《Revenging You (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 2- I will never leave you


A month passed, 2 weeks for Halloween. (Y/n) received the new that she had to move out for New York, because of her father's job. She was sad...She didn't wanna leave Michael. So, she decided to tell him.

After school, they went always home together, so it was the perfect moment.

But then, one of the oldest and the coolest guys in the school, that was (Y/n)'s cousin, was in front of them. Michael didn't like him, but neither did (Y/n).

"Hey, dumbasses! You're going to the Halloween party?" He asked with a dumb smile on the face.

"Leave us alone, Derek..." (Y/n) said rolling her eyes "Aunt Kayla will be mad if she finds out that you're gonna have a party in her house..."

"She doesn't need to know!", He replied laughing while they were walking "Anyway, you're coming or what?"

"Why do you need to know?" She asked

Derek sighed looking to the sky.

"It's just that your sister will go, Mikey..."

Michael made a discussing look. How could a person even like his sister. She was a futile slut who just cared about appearance. She wore suuuper short skirts and shorts and she used super heavy make-up. There wasn't any natural beauty in her! He hated her.

"And I was thinking, that if you go, you can introduce me to her! And..."

"Not gonna happen, Derek" (Y/n) interrupted her cousin with a serious look on her face. She put her arm behind his shoulder "Besides, me and Michael have already plans. We will trick or treating in the town"

Derek laughed falsely and he started to run with his bag on his back.

"Okay, have fun little bitches!"

He disappeared with the distance and (Y/n) started to talk again.


"Don't listen to him. He's a jerk" she said and he laughed. Then, she remembered the thing that she wanted to tell him. She took a sigh and ans she closesd her eyes "Look, Michael...I have to tell you something..."

The blond boy looked at her confused, and he titlted his head, which was cute in (Y/n)'s eyes.

"What? What is it?" He asked confused and scared.

The girl took a sigh. How could she tell him such a thing? He would be so sad...She promised that she would never abandon him...

"It's that...Um...My father...My father received a better purpose of job and...We have to go live in New York..." She said with almost tears on her eyes "We go away in a month..."

Michael was almost crying and he didn't know what to say...He was angry, but broken...He didn't want (Y/n) to go away...He needed her there, close to him. He couldn't imagine living in a world without his best friend.

"Are you going to abandon me?" He asked sad and confused.

"I will never abandon you! You're my best friend! Even if we are separated, you'll always be in my heart" She replied hugging him, but crying at the same time.

Michael was crying too. He couldn't lose her. She was all he had in the world. He, he loved her...But she just saw him as a best friend...

"Don't worry! One day I'll come back for you! And we will be together again!" She said trying to cheer him up "You'll see! Our friendship doesn't have walls! We're gonna make it"

Michael nooded his head still with tears on his eyes. She cleaned his tears, and she she smiled kindly to him, the smile that he loved to see...


Michael was on his house, on the garden, eating a sandwich. Looking at the sky, full of clouds.

Then, (Y/n) appeared crying very much and suddenly, hugging Michael. She closed her eyes and Michael went shocked.

"(Y/n)! What's going on?! Are you alright?!" Michael asked worried and sad for seeing her like that.

He cleaned her tears, and she put her hands on her face.

"Michael...I'm going away tomorrow..." She said crying.

Michael was confused, but sad at the same time. How? It's only been 3 days.

"What? I thought you were just going in a month!"

She looked at him revealing her red eyes for the cry. He didn't want to see her like her! He liked to see her smiling.

"My dad said that we have to go tomorrow, because of the house...We will not have our Halloween together..."

She cried even more and Michael put his hand on her shoulder, making her stop crying.

"We will always be together..." He said with a kind smile.

She smiled too and they hugged each other again. Feeling that it would be their last hug.

Suddenly, Ronnie, his step father, appeared in front of the door, laughing amused.

"Aww...Is that your girlfriend, Mikey? You're not gay? That surprises me!"

Michael glared at him, making (Y/n) put her hand on his shoulder and smile to him.

Everything was ready in the car. All the photos, clothes, everything.

Michael and (Y/n) were together playing their last game. It hurt them knowing that they would never play games everyday like that anymore.

"Promise me that you'll never forget me..." Michael said to her lying on the grass with her.

"I will not, Michael. I promise...And promise that you'll never forget me?"

"I will not, (Y/n). I promise..."

"(Y/n)! Say goodbye to Michael, and then, we go, okay?" (Y/n)'s father called her inside of the car.

They stood up and they looked at each other. Michael looked at her (e/c) eyes, that he will never see again. And (Y/n) replies him with a kind smile.

They were very close, and Michael just came closer, planning to give her a goodbye kiss. But she just hugged him, and he hugged her back.

That feeling of wanting more invaded him again, but he ignored it, for enjoying the moment.

They were crying very much, but, they separated each other.

"I will never forget you, Michael...You'll always be with me" (Y/n) said and she took something from a bag. It was a mask of a clown "This is for you. I want you to use this in Halloween. Then, you will always remember me, and you will feel as I am with you"

He took it and he cried even more. He felt very weak and he was already missing her.

She kissed his cheek and she started to run to the car.

"I'LL NEVER LEAVE YOU, MICHAEL!" She yelled inside of the car, as it started to turn on.

They said goodbye with their hands and Michael started to cry without stop. He felt weak, and he wanted to smash something. So, he picked a jar and he broke it in the ground. He started to scream in pain and agony. People looked at him like if he was crazy. But he didn't mind. He wanted to let go his pain, and he knew the perfect thing to do...

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