《Tear in my heart °vampire diaries°》Chapter 3: dinner parties


"Elana, have you noticed caroline is acting weird?" I asked my sister.

"Shes not acting weird," elana told me.

"Its the middle of summer and shes wearing a scarf," I deadpanned.

"Cam go bother someone else," she snapped.

I rolled my eyes and walked away to my next class. On my way bonnie stopped me.

"Do you like stefen?" She asked me.

"I dont really care one way or another," I told her honestly.

"Its your sister," she hissed.

"And she wouldn't care if it were me," I told her.

"You're an awful sister. You were even at your parents funeral!" She basically growled.

I had no response. She was right. I wasnt there. I couldnt be there. I couldnt pull myself out of bed that day and look at the dead bodies in the casket. So I stayed in bed and I cried all day. At the reception at our house, I stayed in my room. I couldnt face anyone, but everyone took it as a sign of not loving them.

But of course I don't tell bonnie that. She wouldn't understand anyways. I just walked to my next class and plopped in my seat. I saw my sister and her new boyfriend walk in. Elena was wearing a beautiful new necklace.

"Nice necklace!" I said to my sister.

"Whatever," she hissed making me roll my eyes.

After class I met up with jeremy. We were in the woods and it was after his talk with Vicki.

"Why do you like her Jer?" I asked as he took another hit.

"She amazing. Listen I know you think shes just some druggie," he said.

"I do. I really, really do," I told him.

"But shes more then that. I really like her Cam," he told me.


"Then I'll back off. Just know if it goes wrong, I'll only tell you i told you so once," I said making him laugh.

"How was school?" He asked me.

"Sucked. Elena is back to pretending I dont exist. Bonnie acts like I'm not there all the time. Caroline at least says hi and asks how I am. Then theres Tyler," I basically growl his name.

I hate that motherfucker.

"I know he treats you bad. I'm sorry," jer put his arm around me.

"He does. At least I have you. Your the best brother ever," I told him.

"And you the best sister ever," eventually I left him and headed home.

He was going to hang put with Vicki and I wanted no part in that. I got home and saw elena cooking and bonnie in the livingroom.

"Where were you?" Jenna demands.

"Hanging out with Jeremy. I was helping him study, but I wanted to get home. He'll be at the library pretty late tonight," I covered for jeremy.

"Yeah okay Elena's boyfriend is coming over so set the table and dont embarrass her," jenna told me.

I nodded and did what I was told to do. After I set the table I went up to my room.

"I hate your sister. Shes always trying to get attention," I heard bonnie say as I ascended to my room.

"I know. It's been worse since our parents died," elena said.

Tears filled my eyes but I blinked them away. I wont cry over what my sister thinks about me. I wont.

I lay on my bed and pull out my laptop. I start watching netflix till I heard someone knock on the door.

I check my hair then run downstairs to be with everyone. I really dont care about bonnie and stefan liking eachother, I just want the food.


"Bonnie has family from the Salem witch trials," Elena said trying to lighten the mood.

"Now that's interesting," stefan said.

"Yeah. Maybe Bonnie's a witch," I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Oh Cameron. I forgot you were here," elena said making me roll my eyes.

"The foods great elena," I tried to be polite.

"I know. So stefan-" then there was a knock at the door.

I got up to open it. I saw damon and Caroline. Thank fucking God.

"For the love of god, come-"

"Damon, why are you here?" Stefan demanded.

"For one I'm waiting for Cameron here to let me in," I said eyeing the white haired girl.

"Yeah, come on in," she said smiling at me and caroline.

As soon as I walked past her I got the smell of fresh blood again. I got her hand and brought it up to my lips to kiss it. I saw tense up as I did. As i kissed her hand the smell of an open wound became stronger. I chose to ignore it for the time being.

"We just wanted to join you for dinner!" Caroline said energetically.

God she was annoying.

"Of course. Follow me," Cameron's quiet voice chimmed.

We followed her to the dining room. Me and caroline got a plate of food and sat chatting with everyone.

"Stefan made the football team!" Elena said with a smile.

"Yeah he really stuck it tyler," cameron said, but no one noticed.

"I do always tell my brother to get out there more," I said and sent a teasing smirk his way.

Stefan glared at me but then recomposed himself. The rest of the dinner was awkward. Stefan was basically dragging me put of the door.

"Let me say goodbye first brother," I told him and turned to Cameron.

"Goodbye Cameron," I said kissing her hand again.

The smell of the blood was intoxicating. It became stronger the closer her wrist got closer to me. I suddenly froze. She gave me a weird look, but I recovered quickly.

"Bye Damon," she said and turned to go upstairs.

I said goodbye to everyone else then left with my brother. I knew there was something going on with cameron, I just didnt think it was this.

That night I snuck back into the Gilbert residence and went up to Cameron's room. She was sound asleep and had music playing in the room. I walked over and gently grabbed her wrist, praying I would see what I knew I'd see.

I rolled down the sleeve of the hoodie she was sleeping in to see cuts and scaring littering her wrist and forearm. I dropped her wrist and left out her window. Why would she do this to herself?

And why do I care? I'm here for Katherine. And katherine only. Not to help Cameron Gilbert.

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