《Tear in my heart °vampire diaries°》Chapter 14: Sibling Bonding


I woke up one morning to see tyler in my bedroom.

"What the hell?" I asked seeing him sitting in the middle of the floor.

"Hello," he said with a smile.

"Tyler. Dont take this the wrong way, but why the hell are you sitting on my floor?" I demanded.

"We havent really hung out since we found out we were siblings, so I broke into your room," he told me.

"I- nevermind. Let me get dressed and we can head to the grill," I said shaking my head at him.

"Cool," he said with a huge grin and left my room.

I put on an nf hood and pair of jeans. I pulled my hair into a high pony tail and walked downstairs to see elena and jeremy glaring at tyler.

"Why is he here?" Jeremy demanded.

"You know how i told you i was adopted," i told Jeremy.


"Tyler's father is also my father," I told him.

"What?" He demanded.

"Surprise," I said and waved my hands.

Jeremy just shot me a cold look before heading up to his room. This was not how I was planning on telling him Tyler is my brother.

"Looks like you wont be the favorite anymore," elena sneered before heading upstairs.

"Dont listen to her. Jeremy's just shocked, he cant avoid you forever," tyler conforted.

"Can we just go?" I asked him.

"Yeah. It's about time we had a day to bond. Sorry I've been an ass for the past seventeen years by the way," he told me.

"Yeah yeah. You're halfway forgiven," I said following him to his truck.

We sat in a booth at mystic grill and started to make small talk.

"What's your favorite song?" He asked me.

"Paralyzed by nf," I told him.


"I relate to it alot. It talks about being kind of numb to emotions and stuff like that. I feel numb on a daily basis, but it's been better recently," I told him.


"Its damon isnt it?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yeah. Some of it. Also stefan. You. My own mom amd dad gave me up. Then my adopted parents never loved me. Elena's hated me forever. I was alone. Then this year happened," I admitted.

"I'm sorry I ever made you feel alone," he told me.

"You didnt know we were siblings," I told him.

"I bullied you for years. It doesnt matter of we were siblings or not. I became even worse when your parents died. I'm an awful person," he told me.

"Maybe a little bit," I said amd he laughed,"but your changing."

"Yeah, I guess you have that effect on people. Next question. Are you and damon a thing?"

"No. I kinda wish, but no. You looking at anyone?"

"I'm the quarterback. I get whatever girl I want," he said with a cocky grin.

"Whatever. You are not as charming as you think," I teased.

About that time bonnie walked in. Tyler shot me a smirk before he approached her. He tried to flirt with bonnie which resulted in him getting slapped in the face.

"Any girl you want?" I questioned.

"Shut up."

"My turn for a deep personal question. Does your dad ever mention my mom?"

"No. I've never heard her name before. In a small town like this it's a little hard for me not to know who she is," he admitted.

"Do you think shes alive?" I asked him.

"I dont know."

We sat in an awkward silence as we sipped our drinks. I was enjoying getting to know tyler, but it was still awkward at times. We spent our entire lives hating eachother to find out we are siblings.

"Let's go see I'd we can find your mom," tyler told me.


"Yeah. The library's down the street. Let's go stalk someone," he said making me laugh.


We walked into the library and walked over to one of the computers and put in my moms name.

"Alice summers. Well that basic white name pulled up about a thousand options," tyler mumbled.

"Try typing your dad in to," I suggested.

He tensed up slightly before doing so. It settled to one instagram account. We clicked on it to see a picture of a woman with bright red hair and green eyes. Her smile looked a lot like me. She was tan with freckles lining her face.

"You have her eyes and her smile," tyler told me.

We scrolled through her feed. Alot of it was different tattoos she did. We both stopped on one photo.

It was a photo with my name tattood on her wrist with this caption.

"What are the chances my dad didnt lie to your mom about your death?" He asked me.

"Might be higher then you think," I said looking at the top comment.

Shelia bennet

"You look like your going to pass out," tyler said putting an arm around me to support me.

"I might."

He closed the tab. That was the last photo shes posted in a year. My mom thinks I'm dead.

"Tyler..." I said staring at the blank screen of the computer.

"Let's head back to my place," he told me.

I nodded slowly and he drove me back to my place. We walked inside and his dad glared at me as we walked by. There was something going on here and I wanted to know what.

"Do you have a bathroom?" I asked him.

"Are you going to cut. I know you hide a blade in your phone case?" He asked me.

"Tyler do you have a damn bathroom," i said and started to freak out.

Why does my mom think I'm dead. Why do i have a feeling Bonnie's grandmother was part of it. I felt the entire world spinning around me.

Suddenly tyler wrapped his arms around me in hug. It was warm and comforting.

"You're not alone anymore. I'm here for you," he said holding onto me tightly.

I hugged him back and let tears fall from eyes. We stayed in the embrace until I finally calmed down. We sat on his bed in silence.

"I'm glad your my brother," I said breaking the silence.

"What?" He asked.

"All day you talked about how you're an ass. Which you are, but your also a pretty awesome brother," I said making him smile.

"Thank you. Need a ride home?"

"Yeah. I do."

He dropped me off at my house and I walked up to my room to see Jeremy sitting on my bed.

"I'm sorry I didnt tell you," I told him.

"I get why you didnt," he said,"when I read Elena's diary it told me something. You killed vicki," he said.

"She was going to hurt you-"

"And it made you a werewolf."

"It did."

"So. Does tyler know you killed his girlfriend, or if he kills someone hes turning into a wolf?" Jeremy asked me.

"Theres no easy way to bring up that conversation. "

"So. I'll make a deal with you," Jeremy said with an evil grin.

"What's the deal?"

"You quit hanging out with tyler and I dont tell him any of that. You continue to get closer to him and he knows you killed his girlfriend and you didnt tell him about the wolf thing."

"What the hell Jeremy!" I screamed in anger,"you cant!"

"Test me. I will tell him," he said before leaving my room.

Why does this kind of shit keep happening to me?

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