《Tear in my heart °vampire diaries°》Chapter 23: Uncle Mason the asshole


(A/N what's y'alls favorite and least favorite thing about my story. Please tell me both so I can improve 😊. Love yall)

"So you and elena broke up?" I asked stefan.

"Yeah. The Mikaelsons are after you?" He questioned.


"You know I wont let anyone touch you right," he said to me.

"I know. With damon being a badass and you always brooding what could go wrong?" I questioned sarcastically.

He playfully shoved me and rolled his eyes. Me and stefan have become really close since everything started. I'm glad for it.

I saw mason and decided to be civil and talk to him. Tyler seems to think Mason is Gods gift to the world so I act civil. I noticed he was talking to the Sherrif.

"We have two vampires here, and between us a werewolf too," was he selling us out?

"Who. And werewolves exist?" She cried.

"Sorry, Sherrif Forbes, mason here hit his head and I think it's a concussion. Wont listen to me and go to the doctor," I said coming over.

"Shes the warewolf," he glared at me.

"That's hilarious. Sorry again sheriff, we will be on our way," I told her.

Suddenly mason pulled a napkin from his suit and pressed it against my arm.

"Ah fuck!" I scream in pain.

"Wolves bane. See sherrif. That's why shes always with the salvatore, their vampires," he said and grabbed my arm to keep me from running.

"Let go of me," I growled.

"Where do we take them?" She asked.

I went to his him but he put the wolfsbane to my neck. I screamed in pain again.

"I know where," he told her.

She had a few people go grab my salvatores. Mason started leading me to the old lockwood house.


"Dont worry, you'll live through this. I have incentive to keep you alive," he said to me.

"Then let me go," I told him.

"No. You'll watch your salvatores die first," mason told me.

"What about Tyler! He'll never forgive you!" I screamed.

"He will when he hears the story of how you didnt tell him damon was a vampire, and how damon murdered you in cold blood. He will love me when I tell him how hard I tried to save you," mason said.

"You bastard," I said.

I wanted to use my powers but with wolfsbane against my neck I was in too much pain. It was weakening me and I was running out of options.

He drug me into the lockwood mansion cellar thing. He chained me up and laughed at my helplessness. Without the wolfsbane I may be able to use my magic.

I got to mumbled a spell, he poured a liquid down my throat. I cried in pain but instantly felt weaker. He just made me drink wolfsbane.

"You're at my mercy Cameron. Quit fighting," mason said.

"Burn in hell," I mumbled in pain.

The salvatores were brought down minutes later. Damon saw me and I swear he saw red.

"Let her go! Let her go!" It was obvious he was vervained but wanted to help me.

"Dont hurt her!" Stefan cried.

"She will get what's coming to her after we deal with you," mason sneered.

"Dont hurt them!" I cried.

I saw the sherriff's men grab stakes. They were going to kill them. I had to do something. I mumbled a low energy spell. One that makes people forget what they are doing for a short period of time. With the wolfsbane in me, it was to powerful and I passed out after casting it.


Her spell bought us the time needed. Caroline rushed down and saved us, locks up her mom, and gets mason out of there. I ran over and freed Cameron, her unconscious body falls into my arms.

I needed her blood to regain strength so I might have drank alot from her. She would forgive me for this lared.

"Thank you for saving us, love," I whispered picking her up bridal style.

I rush her home and place her in my bed. I smile as I stare down at her sleeping figure. She is honestly so beautiful, I dont get how I'm so lucky to have her. I wonder what shes going to tell her brother now with mason, she already has to ask about the moonstone. I laid beside her sleeping figure and pulled her into my arms.

"Goodnight, love," I whispered, before falling asleep myself.

I snuck into Tyler's room after we compelled Caroline's mom. Scarlett was comforting the blonde so I could meet with tyler. He has to know what mason is like, and I need the moonstone.

As nice as the sun and moon curse breaking in my favor sounds, I know it's a bad idea. I waited in Tyler's room until he came up with some food.

"You look scared, what's wrong?" He asked me.

"Is mason here?" I asked shakily.

"No. Why?"

"We need to talk."

"We do. I almost killed someone," he told me.

"You what?" I exclaimed, he cant have this curse.

"Yeah. A girl was messing with the moonstone. When I tried to get it back I accidentally shoved her down the stairs. What's bad is for a split second I hope she died," he told me guiltily.

"Tyler. You dont want this curse. Sure, the speed and strength is amazing, but it isn't worth the pain," I told him.

"I agree. That's why I'm done with this. After talking with Mason I gave him the moonstone so i dont have to worry about it anymore. I'm done with this all," he explained.

"Y-you gave Mason the moonstone?" I asked in horror.

"Cam, what's wrong?" He asked me.

"Tyler, i have to tell you something you dont want to here," i said to him.

"Cameron your scaring me," he said.

"Mason tried to kill me. Hes a bad guy. Hes going to use the stone for evil," I told him.

"I'm sure it was an accident. He knows how much i love you," he told me.

"He cuffed me up and forced me to drink wolfsbane," I told him.

"Mason would never," tyler told me.

"Did he say what he wanted the moonstone for?" I asked panicked.

"He said its special to him. An old family relic," he said.

"Damn it. I'm going to die," I paced.

"Cam, how does this effect you?" He demanded.

"Tyler I have to go. I love you," I said to him.

"Okay. I love you to," he said.

I ran from his room and back to the salvatore boarding house.

"We are so utterly screwed!" I screamed entering the house.

"What?" Scarlett asked coming in.

"Mason has the moonstone. This isn't good," I mumbled.

"We will figure this out," she said and wrapped her arms around me.

"I sure hope so," I told her.

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