng Hejia's expression changed, and he took the initiative to make a zipper on his mouth, indicating that he would not say anything that should not be said, Yu Su withdrew his gaze. But Feng Hejia couldn't tell from his expression whether he was kind, malicious, or ignoring.

With the help of Chen Chengen, this time the spot check was faster. In less than 5 minutes, the flight attendant monster with the sphinx head was checked.

It glanced at the cardboard casually, and quickly slipped back into the cab with its tail tucked.

After he left, the task staff in the No. 1 carriage suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and Li Yue said with relief: "The spot check is over."

At this time, the broadcast sounded: "All passengers and friends are following the rules. No foul passengers. The train is about to enter the third station, and the beauty club will be sewed up. Please be prepared."

The atmosphere in the No. 1 carriage froze again, and everyone's eyes were divided into three parts, which fell on Feng and Jia respectively. , Feng and Lulu, and Mr. Yu, who claimed to have only done three missions, but went through all three sites once.

The gangster Wang Nan rolled his eyes, and his malicious eyes rolled around Fenghejia and Fenghe Lulu, deliberately ignoring Yu Su, and asked coldly, "Fenghejia, Fenghe Lulu, what about Fenghejia and Fenghe Lulu? Sewing beauty club, should you two give me an explanation?"

Feng Hejia was unmoved: "It just happened, what explanation is there? Instead of asking me, you might as well ask Mr. Yu why his three tasks are different from each other. The site has all crashed, which is more reliable."

Wang Nan was angry, and Feng Hejia thought he didn't want to ask? Isn't that because he doesn't dare...

Feng He Lulu's eyes are as black as mercury pills, translucent and cold, not as easy-going and vivid as Feng He Jia, staring at Wang Nan coldly, making him very uncomfortable.

Then someone whimpered and cried: "What should I do, I've only participated in three missions, and I haven't turned into a monster. I'm very weak. After the third station arrives, if it's like last time, maybe it's the same. There will be monsters in our car, will I be selected by the monsters? I don't want to die..." The

atmosphere was so depressed and depressed in the cry.

Li Yue couldn't take it anymore, he put all his hopes on Xiangnu, trusted him abnormally, and asked for help with anticipation: "Brother Xiang, you are so smart, you have discovered the rules of random inspection of carriages that no one has discovered. , you must have a way, right? After we arrive at the site for a while, if there are monsters in the car to attack us, what should we do at that time!

" Xiangnu relieved: "Don't worry, Jiren has their own good looks. , we won't be in danger."

Li Yue couldn't help but dejected, Xiangnu's answer was obviously not what he wanted, he lamented loudly, Xiangnu pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Mr. Yu and I went down before. Car No. 4, if there is no accident, Mr. Lin Cheng in Car No. 4 should throw a few monsters in when passing by Yinguang to test whether Yinguang is dangerous."

Everyone was stunned, and a look of anticipation appeared in their eyes.

If the monsters can pass, will they be able to escape?

Xiangnu said: "Of course, the point I want to talk about is not the silver light, but the monsters that were thrown out."

He thought about it and said, "There should be a lot of invisible rules in the carriage, some for us, and some for us. For monsters on the site. But the broadcast didn't say it, and we don't know. Just from what happened at the site before, I'll make a bold guess, that is, the taskers in the carriage can be replaced by monsters, but the number of people in the carriage But it must not be less."

Yu Su suddenly raised his eyes, looking at Xiangnu's eyes suddenly filled with light.

Xiangnu didn't look at all, as if he didn't notice it, and continued: "If the number of people in the carriage is small, I can't say whether it's the unfortunate worker or the monster on the site. I prefer the monster on the site. Two reasons."

"One, the monsters on the site are more obsessed with filling the carriages than we are. If there are no monsters to replace, such as the female corpse in No. 7 carriage, she would rather not kill people and just control the tasker in that carriage. , which proves that this regulation must have a great impact on monsters, so they will abide by it."

"Second, from the performance of the second station's flight attendants eating monsters, it seems to have a big hatred with the station monsters, and the taskers. The attitude is average. If the crowd in the carriage really cannot be less, but there are fewer people, and it has to choose one of the taskers and the site monsters to be held accountable, I think it will choose the site monsters to vent its anger. "

His guess and analysis were well-founded, and everyone's eyes lit up at once.

"But these are all speculations, and no one knows whether the No. 1 car will be affected. Since No. 7 car was opened by the taskers who had participated in related tasks, I suggest that the two Ms. Fenghe take the initiative to cooperate. Let us limit the personal freedom of the two of you for a while, are you willing to cooperate?"

Xiangnu 'looked' at Xiang Fenghejia, Fenghejia glanced at Yu Su vaguely, and when he saw that he did not respond, he chuckled: "Mr. Xiang, it's true that Feng and Lulu were transformed into monsters in this dungeon, but that doesn't mean that the two of us were the only ones in the carriage who participated in this mission. Let's not talk about other missionaries who didn't take the initiative to explain. As for the Mr. Yu next to you, he took the initiative to say that he had participated in the sewing and beauty club."

"If you want to restrict the personal freedom of me and Feng and Lulu, what about him?"

Xiangnu smiled slightly, It doesn't matter: "This is just a suggestion, I am not going to forcibly restrict the personal freedom of the two Ms. Fenghe, the two have the right to refuse and accept, the same is true for Mr. Yu, I don't care, after all, I just want to force them , and there is no such force value."

Xiangnu's attitude is very relaxed and casual: "If anyone thinks that they can force the two Ms. Fenghe and Mr. Yu to cooperate when they are unwilling, they can try it out, anyway, I can't."

The author has Something to say:

Xiang slave: Who can do it for you, I can't anyway

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